Big Govt Pays Big for Snow ‘Disaster’


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
citizens are hosed to pay for weather in States they don't live in. how lovely. what a gig eh?

Charging taxpayers for weather lets the administration claim that fighting “global warming,” is costing billions and something must be done.
Big Govt Pays Big for Snow ‘Disaster’
By Michael R. Shannon -- Bio and Archives March 15, 2016

In 1930, if you told big government progressives in coming years they would be able to charge taxpayers for weather while increasing the size and power of the federal government, I doubt you would have been believed.

People weren’t as credulous then.

Today common weather events are declared “disasters” and governors go to Washington begging for federal handouts. That’s how taxpayers in Minnesota and Wisconsin wind up paying for a snow storm in Virginia.

Since the first response of most Americans to a “disaster” is to offer to lend a hand, you’re probably thinking “those poor people,” trapped for weeks like Ernest Shackleton in the Antarctic.

You demand the government spare no expense mounting a rescue effort. In the meantime, the least the feds can do is drop food from helicopters like they did for those Montana cows.
You may also wonder why, in this time of Virginia’s obvious need, no one was sitting outside the grocery store soliciting funds for survivors.

In the meantime, without getting all “Pulp Fiction,” you’d like to know some of the details of the disaster.

How can I make this account acceptable for mixed company?

Here’s the sequence of events: Northern Virginia received a winter storm alert. Weather people hyperventilated. Toilet paper disappeared. Snow fell for two days. Flakes landed on the roadway. Educrats canceled school. Teachers danced. Plows buried parked cars.

Mass transit became missing transit. Private sector workers slid to work. Teachers continued dancing for the rest of the week.

And that’s the sum total of the “disaster.”

Taking care of roads and preparing for weather is a state responsibility, not a federal responsibility. Paying for clearing state roads is the state’s job and the money should be raised from its taxpayers.

Yet the governors of Virginia and Maryland both rushed to declare winter weather a disaster, hoping Uncle Sam would foot the cleanup bill.

All of it here:
Big Govt Pays Big for Snow ‘Disaster’
canadian free press?

As David McCullough wrote in his masterful “The Johnstown Flood” the state of Pennsylvania and private donors helped survivors and rebuilt after the 1889 flood that killed 2,209 people.

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake was met in full by California leadership, without any pleading for other taxpayers to foot the bill for people who choose to live over an earthquake fault.

sure lets go back to the way things were done in the 20 th century.....
Yes...we must all learn to depend on Big Gov for all our needs.

that's what happens when they do. they pay for roads to be plowed in a state they don't LIVE in. it used to be for Hurricanes and Tornadoes. now it's for if it snows a few inches. they don't speak up about it. so what can we do.
doing things for the common terribly bad and all....
Yeah it is okay to steal from all Americans, at the point of gun, for the common good.

Who determines what is a common good? Corrupt lying pols that's who...yeah that should work out well.

The coercive power of government...isn't it wonderful?
doing things for the common terribly bad and all....
Yeah it is okay to steal from all Americans, at the point of gun, for the common good.

Who determines what is a common good? Corrupt lying pols that's who...yeah that should work out well.

The coercive power of government...isn't it wonderful?
Corrupt bureaucracies are the new fad bro
so lets give up the electric realize that would be hard to do with this self paying society and schools fuck that education (okay trump voters have already done that in real life) roads...damn those roads we do not need them....and commerical trucking fuck that......o and the cdc....and vaccines.....fuck all that...just sit at home and pick your nose and look down on your neighbors
o and the you think you would have that? why dont yall go off the grid for a year and prove you can do what you think you can do
so lets give up the electric realize that would be hard to do with this self paying society and schools fuck that education (okay trump voters have already done that in real life) roads...damn those roads we do not need them....and commerical trucking fuck that......o and the cdc....and vaccines.....fuck all that...just sit at home and pick your nose and look down on your neighbors
Nobody complains about basic government services, bones. Don't start getting all ignorantly radical on us this morning.
yall went there first now didnt tn tell me what basic services you are good with...and is the net a basic service.....go on enlighten me....then tell me the services you would do away with...
Alaska's road maintenance is included in military spending on national defense. The Fed's used it as blackmail to force us to make weed illegal back in... ah 1990 I believe, could have been '89.
no but the net is brought to you by the 'common good' do you not get did not pay into researching the please answer me.....
now discussing the feds using funds to blackmail the states is one thing and they do it all the damned the drinking age...make it 21 or lose federal funds...

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