China May Have More Problems Than Realized.

The world does business with Taiwan also

Everyone wanted peace through trade with china

But china wants peace through world domination

China isn't the biggest threat to peace.

I would argue the Zionist Entity is.

Asia is relatively peaceful, unlike the Middle East, which has been an ongoing dumpster fire since 1948.

That may be ok for chinese and pussy whipped Americans

But its not the world I want our children to live in

Why does it bother you.

WHEN China surpasses us as the world's largest economy, how does that effect your life? We surpassed the UK at one point, and frankly, most Brits were like, "Meh".

My life is no different living in the second biggest economy than the first biggest economy

(Seriously, I think a lack of pussy is your main problem... but I'm sure you've heard things about sideways hoo-has.)
Chinese families preferred boy babies

Many female babies were killed in a 4th trimester abortion thanks to china’s inhumane one child policy

Yes, and that was a problem before the People's Republic. Boys are an economic benefit, girls are an economic drag.

Now that there is such an imbalance, girl babies are considered more valuable.
Being slightly better than china is not good enough

They dont care how many chinese soldiers die as long as they win

But I want to win and have our troops live to tell about it

Well, that's kind of the problem.

You don't win wars unless you are willing to make sacrifices.

That's why the US hasn't won a war since WWII, and even in that one, other countries were doing most of the heavy lifting.
Because of their One Child policy, China has 31 million excess males.

That's a lot of fodder.

We're gonna need a lot of bullets.

I imagine this has also made the females more selective in their mates. More materialistic.

"What can you do for me, boi?"

Not exactly.

In China, if a woman isn't married by the time she's 30, she is considered a Shèngnǚ 剩女 (Leftover Woman), and it's considered a disgrace.

There is also a phenomenon in China called Tang ping 躺平 (Lying Flat), where young people give up on the working world.

Now, there is a disparity between men and women, but the way Chinese men are getting around that is by recruiting mail order brides from neighboring, poorer countries.

China isn't the biggest threat to peace.

I would argue the Zionist Entity is.

Asia is relatively peaceful, unlike the Middle East, which has been an ongoing dumpster fire since 1948.

Why does it bother you.

WHEN China surpasses us as the world's largest economy, how does that effect your life? We surpassed the UK at one point, and frankly, most Brits were like, "Meh".

My life is no different living in the second biggest economy than the first biggest economy

(Seriously, I think a lack of pussy is your main problem... but I'm sure you've heard things about sideways hoo-has.)
If it was the economy of a free and democratic nation thats different

But an inhumane one-party communist dictatorship is unacceptable
If it was the economy of a free and democratic nation thats different

But an inhumane one-party communist dictatorship is unacceptable

Democracy produced garbage like Trump, you can understand why the world is slowly giving up on it.

Now, on a serious note, the issue is not Communism vs. Capitalism.

It's whether a Technocracy (China) is more efficient than a Plutocracy (USA)
I dont think he did

Yes, we need a merit based immigration policy that only admits younger snd [sic] highly educated new people ...

That's exactly the opposite of what you've said time and time again.
Really? Is that what you meant by all your endless bitching about students from China?
I dont remember making specific comments about students from china

But I will if you insist

Why dont you fire the first shot?

What about them interests you?
I dont remember making specific comments about students from china

But I will if you insist

Why dont you fire the first shot?

What about them interests you?
YOU constantly bring it up, not me.
Really? Is that what you meant by all your endless bitching about students from China?
Are they really students or spies? You know these Chinese students absorbed what they learn here and send back to China. Greedy elite universities are happy as long as the money keeps flowing. You ever wonder why people around the globe aren't rushing to attend universities in China but prefer US, UK, S. Korea, and Japan instead. China has yet to produce an indigenous innovator. All their modern tech came from Westernized nations either through theft, spying, and attending universities in the West.
... China has yet to produce an indigenous innovator. ...


Name one domestically educated iconic figure in China who is comparable to Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Michael Dell. How many modern tech that are currently in China are indigenous to China?
Name a modern tech that is originated from China?
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