Biden’s VA to Expand IVF to Gays.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It's sick out there and getting sicker.

No wonder the left made such a big deal over a recent state court ruling. They aren't interested at all in normalcy. All they are interested in is deviancy and spreading it to every corner.

Notice, they are always "proud" when they push these things. Pride goeth before a fall.

The Department of Veterans Affairs under Joe Biden is set to expand taxpayer-funded fertility treatments to unmarried persons, including homosexual couples and would-be single parents.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said “raising a family is a wonderful thing” and he was “proud that VA will soon help more Veterans have that opportunity.”

Previously, fertility treatments were only available to married, heterosexual couples. Now, qualified veterans will have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated sperm or eggs.

Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has helped to push the “inclusive” changes, said they were “an important step forward that will help more veterans start and grow their families — and it’s especially timely as IVF is under attack from the far right.”

Murray was likely referring to an Alabama court ruling that fertilized embryos qualify as children, leading some fertility treatments in the state to be paused amid fears disposing of unviable or unused embryos could be a crime.

Far from endorsing this, Republican leader Donald Trump urged lawmakers in the state to protect access to IVF. Legislators and the state governor quickly passed a law doing so.

I don’t take issue with the VA helping married couples gay or straight conceive. I do think it should be limited to married couples and not extended to unmarried single people. The government should not be promoting single parent families as there is some pretty good evidence that home environment is not the best.
It's sick out there and getting sicker.

No wonder the left made such a big deal over a recent state court ruling. They aren't interested at all in normalcy. All they are interested in is deviancy and spreading it to every corner.

Notice, they are always "proud" when they push these things. Pride goeth before a fall.

The Department of Veterans Affairs under Joe Biden is set to expand taxpayer-funded fertility treatments to unmarried persons, including homosexual couples and would-be single parents.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said “raising a family is a wonderful thing” and he was “proud that VA will soon help more Veterans have that opportunity.”
Previously, fertility treatments were only available to married, heterosexual couples. Now, qualified veterans will have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated sperm or eggs.
Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has helped to push the “inclusive” changes, said they were “an important step forward that will help more veterans start and grow their families — and it’s especially timely as IVF is under attack from the far right.”
Murray was likely referring to an Alabama court ruling that fertilized embryos qualify as children, leading some fertility treatments in the state to be paused amid fears disposing of unviable or unused embryos could be a crime.
Far from endorsing this, Republican leader Donald Trump urged lawmakers in the state to protect access to IVF. Legislators and the state governor quickly passed a law doing so.

I have no problem with any medical treatments given to Veterans. They did their part, no matter what you think of them. Veterans are why you have the freedom to be a jerk on the internet.
I don’t take issue with the VA helping married couples gay or straight conceive. I do think it should be limited to married couples and not extended to unmarried single people. The government should not be promoting single parent families as there is some pretty good evidence that home environment is not the best.
I believe there is a big difference on children raised by a single parent because of situations opposed to those who plan it that way would make it a much better outcome. Maybe even better than most couples. At least it is another opportunity to do good.
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It's sick out there and getting sicker.

No wonder the left made such a big deal over a recent state court ruling. They aren't interested at all in normalcy. All they are interested in is deviancy and spreading it to every corner.

Notice, they are always "proud" when they push these things. Pride goeth before a fall.

The Department of Veterans Affairs under Joe Biden is set to expand taxpayer-funded fertility treatments to unmarried persons, including homosexual couples and would-be single parents.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said “raising a family is a wonderful thing” and he was “proud that VA will soon help more Veterans have that opportunity.”
Previously, fertility treatments were only available to married, heterosexual couples. Now, qualified veterans will have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated sperm or eggs.
Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has helped to push the “inclusive” changes, said they were “an important step forward that will help more veterans start and grow their families — and it’s especially timely as IVF is under attack from the far right.”
Murray was likely referring to an Alabama court ruling that fertilized embryos qualify as children, leading some fertility treatments in the state to be paused amid fears disposing of unviable or unused embryos could be a crime.
Far from endorsing this, Republican leader Donald Trump urged lawmakers in the state to protect access to IVF. Legislators and the state governor quickly passed a law doing so.

Your link is obviously some right wing rag attempting to put a sensational and bad spin on some good news from the VA.
It's sick out there and getting sicker.

No wonder the left made such a big deal over a recent state court ruling. They aren't interested at all in normalcy. All they are interested in is deviancy and spreading it to every corner.

Notice, they are always "proud" when they push these things. Pride goeth before a fall.

The Department of Veterans Affairs under Joe Biden is set to expand taxpayer-funded fertility treatments to unmarried persons, including homosexual couples and would-be single parents.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said “raising a family is a wonderful thing” and he was “proud that VA will soon help more Veterans have that opportunity.”
Previously, fertility treatments were only available to married, heterosexual couples. Now, qualified veterans will have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated sperm or eggs.
Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has helped to push the “inclusive” changes, said they were “an important step forward that will help more veterans start and grow their families — and it’s especially timely as IVF is under attack from the far right.”
Murray was likely referring to an Alabama court ruling that fertilized embryos qualify as children, leading some fertility treatments in the state to be paused amid fears disposing of unviable or unused embryos could be a crime.
Far from endorsing this, Republican leader Donald Trump urged lawmakers in the state to protect access to IVF. Legislators and the state governor quickly passed a law doing so.

U think it's bad for the VA now just give it about five months or so! The SS retirees & private investment retirees are going to get tortured financially also. See the vid below for the grisly details.

I believe there is a big difference on children raised by a single parent because of situations opposed to those who plan it that way would make it a much better outcome. Maybe even better than most couples. At least it is another opportunity to do good.
That belief depends on an all-encompassing government being the sugar daddy. In many local areas that is the norm and poverty does not go away. This is the disconnect on Prog agendas over the many decades. Logically, poverty should be reduced in a huge way. Yet it is still here at the same level it was in the 1960's before all of the social programs were massively expanded. Although the people still in poverty have more comforts than before.
That belief depends on an all-encompassing government being the sugar daddy. In many local areas that is the norm and poverty does not go away. This is the disconnect on Prog agendas over the many decades. Logically, poverty should be reduced in a huge way. Yet it is still here at the same level it was in the 1960's before all of the social programs were massively expanded. Although the people still in poverty have more comforts than before.
Most veterans are pretty responsible people ( except for the right wing nut cases ) and deserving of any benefits the government wishes to give them. I see this as a hand up not a welfare thing. These services are very expensive and anyone seeking them is totally invested in the process.
Most veterans are pretty responsible people ( except for the right wing nut cases ) and deserving of any benefits the government wishes to give them. I see this as a hand up not a welfare thing. These services are very expensive and anyone seeking them is totally invested in the process.
We are deserving because we deem to be deserving. What are we all owed? In Haiti they are doing slow exterminations in a nation that has had nothing but poverty. We see things as expensive as you typed and can only afford it today if we have foreign slaves making most of our products and we as citizens living our lives lavishly thinking we are superior to all others. Veterans are more deserving than others depending on what they experienced and how competent they are/were when there.
Most veterans are pretty responsible people ( except for the right wing nut cases ) and deserving of any benefits the government wishes to give them. I see this as a hand up not a welfare thing. These services are very expensive and anyone seeking them is totally invested in the process.

You still haven’t figured out that as income rises so does the likelihood of being Republican. The lowest of the low from an economic(and moral) perspective in this country are Democrats. You have been thoroughly brainwashed.
I believe there is a big difference on children raised by a single parent because of situations opposed to those who plan it that way would make it a much better outcome. Maybe even better than most couples. At least it is another opportunity to do good.
By placing the child at a disadvantage? That’s not doing good that’s doing harm
I have no problem with any medical treatments given to Veterans. They did their part, no matter what you think of them. Veterans are why you have the freedom to be a jerk on the internet.

As do you. Hence why you're post count vs reaction score is what it is.

And if you think in this day and age military personnel are defending our freedoms then you obviously have never served and just repeating a popular catchphrase for the sake of looking good.

Well, I did serve. You do realize every single freedom Americans have lost or will lose is become our own government took it away right? No foreign nation has taken anything away from us and if they do it will be because our government allowed it to happen.

Our government is our own worst enemy in today's world.
You still haven’t figured out that as income rises so does the likelihood of being Republican. The lowest of the low from an economic(and moral) perspective in this country are Democrats. You have been thoroughly brainwashed.
Actually you have. Data suggests otherwise. Democrats are better educated, more employed, healthier and have higher incomes in generally than republicans do. Those are FACTS. Not opinions. You are entitled to yours even though it's incorrect.
Actually you have. Data suggests otherwise. Democrats are better educated, more employed, healthier and have higher incomes in generally than republicans do. Those are FACTS. Not opinions. You are entitled to yours even though it's incorrect.
This is patently false. Republicans have higher incomes on average. You are very misinformed.

Looks like you found the one data profile that supports your position. Good propaganda.
You are simply misinformed. Democrats have long accused of Republican party as being the party of the rich for this very reason.

I know that where I live is absolutely true that the more money you make, the more likely are to be a Republican.
It's sick out there and getting sicker.

No wonder the left made such a big deal over a recent state court ruling. They aren't interested at all in normalcy. All they are interested in is deviancy and spreading it to every corner.

Notice, they are always "proud" when they push these things. Pride goeth before a fall.

The Department of Veterans Affairs under Joe Biden is set to expand taxpayer-funded fertility treatments to unmarried persons, including homosexual couples and would-be single parents.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough said “raising a family is a wonderful thing” and he was “proud that VA will soon help more Veterans have that opportunity.”
Previously, fertility treatments were only available to married, heterosexual couples. Now, qualified veterans will have access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) using donated sperm or eggs.
Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), who has helped to push the “inclusive” changes, said they were “an important step forward that will help more veterans start and grow their families — and it’s especially timely as IVF is under attack from the far right.”
Murray was likely referring to an Alabama court ruling that fertilized embryos qualify as children, leading some fertility treatments in the state to be paused amid fears disposing of unviable or unused embryos could be a crime.
Far from endorsing this, Republican leader Donald Trump urged lawmakers in the state to protect access to IVF. Legislators and the state governor quickly passed a law doing so.

Great stuff.
You are simply misinformed. Democrats have long accused of Republican party as being the party of the rich for this very reason.

I know that where I live is absolutely true that the more money you make, the more likely are to be a Republican.
Because they support the rich. Why do you support them ? Do you really believe they need all those tax brakes to get even richer ? The disparity keeps growing and of course they'll support your party, they love suckers.that's how they got rich. Republicans are less educated and more rural poorer than Democrats in general.
Because they support the rich. Why do you support them ? Do you really believe they need all those tax brakes to get even richer ? The disparity keeps growing and of course they'll support your party, they love suckers.that's how they got rich. Republicans are less educated and more rural poorer than Democrats in general.

Notice from the chart I provided that those with salaries 100k and above started swaying toward Republicans. That is hardly “rich”, but, depending on where you live, it is a decent income, typically a business owner or a white collar income. In other words, what I would call a successful person, but not a rich person. What tax breaks are these people getting? Most of people in this category don’t disparage the success of other people, since they are at least moderately successful themselves. They can see the writing on the wall with the Democratic party that is to take from them and give to people who often times often put forth the necessary effort to be successful. Add in the illegal immigrants and it is a no brainer for sensible, successful people. As income continues to rise(along with success), the sentiment to preserve what they have worked hard to gain becomes even stronger.

Why do I support them? My family’s income is well beyond this threshold and I can assure you that this ridiculous mantra about the “rich” not paying their fair share is pure garbage. I can list many tax breaks and other perks that we don’t get because of our income, not the other way around. Sure, we can itemize our deduction, but that only helps so much. If we were ultra-wealthy we could afford a team of accountants that could potentially do more, but the Democrats aren’t interested in taxing the ultra-wealthy, which is why so many of them are Democrats In the first place(see the outrage by rich Democrats regarding Trump’s cap of the SALT deduction). They are interested in attacking the working wealthy, who don’t live off capital gains and can’t afford a team of accountants.

I am NOT a sucker, which is exactly why I don’t vote for Democrats.

You are correct that more Republicans are rural. Democrats do tend to be more educated(indoctrinated) but clearly that education hasn’t led to more success as evidenced by their income levels being lower on average. A person with a useless degree from their local city college is not more or less intelligent than a person from rural area who decided to start a business or pursue a trade. The true measure is what they do with what they have and in this respect, the proof is in the pudding. Republicans are more successful, on average.

Think about this for a minute. More successful people vote for Republicans. That is an undeniable fact. You are suggesting that as income rises above 100k/yr(not rich), so does the stupidity of people in that they vote against their own self-interest by voting Republican. We are supposed to believe that it is those that make less money that are the enlightened ones. It makes little sense.
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