Biden’s Radical DHS Chief Mayorkas on Border Crisis: “This is Unsustainable. These Numbers Cannot Continue”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


Biden’s Radical DHS Chief Mayorkas on Border Crisis: “This is Unsustainable. These Numbers Cannot Continue”

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
Joe Biden’s radical open borders DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas privately told Border Patrol agents in Texas that the border crisis is “unsustainable.”
“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable,” Mayorkas said Thursday, according to the audio obtained by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin. “We can’t continue like this, our people in the field cant continue and our system isn’t built for it.”
“It’s our responsibility to make sure that that never happens again,” he said.

Mayorkas attacked Trump on Thursday as he announced a record 212,672 illegal aliens were encountered at the border in July – a new 21-year high.
This isn’t seasonal migration like Biden claimed earlier this year.
More than 1 million illegals have been apprehended at the border since Joe Biden was installed in January.
This is Joe Biden’s border crisis.
But Mayorkas shamelessly blamed Trump on Thursday.
“Former President Trump slashed our international assistance to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, slashed the resources that we were contributing to address the root causes of irregular migration,” Mayorkas said.

Actually Trump just about had the invasion from the south stopped, then the PMS/DSA-CPUSA Dem left stole the election and day one stopped the building of the border wall and opened the borders wide again.. Trump was not responsible in any way shape or form. It really began when Obama stopped the building of the wall in 2010.
We know and Mayorkas knows the truth but he has to play Baghdad Bob and parrot what he’s told to say for whoever is dumb enough to believe it. He will do as much as Kamaltoe has done to solve the crisis --NOTHING.
We know and Mayorkas knows the truth but he has to play Baghdad Bob and parrot what he’s told to say for whoever is dumb enough to believe it. He will do as much as Kamaltoe has done to solve the crisis --NOTHING.
When his actions lead to chaos, if there is ever an accounting made, he will be tried and convicted. His complicity makes him guilty of every drop of blood spilled by these invaders, right alongside Joe and his handler, the Tan Messiah.
Americans who are living at the margins and are beginning to realize just how dire the condition of this nation is becoming are going to begin to fear. Fear usually leads to anger and that to lashing out at whatever they see as the source of their fear.

Stories about these invading migrants (there is no other honest name for them) causing illness, taking jobs, and committing crimes in their new neighborhoods, will eventually make them targets. It isn't going to matter a bit that most of them aren't evil. The Left has been pushing for violent conflict between groups based on race or ethnicity and it looks like we're almost there. Keep voting and supporting Democrats, help push them over the finish line in destroying America.
So Mayorkas understands that our border policy is unsustainable but he still supports it to the American peoples faces. Nothing like the open and honest government that Biden promised us. It would do this country good if Biden would gather up his porno family and split DC. Then we could deal with Kamala and after that, Pelosi. It's time to clean house.

Cruz, Mayorkas clash over ‘Biden cages’ for migrant kids in hearing

16 Nov 2021 ~~ By Mark Moore
Sen. Ted Cruz peppered Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas with repeated questions Tuesday about children the lawmaker said were being held in “Biden cages” at the US border with Mexico.
“How many children have been in the Biden cages in calendar year 2021?” Cruz (R-Texas) asked Mayorkas during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
“Senator, I respectfully disagree with your use of the term ‘cages,'” Mayorkas responded.
“Fine, you can disagree with it,” Cruz rejoined. “How many children have been in the Biden cages? I’ve been to the Biden cages, I’ve seen the Biden cages. How many children have you detained at the Donna [Texas] tent facility in the cages you built to hold kids? How many children have been in those cages?”
“I, respectfully, am not familiar with the term ‘cages’ and to what you are referring,” Mayorkas said.
To each question, Mayorkas said he was “not aware” of any such releases.

It's apparent that Baghdad Bob Mayorkas is incapable of doing the job for America. He marches to the beat of his Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Communist mentors and leaders.
Neither is the empty suit president that appointed him. It's not Joey Xi Bai Dung.
All you have to do is look behind the curtain.

Mayorkas Confirms Illegal Immigrants Can Sign Up for Taxpayer Funded Payments

16 Nov 2021 ~~ By Katie Pavlich
Testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed the Biden Administration is encouraging illegal immigrant families "separated from their children" to sign up for taxpayer funded relief checks.
"We recently launched a website where families who were indeed separated can register for relief. We are working very closely with counsel for the families. We are working with the government, the nation's of origin to accelerate the provision of passports for parents who do indeed want to come here," Mayorkas said.

According to Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists controlling the White House presently, the rights and welfare of Illegal Aliens that have broken our immigration laws have more rights and value than veterans and their families.
Vets are insignificant to this illegitimate communist government that is upon us. Only illegal aliens who broke the law are important to this authoritarian regime that is upon us.
Vets served purposes of the PM/DSA Left when political slime began unreasonable wars designed by incompetent clueless generals but after they came back maimed, physiologically destroyed they are forgotten, left to their own devices ... even unable to get medical help since the hospitals for veterans were encouraged and rewarded for reducing number of patients. While PM/DSA Dems refused to maintain or upgrade and understaffed facilities.
Our political scum doesn’t have anything human left in them . Enriching themselves is their only goal by any means possible.
Meanwhile according to the latest Senate Committee on Immigration results so far we hear that nearly 2 million illegals have entered the U.S. since 21 Jan 2021 and the Secretary of the Dept. of Homeland Security does not know the answers when questioned.


Biden’s Radical DHS Chief Mayorkas on Border Crisis: “This is Unsustainable. These Numbers Cannot Continue”

13 Aug 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila
Joe Biden’s radical open borders DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas privately told Border Patrol agents in Texas that the border crisis is “unsustainable.”
“A couple of days ago I was down in Mexico, and I said look, you know, if, if our borders are the first line of defense, we’re going to lose and this is unsustainable,” Mayorkas said Thursday, according to the audio obtained by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin. “We can’t continue like this, our people in the field cant continue and our system isn’t built for it.”
“It’s our responsibility to make sure that that never happens again,” he said.

Mayorkas attacked Trump on Thursday as he announced a record 212,672 illegal aliens were encountered at the border in July – a new 21-year high.
This isn’t seasonal migration like Biden claimed earlier this year.
More than 1 million illegals have been apprehended at the border since Joe Biden was installed in January.
This is Joe Biden’s border crisis.
But Mayorkas shamelessly blamed Trump on Thursday.
“Former President Trump slashed our international assistance to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, slashed the resources that we were contributing to address the root causes of irregular migration,” Mayorkas said.

Actually Trump just about had the invasion from the south stopped, then the PMS/DSA-CPUSA Dem left stole the election and day one stopped the building of the border wall and opened the borders wide again.. Trump was not responsible in any way shape or form. It really began when Obama stopped the building of the wall in 2010.
We know and Mayorkas knows the truth but he has to play Baghdad Bob and parrot what he’s told to say for whoever is dumb enough to believe it. He will do as much as Kamaltoe has done to solve the crisis --NOTHING.

Abbott looks and acts like he's part of the Epstein Biden Little Kids Club.

He does an occasional photo op but he's working with the human traffickers

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