Biden's Middle East Failure


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Biden’s Middle East Failure

In less than 100 days we went from Unprecedented, Unparalleled Peace and MULTIPLE individual, separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for a US President for successful negotiations that led Middle East Nations, like UAE, agreeing to normalize relations with Israel to ANOTHER US President supporting / facilitating terrorist Hamas' latest attack on Israel and being criticized for his policies / response (or lack thereof...).

Three recent events, two of them from the past week, haven’t gotten the news coverage they deserve as the Biden administration desperately pursues a rapprochement with Iran.

The first is the U.S. Navy’s seizure over the weekend of a significant weapons shipment. It contained "dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles, and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenades launchers … [and] advanced optical sights," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement. The cache was destined for Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom the Biden administration recently delisted as a terrorist organization.

Secondly, In neighboring Iraq, a prominent Iraqi political activist and critic of Iranian influence in his country, particularly the arming and funding of pro-Tehran militias, was gunned down—the latest in a series of Iran critics to turn up dead. The early reporting suggests an Iranian militia is to blame.

Finally, there is the escalating security situation in the Persian Gulf. After several years of tranquility along one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, Iran has returned to harassing American ships. In early April, one IRGC Navy boat harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard boats; weeks later, three IRGC boats got so close that the United States fired warning shots for the first time in years. Thirteen IRGC armed speedboats harassed U.S. ships on Monday again forcing them to fire warning shots.

"These events make clear that Tehran feels no pressure to demonstrate goodwill to the Biden administration, preferring confrontation and violence. It cannot be a coincidence that these events are unfolding in the midst of the administration’s campaign to reenter the nuclear deal."

"No matter how many times the pattern repeats itself, JCPOA supporters refuse to learn that Iran repays engagement with contempt, not good behavior, and that the Iranians know a dupe when they see one. Looking at you, Rob Malley.

Elsewhere in the region, the Hamas terrorist organization is demonstrating the same astute appreciation for weakness. A month after Team Biden announced its intention to restore U.S. aid programs to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and resume funding for UNRWA, Hamas rockets are raining down on Israel. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is glorifying the behavior and encouraging the attacks."

In other words, the politician / President known for being WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has EVER made in his decades-old career - Joe Biden - is proving he is STILL WRONG about EVERY foreign policy decision he makes...and our enemies are not only taking full advantage of his mistakes and failures, they are emboldened by them!


Biden’s Middle East Failure

In less than 100 days we went from Unprecedented, Unparalleled Peace and MULTIPLE individual, separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for a US President for successful negotiations that led Middle East Nations, like UAE, agreeing to normalize relations with Israel to ANOTHER US President supporting / facilitating terrorist Hamas' latest attack on Israel and being criticized for his policies / response (or lack thereof...).

Three recent events, two of them from the past week, haven’t gotten the news coverage they deserve as the Biden administration desperately pursues a rapprochement with Iran.

The first is the U.S. Navy’s seizure over the weekend of a significant weapons shipment. It contained "dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles, and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenades launchers … [and] advanced optical sights," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement. The cache was destined for Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom the Biden administration recently delisted as a terrorist organization.

Secondly, In neighboring Iraq, a prominent Iraqi political activist and critic of Iranian influence in his country, particularly the arming and funding of pro-Tehran militias, was gunned down—the latest in a series of Iran critics to turn up dead. The early reporting suggests an Iranian militia is to blame.

Finally, there is the escalating security situation in the Persian Gulf. After several years of tranquility along one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, Iran has returned to harassing American ships. In early April, one IRGC Navy boat harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard boats; weeks later, three IRGC boats got so close that the United States fired warning shots for the first time in years. Thirteen IRGC armed speedboats harassed U.S. ships on Monday again forcing them to fire warning shots.

"These events make clear that Tehran feels no pressure to demonstrate goodwill to the Biden administration, preferring confrontation and violence. It cannot be a coincidence that these events are unfolding in the midst of the administration’s campaign to reenter the nuclear deal."

"No matter how many times the pattern repeats itself, JCPOA supporters refuse to learn that Iran repays engagement with contempt, not good behavior, and that the Iranians know a dupe when they see one. Looking at you, Rob Malley.

Elsewhere in the region, the Hamas terrorist organization is demonstrating the same astute appreciation for weakness. A month after Team Biden announced its intention to restore U.S. aid programs to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and resume funding for UNRWA, Hamas rockets are raining down on Israel. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is glorifying the behavior and encouraging the attacks."

In other words, the politician / President known for being WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has EVER made in his decades-old career - Joe Biden - is proving he is STILL WRONG about EVERY foreign policy decision he makes...and our enemies are not only taking full advantage of his mistakes and failures, they are emboldened by them!

Unbelievable really. Middle East on fire, gas prices to the moon , hearing 4.20 by July. Southern border is in crisis. Where o where is 45?

Can't get rid of that surplus population without the neocons in office running things



Biden’s Middle East Failure

In less than 100 days we went from Unprecedented, Unparalleled Peace and MULTIPLE individual, separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for a US President for successful negotiations that led Middle East Nations, like UAE, agreeing to normalize relations with Israel to ANOTHER US President supporting / facilitating terrorist Hamas' latest attack on Israel and being criticized for his policies / response (or lack thereof...).

Three recent events, two of them from the past week, haven’t gotten the news coverage they deserve as the Biden administration desperately pursues a rapprochement with Iran.

The first is the U.S. Navy’s seizure over the weekend of a significant weapons shipment. It contained "dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles, and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenades launchers … [and] advanced optical sights," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement. The cache was destined for Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom the Biden administration recently delisted as a terrorist organization.

Secondly, In neighboring Iraq, a prominent Iraqi political activist and critic of Iranian influence in his country, particularly the arming and funding of pro-Tehran militias, was gunned down—the latest in a series of Iran critics to turn up dead. The early reporting suggests an Iranian militia is to blame.

Finally, there is the escalating security situation in the Persian Gulf. After several years of tranquility along one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, Iran has returned to harassing American ships. In early April, one IRGC Navy boat harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard boats; weeks later, three IRGC boats got so close that the United States fired warning shots for the first time in years. Thirteen IRGC armed speedboats harassed U.S. ships on Monday again forcing them to fire warning shots.

"These events make clear that Tehran feels no pressure to demonstrate goodwill to the Biden administration, preferring confrontation and violence. It cannot be a coincidence that these events are unfolding in the midst of the administration’s campaign to reenter the nuclear deal."

"No matter how many times the pattern repeats itself, JCPOA supporters refuse to learn that Iran repays engagement with contempt, not good behavior, and that the Iranians know a dupe when they see one. Looking at you, Rob Malley.

Elsewhere in the region, the Hamas terrorist organization is demonstrating the same astute appreciation for weakness. A month after Team Biden announced its intention to restore U.S. aid programs to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and resume funding for UNRWA, Hamas rockets are raining down on Israel. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is glorifying the behavior and encouraging the attacks."

In other words, the politician / President known for being WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has EVER made in his decades-old career - Joe Biden - is proving he is STILL WRONG about EVERY foreign policy decision he makes...and our enemies are not only taking full advantage of his mistakes and failures, they are emboldened by them!

This is Bibi's latest atrocity.. Has nothing to do with Biden.The Israelis want more land and dead Palestinians.. This has been going on for 70 years

Biden’s Middle East Failure

In less than 100 days we went from Unprecedented, Unparalleled Peace and MULTIPLE individual, separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for a US President for successful negotiations that led Middle East Nations, like UAE, agreeing to normalize relations with Israel to ANOTHER US President supporting / facilitating terrorist Hamas' latest attack on Israel and being criticized for his policies / response (or lack thereof...).

Three recent events, two of them from the past week, haven’t gotten the news coverage they deserve as the Biden administration desperately pursues a rapprochement with Iran.

The first is the U.S. Navy’s seizure over the weekend of a significant weapons shipment. It contained "dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles, and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenades launchers … [and] advanced optical sights," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement. The cache was destined for Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom the Biden administration recently delisted as a terrorist organization.

Secondly, In neighboring Iraq, a prominent Iraqi political activist and critic of Iranian influence in his country, particularly the arming and funding of pro-Tehran militias, was gunned down—the latest in a series of Iran critics to turn up dead. The early reporting suggests an Iranian militia is to blame.

Finally, there is the escalating security situation in the Persian Gulf. After several years of tranquility along one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, Iran has returned to harassing American ships. In early April, one IRGC Navy boat harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard boats; weeks later, three IRGC boats got so close that the United States fired warning shots for the first time in years. Thirteen IRGC armed speedboats harassed U.S. ships on Monday again forcing them to fire warning shots.

"These events make clear that Tehran feels no pressure to demonstrate goodwill to the Biden administration, preferring confrontation and violence. It cannot be a coincidence that these events are unfolding in the midst of the administration’s campaign to reenter the nuclear deal."

"No matter how many times the pattern repeats itself, JCPOA supporters refuse to learn that Iran repays engagement with contempt, not good behavior, and that the Iranians know a dupe when they see one. Looking at you, Rob Malley.

Elsewhere in the region, the Hamas terrorist organization is demonstrating the same astute appreciation for weakness. A month after Team Biden announced its intention to restore U.S. aid programs to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and resume funding for UNRWA, Hamas rockets are raining down on Israel. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is glorifying the behavior and encouraging the attacks."

In other words, the politician / President known for being WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has EVER made in his decades-old career - Joe Biden - is proving he is STILL WRONG about EVERY foreign policy decision he makes...and our enemies are not only taking full advantage of his mistakes and failures, they are emboldened by them!

He is a complete failure on every issue unless it made him profit. DemocRats haven't been the other party for, at least since LBJ helped kill JFK and nothing they have done proves otherwise. They pray on the poor and uneducated. But even the uneducated wake up so they flood the country with more of the same as we do nothing. Maybe we deserve being denied what passed generations fought and died for. What is needed is to turn those plywood boats into splinters and a battle line along all Iran's coast. But don't be surprised when Joe sends them nukes.
Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
It's directly related to the failed policies of Obama Bin Lying now the same policies and same retard do nothing intellectuals of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Or didn't you notice how many things went off the rail the minute liberals were given power they did not deserve during the scamdemic & Fraud Biden was given a White House he did not deserve?
Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
It's directly related to the failed policies of Obama Bin Lying now the same policies and same retard do nothing intellectuals of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Or didn't you notice how many things went off the rail the minute liberals were given power they did not deserve during the scamdemic & Fraud Biden was given a White House he did not deserve?
Yeah, Biden is the reasons why Hamas and Israel want to destroy each other, get real....What was their reason for fighting when Biden was a boy?
Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
It's directly related to the failed policies of Obama Bin Lying now the same policies and same retard do nothing intellectuals of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Or didn't you notice how many things went off the rail the minute liberals were given power they did not deserve during the scamdemic & Fraud Biden was given a White House he did not deserve?
Yeah, Biden is the reasons why Hamas and Israel want to destroy each other, get real....What was their reason for fighting when Biden was a boy?
The reason Hamas and all the Islamic Devil Worshipping Heathens want to destroy Israel because they are Devil Worshipping Heathens, and God's Promises and His Word, come through Israel.

Satan-Allah hates God, so will try to always undermine God, and destroy those who believe in The One True God.

Satan-Allah's ego is so big and so delusional that He thinks He can kill God, and destroy the people of The Covenant, and take God's place and be worshipped as God.

The AntiChrist when he comes will be just as delusional as the Satanic spirit that will indwell him and will attempt to bring Satan's work to completion.

But he'll fail, just like Hamas, PLO, Hezbollah, Iran, Al Nusra, Al Queda, Islamic Jihad, ISIS, and The Muslim Brotherhood will fail when they come against Israel to stir up the hornets.
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Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
It's directly related to the failed policies of Obama Bin Lying now the same policies and same retard do nothing intellectuals of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Or didn't you notice how many things went off the rail the minute liberals were given power they did not deserve during the scamdemic & Fraud Biden was given a White House he did not deserve?
Yeah, Biden is the reasons why Hamas and Israel want to destroy each other, get real....What was their reason for fighting when Biden was a boy?
The reason Hamas and all the Islamic Devil Worshipping Heathens want to destroy Israel because they are Devil Worshipping Heathens, and God's Promises and His Word, come through Israel.

Satan hates God, so will try to always undermine God, and destroy those who believe in The One True God.
Oh my, how cryptic that yer God creates violent creatures that kill each other over a rock.
Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
It's directly related to the failed policies of Obama Bin Lying now the same policies and same retard do nothing intellectuals of the Faux Xiden Regime.

Or didn't you notice how many things went off the rail the minute liberals were given power they did not deserve during the scamdemic & Fraud Biden was given a White House he did not deserve?
Yeah, Biden is the reasons why Hamas and Israel want to destroy each other, get real....What was their reason for fighting when Biden was a boy?
The reason Hamas and all the Islamic Devil Worshipping Heathens want to destroy Israel because they are Devil Worshipping Heathens, and God's Promises and His Word, come through Israel.

Satan hates God, so will try to always undermine God, and destroy those who believe in The One True God.
Oh my, how cryptic that yer God creates violent creatures that kill each other over a rock.
God did not create such creatures. God created a perfect world and created man in perfection.

Satan corrupted God's work by taking advantage of Man's Free Will, and did so by deceiving man in to partaking of The Forbidden Fruit.
Mankind then gained the knowledge of good and evil because of this.

Where there was only light, came darkness, where there was only health came sickness, where there was only life, came death, where there was only peace, came war.

God's work is to restore man, redeem him, and restore creation and redeem it.

Satan likes things the way they are now, and I am assuming a person like you does too. You and those like you like the filth of the world. You want to wallow and bathe in your sins, and enjoy it.

Currently this is Satan's World, but the time is running out on his lease, so soon he will be evicted, and no longer stand in the way of God's redeeming and restorative plan for The Earth and Mankind.
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Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
Only 38% think the US is on the "right track". The Xiden admin is demonstrating their total incompetence. Everything they touch turns to shit. So I am correct, and very worried, since Joe has 4-months down but 44 to go, ugh.
Does anyone still think the US is on the "right track"? (nope)
Considering this flair up is not the US's problem I believe you are mistaken..
Only 38% think the US is on the "right track". The Xiden admin is demonstrating their total incompetence. Everything they touch turns to shit. So I am correct, and very worried, since Joe has 4-months down but 44 to go, ugh.
As always is the norm moonglow troll gets his ass handed to him on a platter. :up:

Biden’s Middle East Failure

In less than 100 days we went from Unprecedented, Unparalleled Peace and MULTIPLE individual, separate Nobel Peace Prize Nominations for a US President for successful negotiations that led Middle East Nations, like UAE, agreeing to normalize relations with Israel to ANOTHER US President supporting / facilitating terrorist Hamas' latest attack on Israel and being criticized for his policies / response (or lack thereof...).

Three recent events, two of them from the past week, haven’t gotten the news coverage they deserve as the Biden administration desperately pursues a rapprochement with Iran.

The first is the U.S. Navy’s seizure over the weekend of a significant weapons shipment. It contained "dozens of advanced Russian-made anti-tank guided missiles, thousands of Chinese Type 56 assault rifles, and hundreds of PKM machine guns, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenades launchers … [and] advanced optical sights," the Fifth Fleet said in a statement. The cache was destined for Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, whom the Biden administration recently delisted as a terrorist organization.

Secondly, In neighboring Iraq, a prominent Iraqi political activist and critic of Iranian influence in his country, particularly the arming and funding of pro-Tehran militias, was gunned down—the latest in a series of Iran critics to turn up dead. The early reporting suggests an Iranian militia is to blame.

Finally, there is the escalating security situation in the Persian Gulf. After several years of tranquility along one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, Iran has returned to harassing American ships. In early April, one IRGC Navy boat harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard boats; weeks later, three IRGC boats got so close that the United States fired warning shots for the first time in years. Thirteen IRGC armed speedboats harassed U.S. ships on Monday again forcing them to fire warning shots.

"These events make clear that Tehran feels no pressure to demonstrate goodwill to the Biden administration, preferring confrontation and violence. It cannot be a coincidence that these events are unfolding in the midst of the administration’s campaign to reenter the nuclear deal."

"No matter how many times the pattern repeats itself, JCPOA supporters refuse to learn that Iran repays engagement with contempt, not good behavior, and that the Iranians know a dupe when they see one. Looking at you, Rob Malley.

Elsewhere in the region, the Hamas terrorist organization is demonstrating the same astute appreciation for weakness. A month after Team Biden announced its intention to restore U.S. aid programs to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and resume funding for UNRWA, Hamas rockets are raining down on Israel. Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas is glorifying the behavior and encouraging the attacks."

In other words, the politician / President known for being WRONG on EVERY foreign policy decision he has EVER made in his decades-old career - Joe Biden - is proving he is STILL WRONG about EVERY foreign policy decision he makes...and our enemies are not only taking full advantage of his mistakes and failures, they are emboldened by them!

He is a complete failure on every issue unless it made him profit. DemocRats haven't been the other party for, at least since LBJ helped kill JFK and nothing they have done proves otherwise. They pray on the poor and uneducated. But even the uneducated wake up so they flood the country with more of the same as we do nothing. Maybe we deserve being denied what passed generations fought and died for. What is needed is to turn those plywood boats into splinters and a battle line along all Iran's coast. But don't be surprised when Joe sends them nukes.
Loved the part on Jfk,he is rolling over in his grave how the Democrat party has become corrupt and has earned the name demorats.sense jfks time,carter is the only president that has represented the democrat party without having a shitstain for a president representing it.

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