Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

A totally nothing fake scandal.
You are a partisan Democrat from hell.


"I like people who weren't captured, okay?"

"She had blood coming out of her eyes. Or blood coming out of her...wherever."

"Grab them by the pussy."

No one can top Trump.

No one.
this is not about Trump, you dumb ass.

He's only performing as ordered. Everything that tells the truth about Democrats must be distracted from.
The tard herd can only wish Biden's comment was scandalous. But that would require seven pounds of brain damage to pretend Trump hasn't set the bar far, far, far, far higher than that.
Refusing to answer questions from black people and telling them they don't need to ask questions and if they can't figure that out they ain't black?

Shut the fuck up you partisan Democrat apologist piece of shit.

Sorry to make your pussy bleed.
Does anybody else get the feeling that blacks don't care about this? I've been flipping between the cable news stations and have only seen one black guest that complained about it. Some of the black guests have implied that Biden is an honorary brother. Weird.
Joe is a damn fool.


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Yeah, the tweets have been telling. Hashtags #Iaintblack and #JoeBidenisracist.
The tard herd can only wish Biden's comment was scandalous. But that would require seven pounds of brain damage to pretend Trump hasn't set the bar far, far, far, far higher than that.
Refusing to answer questions from black people and telling them they don't need to ask questions and if they can't figure that out they ain't black?

Shut the fuck up you partisan Democrat apologist piece of shit.

Sorry to make your pussy bleed.
I'm just glad you can demonstrate how much of a Democrat hack pretender you are.

You are as transparent as fuck. Don't get on here and lie and tell us all how so you're some Republican with principles.

You fucking liar.

And if you can't see how Biden's comment is a problem, and very insulting to black folks, you are exactly how I think you are. Motherfucking stupid.

Only a hard-core apologist Democrat hack motherfucker with ZERO objectivity whatsoever would defend Biden on this horseshit.

Let that bleed in your pussy.

How many threads about this get to be made?

Blacks said this about blacks who are trump supporters 4 years ago. Biden is 4 years behind if you ask me. You trump supporters want to make a big deal out of this after you have denied all of trumps racism and a scrub ;like airplanemechanic asks me a question?

:laughing0301::laughing0301:I have to laugh at a group of people in here who have spent every single day telling blacks here who support democrats how they are ion a plantation if they vote democrat pretending to be indignant because of what Biden said.

I find it entirely consistent. Too many Blacks---at least until Don Trump came along and found a job for pretty much everybody...too many Blacks...were content to sit on the Front Porch of their Federal Plantation and wait for that check---on the excuse that there their ancestors had been mistreated*. (By Democrats, by the way.)

And for the right to sit on that Plantation, and draw that check...Blacks are supposed to VOTE for Democrats---always.

That's all Sniffin Joe was saying. Isn't he right?

Nobody like me is complaining. The candor is refreshing. Sniffin Joe told the Truth. Dementia will make a veteran liar forget to lie!

We Whites in the Heartland find it refreshing when we hear the truth from a Democrat---it is so rare.

But, lots of Blacks are pissed. That first classed lady Harris Faulkner was as mad as I have ever seen her. Same for Tim Scott. And Johnson---the founder and owner of BET.


I wonder how far back we are to go in the study of the "mistreatment" of the Black Man.

His first mistreatment came from other Black men who captured him in tribal battles, and sold him to merchants whose agents and ships operated primarily out of London, New York and Boston.

Massachusetts was a Slave state early on, but the climate and soil was shitty, money could not be made, and the state found itself with a problem---the Hypocrites in Massachusetts were turning out their Black slaves to freeze or starve in the streets when they got old or sick and became a financial burden. Look it up.

My father died when I was 11. I worked pretty much every day thereafter for over six decades. I don't owe you shit because I am white and you are black---and that is about all you post about--whether you realize it or not.

You are a Hater. Have you realized yet how heavy a burden that is.


“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452
You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.
This is how Biden talks to black people:

He does have a point though. You vote for Drumpf youre a fucking retard and definitely not Black. At least he didnt claim he could shoot someone and his voters were so stupid they would vote for him anyway like Drumpf did.

That’s one way to look at it, but it sure sounds like you’re minimizing his stupidity.

What does it say about our country, that we get to vote for these two dumb bastards?

Was it the smartest thing to say? Not really. My first thought was who in the fuck does he think he is trying to say who is Black or not? Then I realized that I have said something similar to myself about Drumpf a couple of million times

You can get your shirt here

I dont want a shirt with an incompetent fuckup on it like Drumpf.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452
You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.

Biden has dementia, and was a dumb-ass before that. The Democratic Party knows this, even if you low rent lackeys don't---and they are facing an incredible dilemma. How fast will the disease progress?

Until today, they probably figured they could carry him--hide him--with the help of the Pravda-like Media, at least until the convention in August.

But, then Don Trump goes to nipping on his ass---all through September and October. What to do? What to do?

Trump is very bright, and possibly a genius---with obvious personality disorders, as most of us have. Like, for example---Andrew Jackson, half-crazy and mean as hell---elected to two terms and is on the $20 bill, Theodore Roosevelt who is on Mt. Rushmore; and Winston Churchill---who the Brits were sure was a dumb-ass with terrible judgement---until Hitler got on their ass. Now recognized as the greatest man of the 20th Century.

You Liberals take every sentence Trump says...every paragraph...and if you can find the least exaggeration, any hyperbole at all---of which all politicians are guilty---you chalk it up as another lie.

You have a psychopathology. Its called TDS.

Take that wall Mexico was going to pay for back during the campaign. You dumb-asses chose to assume that a check was going to be promptly written in Mexico City and sent by Fed-Ex up to Washington. Us rubes in the Heartland never thought that. Not for a second. But, when about a month after Trump took office, Ford announced that it was cancelling plans to build a new plant in Mexico, and instead was going to expand a plant in Michigan--right then, us Country Boys knew that Mexico had made the first payment on that wall.

The man has been battling like hell for three and a half years against seditionists from within. Never seen a politician try so hard to keep all campaign promises. Can't for the life of me see what is wrong with the notion of "America First".

Voted for him the first time with my seat belt buckled only because my other choice was Pure Depravity. This time, am contributing money to his campaign.

Matter of perspective, I guess.


Biden's campaign slogan is: "Restore America's soul"

Trump's slogan should be: "restore America's body!"
A totally nothing fake scandal.
You are a partisan Democrat from hell.

"I like people who weren't captured, okay?"

"She had blood coming out of her eyes. Or blood coming out of her...wherever."

"Grab them by the pussy."

No one can top Trump.

No one.


  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.Also called whataboutery.
You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.

  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.Also called whataboutery.
Yep, President Trump has made some gross exaggerations and other foolish comments.

But, BOY, President Trump sure hasn't come within light-years of this one.

One just has to look at all the different retractions, cover-ups, walking back and one Democrat after another falling all over themselves trying to make this disappear. Blacks, in particular, are attacking him.

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