Biden's Covid Strategy Is Not Working


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

Only a fool would think we're in worse shape than we were a year ago.
US intelligence agencies have published a document according to which they do not believe that the coronavirus is a product of genetic engineering. That is, it was necessary to howl about the vile Chinese for the whole world for a whole year, demanding compensation and confessions, but it turned out that this was an ordinary Western fake.
US intelligence agencies have published a document according to which they do not believe that the coronavirus is a product of genetic engineering. That is, it was necessary to howl about the vile Chinese for the whole world for a whole year, demanding compensation and confessions, but it turned out that this was an ordinary Western fake.
Sorry, but there's too much evidence that Fauci was supporting gain of function research. These guys are just trying to cover for him. Fauci probably had lunch with the director and explained the whole thing...about what he needed to quite this whole thing down. For the good of the people, don't ya know.

So that's Biden's plan? distort reality, 2 + 2 = 5, Slavery is Freedom, the new "vaccine" is 100% safe (500,000 complaints including over 12,000 deaths so far in the vaers system), 100% effective (30-70% efficacy at best and declining), "You won't have to put a mask on if you get the shot" (Put a mask on anyway, 'cause the vaccinated are spreading the variant now)...
US intelligence agencies have published a document according to which they do not believe that the coronavirus is a product of genetic engineering. That is, it was necessary to howl about the vile Chinese for the whole world for a whole year, demanding compensation and confessions, but it turned out that this was an ordinary Western fake.
That report is dubious at best.
Sorry, but there's too much evidence that Fauci was supporting gain of function research. These guys are just trying to cover for him. Fauci probably had lunch with the director and explained the whole thing...about what he needed to quite this whole thing down. For the good of the people, don't ya know.

So that's Biden's plan? distort reality, 2 + 2 = 5, Slavery is Freedom, the new "vaccine" is 100% safe (500,000 complaints including over 12,000 deaths so far in the vaers system), 100% effective (30-70% efficacy at best and declining), "You won't have to put a mask on if you get the shot" (Put a mask on anyway, 'cause the vaccinated are spreading the variant now)...
Viral loads are the same in the mouths and throats of both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

Major mistakes happened right out of the gate, considering January 2020 to be the start of Biden‘s term.
1. Allowed (assuming Joe knew about it) members of his administration to secretly meet with select drug company heads to term their doses as “vaccines” to quell mass hesitation about an unknown concoction.

2. Biden’s handlers ignored backing or using media to support the use of antivirals altogether. Yes, there are multiple health resources way beyond the knowledge base of most political representatives, but it would’ve been better had they done nothing instead of what they did end up doing.

3. Ignored (never knew?) pandemic response measure for enhanced home health care treatment and education.
They ignored the 4 basic tiers for a pandemic response as if going by scratch. That failure alone shows that they set up those who abide “all things government” early last year and how inept this current administration acts as a rule.
Viral loads are the same in the mouths and throats of both vaxxed and unvaxxed.
Nasal viral loads differ between children and adults correct? Children have more natural protection that kicks in quickly, whereas adults rely on B and T cells due to not having this level of immediate nasal defense.
US intelligence agencies have published a document according to which they do not believe that the coronavirus is a product of genetic engineering. That is, it was necessary to howl about the vile Chinese for the whole world for a whole year, demanding compensation and confessions, but it turned out that this was an ordinary Western fake.
I’ll wait until the second investigative team from WHO reveals more in its second attempt for origin from China. Hopefully the investigative team
has on hand technologies that have not been released to the public. After the first team had gone in and met with members of CCP, regarding the origins of the virus, one team member stated “China’s politics never left the room”. No way would CCP ever admit to a lab leak or anything else that would make them look weak or bad to the world. It’s always about image with all of these political players.
How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

The problem is the Trump virus is mutating and getting worse.
Major mistakes happened right out of the gate, considering January 2020 to be the start of Biden‘s term.
1. Allowed (assuming Joe knew about it) members of his administration to secretly meet with select drug company heads to term their doses as “vaccines” to quell mass hesitation about an unknown concoction.

2. Biden’s handlers ignored backing or using media to support the use of antivirals altogether. Yes, there are multiple health resources way beyond the knowledge base of most political representatives, but it would’ve been better had they done nothing instead of what they did end up doing.

3. Ignored (never knew?) pandemic response measure for enhanced home health care treatment and education.
They ignored the 4 basic tiers for a pandemic response as if going by scratch. That failure alone shows that they set up those who abide “all things government” early last year and how inept this current administration acts as a rule.
We’re told to believe people who are making enormous profits off the vaccines and ignore critics of vaccines, yet the critics have no profit motive and face certain ruin by the establishment.
How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

What strategy?

Where's his Delta Vaccine?

Does he know what day it is?
The problem is the Trump virus is mutating and getting worse.

No, the problem is vacuous, lying idiots like you. It isn't Trump's virus, moron. Is it Trump's virus over in India, Spain? New Zealand? It is all the same virus. Trump had nothing to do with it other than having the misfortune of being handed it while in office and doing the only thing a political leader could do, effect the best social adjustments manageable in our society while using every resource at his disposal to help effect a vaccine against it as quickly as humanly possible.

If there is any real problem here it is the fact that our viral "experts" Fauci others either couldn't even see this coming or knew it was coming and withheld it from us, which means that either no one really understands the virus or they aren't telling us the full truth.

The fact that you cannot even come to grips with that little bit of reality makes you utterly worthless to discuss anything with and earns you a Forever IGNORE as a totally blathering idiot. Bye.
What strategy?
Apparently Joe's strategy is to keep wearing his stupid black mask wherever seen even if he only puts it on when stepping onto a stage, alone, with no one around, making a video for some interview or press release. I too have resolved that if any news crews come to interview me, that I'll wear a mask covering my face as well. :smoke:

Where's his Delta Vaccine?
Apparently neither Joe, Fauci, Birx or any of the other CDC guru experts had any idea Delta would happen. They don't seem to know much of anything, that is why the official strategy seems to change every couple of weeks. So right now, Joe's plan is to keep wearing masks despite their not doing anything, keep watching people die, and talk about getting booster shots every 8 months.

ITMT, if we are having stadiums packed full of people now going to football games and wrestling and other public events even with Delta in the air, that doesn't bode well for the efficacy of all the lockdowns, shutdowns and restrictions of 2020 now, does it? In other words, Trump was right after all and the economic collapse of 2020 and all that it meant to businesses and individuals was ALL FOR NOTHING.
How is it that the one thing Biden might have been able to hang his hat on, ridding America of Covid with Trump's vaccines, is not working?

The promise of the vaccine all last year was: everything will be OK once we get the vaxxes! Well, Joe took over on January 20, we have had our choice of three vaccines since about the same time, the lion's share of the country is getting their shots, most of the rest remain healthy and unsick, yet, instead of getting better, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, we just hit the HIGHEST NUMBER OF CASES of Covid in eight months!

We are getting WORSE under Joe's plan, not better, despite every effort, we are LOSING ground instead of gaining, now hospitals are filling up with no beds available? With the vaccine, masks, distancing AND sheltering in place?

Why, we are in worse shape than we were a year ago!

Why does everything Joe touch turn to shit? Isn't it bad enough that Joe just handed the Taliban 28 billion dollars in high tech military hardware, but now his Covid strategy appears no better thought out.

Rest assured, Biden is going on TV Thursday night with his six point Covid plan, basically doing the same thing we have already been doing and nothing new. So, the pandemic will be over soon.
Apparently Joe's strategy is to keep wearing his stupid black mask wherever seen even if he only puts it on when stepping onto a stage, alone, with no one around, making a video for some interview or press release. I too have resolved that if any news crews come to interview me, that I'll wear a mask covering my face as well. :smoke:

Apparently neither Joe, Fauci, Birx or any of the other CDC guru experts had any idea Delta would happen. They don't seem to know much of anything, that is why the official strategy seems to change every couple of weeks. So right now, Joe's plan is to keep wearing masks despite their not doing anything, keep watching people die, and talk about getting booster shots every 8 months.

ITMT, if we are having stadiums packed full of people now going to football games and wrestling and other public events even with Delta in the air, that doesn't bode well for the efficacy of all the lockdowns, shutdowns and restrictions of 2020 now, does it? In other words, Trump was right after all and the economic collapse of 2020 and all that it meant to businesses and individuals was ALL FOR NOTHING.
It wasn't for nothing , it was used as a weapon to get rid of trump .
The problem is the Trump virus is mutating and getting worse.
Biden inherited a country that had the pandemic under control and on the verge of being purged. But the fluid nature of the pandemic required constant adjustments and that is where Biden has failed miserably. Wanna defeat COVID, bring Trump back. Biden and his party are more concerned with trivial investigations and gotcha' bullshit.
Biden inherited a country that had the pandemic under control and on the verge of being purged. But the fluid nature of the pandemic required constant adjustments and that is where Biden has failed miserably. Wanna defeat COVID, bring Trump back. Biden and his party are more concerned with trivial investigations and gotcha' bullshit.

You mean the guy who played down the virus and told ppl to go to work, when he absolutely knew how bad it was? You mean the guy who said the virus would just one day disappear, like magic, that guy? Trump would be playing down the delta variant right now if he were president. LMAOO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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