Biden's administration trying to kill off Floridians by cutting monoclonal antibody Treatments

So, the next time something like the Black Plague comes along we should just let these epidemics run themselves? Doesn't sound like a plan. Did diseases like Polio or Diphtheria ever show any signs of lessening their spread by letting people get infected?
Covid isn't the black plague hun. It doesn't kill like the BP. And fyi, the BP, was largely spread by fleas found on rats btw, if the idiotic christians weren't so hateful of old women and their cats (who they claim were familiars) ..the black plague wouldn't have killed so many. Their treatment for the BP was equally as idiotic and lead to the spread.

Covid is less deadly especially to the young and healthy-------it would have been better to lock up the old and sick limiting their contact while having the healthier exposed to the original Covid creating herd immunity especially during the summer months which would have limited the viral load and weakened the virus. The lock down made things worse. The vaccines aren't vaccines...........and in the long run likely to have done more damage than good.
At least they are not trying to get private text messages of all Republican Congress people without a warrant.
They don't need a warrant, dumbass.

The Supreme Court ruled that public sector employers do not need to obtain a search warrant in order to review employee text messages sent by government issued cell phones.
The United States Supreme Court recently held that the City of Ontario, California was permitted to monitor and review cell phone text messages sent using cell phones owned by the police force. In City of Ontario, California, et al. v. Quon, et al., 130 S. Ct. 2619 (2010).

This week in the impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, released his report on the inquiry to date. The report included records of telephone calls of President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and another man, Lev Parnas.

The government can obtain these records without taking any such extraordinary measures — and no judge even need be involved for Congress to get them. It can simply send a subpoena to the carrier.

This seemingly astonishing explanation exists because under current law, these records are not protected by any warrant requirement. First, based on Supreme Court precedent, obtaining these records is not a “search” under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
I believe what?

Did Joe biden refuse medical treatments for Florida or not?

The fact is he did, period. Nothing to 'believe' here, he is trying to limit supply of a medical treatment in Florida when there is no shortage anywhere else. That is EXACTLY like denying NY medical treatments during the initial outbreak because they were using more than their 'share.' It is flatly insane, medical treatments go to those that are in need of them, EVERY TIME.

So, where are the massive shortfalls in other states? Who is being denied treatment because Florida has taken to much?

He is not denying treatments there to kill Floridians, he is doing it as a political attack against DeSantis. If people die in the process, seems the Biden admin does not give a shit.
He's not doing it against Florida silly one.... All states got their covid allocation reduced....the federal govt just placed another huge order for it.... It's not here yet, but will be shortly. In the meantime, DeSantis bought some for Florida, from his friend and mega donor.
Depends. Is it melanoma? We have preventative measures for that, you probably did not wear enough sunscreen. You do not deserve a hospital bed. You should have taken the 5.99 cure instead. Or lung cancer? If you smoked then nope, you do not deserve one either. You more than likely gave yourself lung cancer.

Again, depends. Is this a condition that is a result of another? Many people with kidney disease have it because of another problem like liver failure, Heart disease or diabetes. All caused primarily by your own actions.

So, most of these people do not get a bed either, those fuckers caused the damage.

MASSIVELY associated with your own actions. This is likely the most preventable killer in the nation along with:
Were they speeding? Were they running a red light?

We need an inquiry first to determine who was at fault, clearly the guy that caused the car accident does not deserve a bed. There are others that did not put themselves in the hospital.

Of course, none of the above is how it works because that would be asinine in the extremes. We do not dole out care based on actions or circumstance, we administer it to anyone that needs it. Nowhere do you have the left calling out to deny care to any of these other instances, some far larger than COVID actually is. Why is that? Why NOW is it suddenly acceptable to deny care when decades have gone by with other things killing MORE and virtually all of it a direct consequence of the actions of those effected?

The fact is that most illnesses and injuries are due to decisions you have made, either in your lifestyle or actions. At no point have we decided that medical care needs to be administered based on you living the way I want you to or not. That is simply evil.
I agree, everyone needing medical care should receive medical care!!!!

But some areas are at the point where they can't give medical care to everyone, what happens then? Comfort care only for some???
How did we get here? Where reasonable people are saying if you don't do X you cannot be in the hospital?

Okay, people who treatment for lung cancer or COPD. People who are obese, same for diabetes, cancer, heart disease. How 'bout that?

You drink too much? Bad liver? No liver disease treatment for you.

Gosh, the hospitals are going to be REALLY empty now.

This article about menstrual problems is from the BBC. Are they "fake news" too?

The effects are all temporary

There is evidence from both the flu and HPV vaccines that they can affect the menstrual cycle temporarily - but there are no long-term side effects.
And there's "masses of evidence" they don't affect fertility, Dr Male said

While these changes shouldn't be of concern, Dr Male and others spoken to for this article emphasise the need for studies into the effect of the vaccine on periods, so that people know what to expect.

They don't need a warrant, dumbass.

The Supreme Court ruled that public sector employers do not need to obtain a search warrant in order to review employee text messages sent by government issued cell phones.
The United States Supreme Court recently held that the City of Ontario, California was permitted to monitor and review cell phone text messages sent using cell phones owned by the police force. In City of Ontario, California, et al. v. Quon, et al., 130 S. Ct. 2619 (2010).

This week in the impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, released his report on the inquiry to date. The report included records of telephone calls of President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and another man, Lev Parnas.

The government can obtain these records without taking any such extraordinary measures — and no judge even need be involved for Congress to get them. It can simply send a subpoena to the carrier.

This seemingly astonishing explanation exists because under current law, these records are not protected by any warrant requirement. First, based on Supreme Court precedent, obtaining these records is not a “search” under the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.

They are not talking about just government owned property, they want records of personal phone records.
Want to kill them? No.

But they don't want anyone anywhere to do anything but "masks and vaccines" that's their platform and they don't want anyone to have other options. They certainly don't want a republican to promote an alternative. They went balls deep in pushing masks and their vaccines and they have to stay committed, even if their are better options out there they don't want to change their agenda.
Resnic, the CDC and NiH were promoting it, long before DeSantis got his first stock pile from the Federal government, who put orders in for it and purchased it long before the Republican governor.

Trump received the monoclonal antibody therapy when brought to the hospital, sick with covid, back in October of last year, and it saved President Trump's life!!!!

There are several problems with it... Some can be overcome, imo.

It is limited in supply/manufacturing

It is 52 times more costly than the vaccine.

It is lab created/cloned antibodies that lasts less than two weeks in our bodies, not antibodies that our own body creates to fight off future severe covid infection.... Where as the vaccine tickles your own immune system to create your own antibodies to fight off severe covid infection for at least 8 months.

You have to be admitted in to the hospital or a clinic on wheels to receive it.

It still has only emergency use approval by the FDA as with two of our vaccines...

And we don't know long term use side, can you safely receive these lab created antibodies more than once?

,......... .

I think we should be able to increase manufacturing and reagents needed over time....increase supply...

which should bring the cost for it down
I agree, everyone needing medical care should receive medical care!!!!

But some areas are at the point where they can't give medical care to everyone, what happens then? Comfort care only for some???
No, some areas are not at that point and no areas have gotten to that point. Nor is there any real danger that they will. There are already procedures in place for this. IF the system becomes overwhelmed then we can talk about triage.

And at that point, vaccination is STILL not a deciding factor - recovery with treatment vs recovery without it is. Same way it is treated in all those other cases as well. Vaccination will have an effect on this as it effects recovery rate but only tangentially and likely never to the point that any of them would have to have care withheld.
He's not doing it against Florida silly one.... All states got their covid allocation reduced....the federal govt just placed another huge order for it.... It's not here yet, but will be shortly. In the meantime, DeSantis bought some for Florida, from his friend and mega donor.
Yes, he is cutting the supply to Florida, no matter how much you want to pretend that he is not.

Now, back to the original question, as both you and Biden claim this is because Florida is using more than their 'fair share,' what states are in shortfall because Florida is using to much?
Yes, he is cutting the supply to Florida, no matter how much you want to pretend that he is not.

Now, back to the original question, as both you and Biden claim this is because Florida is using more than their 'fair share,' what states are in shortfall because Florida is using to much?
FOx news TALKING POINTS from night time hosts that you so easily gobble up.... Imo.

But go ahead and be afraid! The president is out to get you! Out to kill you!! Out to hurt only republicans.....

Your handlers have you just where they want you!
FOx news TALKING POINTS from night time hosts that you so easily gobble up.... Imo.

But go ahead and be afraid! The president is out to get you! Out to kill you!! Out to hurt only republicans.....

Your handlers have you just where they want you!
What are you going on about.

You deny, try and outright lie about what is actually going on and now you run away to flaming and insults.

Handlers indeed.
What are you going on about.

You deny, try and outright lie about what is actually going on and now you run away to flaming and insults.

Handlers indeed.
Your right wing media propaganda machine, took this story on states and monoclonal antibody shortage, and turned it in to Joe Biden trying to kill Floridians.....democrats trying to kill republicans to get back at DeSantis, crapola.....

That's what I am talking about....

And like good little foot soldiers, y'all took your master's lead and ran with it, in starting posts and threads like this one.
We can’t find a single recent report of the Chinese communists testing civets in Yunnan for any coronavirus. With the assistance of Fau Chi and the POSPOTUS, this lack of Chinese responsibility continues the political delirium.

1.) Because Homo sapiens has a record for SARS-CoV-2 in minks, infect a Florida mink from the everglades and treat it with ivermectin, or infect it with mink coronavirus 1. Like antibodies, ivermectin attaches to SARS-CoV-2 at position 91, at the leucine. Mink coronavirus 1 is also leucine at position 91.

2.) See what happens, as in treating humans in India with ivermectin.

It's political and it's murder.
Sorry read your own link...

There is a finite amount of them and Florida wants other States allocation like Texas..

By the way Southern States already get 70% of the allocation already...

The Biden Admin is being very generous...

Other states could say that they worked far harder on getting vaccinated and protect themselves and now have watch Flordia who did far less get this value resource..
Democrats are desperate to boost death numbers in Florida.

Watch out for Democrats around senior communities Florida!!!
Doctors who speak out against our FAUX vaccines are smear or ignored in the lib propaganda media. The FAUX vaccines are utter BS.

Cause the science says the exact opposite... The science is pretty clear...

This is a worldwide stats that are being posted in individual countries.. There is no major screwing the data...

Vaccine was always a weapon against this virus... Fauci told us that at the start but a very important weapon...
You can see it in the countries of high vaccine... Denmark or Ireland should be looked at... They have high vaccine rates and are opening up, zero restrictions...
Democrats are desperate to boost death numbers in Florida.

Watch out for Democrats around senior communities Florida!!!
Don't have too...

Excess Deaths in Florida is 2,000 week above normal... Any chance you explain why 2,000 a week more are dying than normal?
Cause the science says the exact opposite... The science is pretty clear...

This is a worldwide stats that are being posted in individual countries.. There is no major screwing the data...

Vaccine was always a weapon against this virus... Fauci told us that at the start but a very important weapon...
You can see it in the countries of high vaccine... Denmark or Ireland should be looked at... They have high vaccine rates and are opening up, zero restrictions...
What if Joe is not as unqualified as we see. Maybe he is faking some of it. Trading out a national constitutional based society for globalism would need what he is doing. So he does not have to answer anything from the media and the people who live in the country. He gets off from being blamed with the Prog controlled media in cahoots with him.

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