Do US generals run the country?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
With the advent of social media censoring Trump and President, as they take down all his tweets and refuse to air his points of view in the general media, and with Biden having his mic cut off at moments that might cause him embarrasment, because he often goes off script and begins to talk about crazy stuff, like children enjoying rubbing his hairy legs, I got to thinking, who or what really runs the country? You can't think Joe Biden does as he tells reporters he is not allowed to answer certain questions

After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control because he is the one in control of the US armed forces, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Did the country have a silent coup that no one knew about?
After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Let's get real. American Generals have been talking to their Russian and Chinese counterparts for years. It's how we've kept out of nuclear wars for the last few decades.

The intelligence said that the Chinese were legitimately afraid Trump might start a war with them to either boost his re-election chances or because he was upset he lost the election.

Milley took steps to keep them calm.

Now, if Trump actually TRIED to start a war with China, and Milley stopped him... well, that would also be a good thing. Kind of terrifying, but a good thing.
With the advent of social media censoring Trump and President, as they take down all his tweets and refuse to air his points of view in the general media, and with Biden having his mic cut off at moments that might cause him embarrasment, because he often goes off script and begins to talk about crazy stuff, like children enjoying rubbing his hairy legs, I got to thinking, who or what really runs the country? You can't think Joe Biden does as he tells reporters he is not allowed to answer certain questions

After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control because he is the one in control of the US armed forces, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Did the country have a silent coup that no one knew about?
Yes Pres. Biden runs the USA.

Only when the Pres is rogue and wants to hold onto power.
You'll never understand the real power dynamic of this country because you are unable to see past the partisan bullshit you live by.
After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control because he is the one in control of the US armed forces, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Did the country have a silent coup that no one knew about?
General Milley said no such thing.

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It sure looks like Milley was trying to gain control. Making his military subordinates sign an oath of loyalty to him in addition to his tipping off China about our countries intentions definitely has the making of a military coup, with or without the Pelosi factor. Milley committed treason, plain and simple.
Yes Pres. Biden runs the USA.

Only when the Pres is rogue and wants to hold onto power.
So the left thinks that there are no safeguards in place to prevent a POTUS from going "rogue" ? The left thinks that this scenario has never been thought of before and all of a sudden a general simply has to protect the country on his own by going behind the back of the President? LOL.....people who believe this shit are just lunatics.
Let's get real. American Generals have been talking to their Russian and Chinese counterparts for years. It's how we've kept out of nuclear wars for the last few decades.

The intelligence said that the Chinese were legitimately afraid Trump might start a war with them to either boost his re-election chances or because he was upset he lost the election.

Milley took steps to keep them calm.

Now, if Trump actually TRIED to start a war with China, and Milley stopped him... well, that would also be a good thing. Kind of terrifying, but a good thing.
No. What Miley did is simply commit treason.
With the advent of social media censoring Trump and President, as they take down all his tweets and refuse to air his points of view in the general media, and with Biden having his mic cut off at moments that might cause him embarrasment, because he often goes off script and begins to talk about crazy stuff, like children enjoying rubbing his hairy legs, I got to thinking, who or what really runs the country? You can't think Joe Biden does as he tells reporters he is not allowed to answer certain questions

After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control because he is the one in control of the US armed forces, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Did the country have a silent coup that no one knew about?
Yes they do as relates to foreign policy. This has been true for a long time. At least since Ike’s warning of the MIC in his farewell speech, that our politicians have ignored.
How so? Explain your position, in your own words, from what you know?????
The JCS holds NO command authority. He is simply in his position to advise the potus, and facilitate communication between the branches of service. He has no authority to take it upon himself to speak for the United States …. This is clearly spelled out in 10 US Code 163.
Was the President looped in on the call?
Jebus Cristo!

Why would a president be looped in on that call and a hundred others, just like it? You hire and pay people, to do their jobs, not for you to micromanage them, for goodness sake!
The JCS holds NO command authority. He is simply in his position to advise the potus, and facilitate communication between the branches of service. He has no authority to take it upon himself to speak for the United States …. This is clearly spelled out in 10 US Code 163.
He didn't command anything, and this was an assigned duty by the Secretary of Defense Esper, his boss. 10 US Code 163.

Try again.
With the advent of social media censoring Trump and President, as they take down all his tweets and refuse to air his points of view in the general media, and with Biden having his mic cut off at moments that might cause him embarrasment, because he often goes off script and begins to talk about crazy stuff, like children enjoying rubbing his hairy legs, I got to thinking, who or what really runs the country? You can't think Joe Biden does as he tells reporters he is not allowed to answer certain questions

After listening to General Milley say that on his own initiative he is making phone calls to Chinese generals telling them his commander in chief is insane, but not to worry that he has everything in control because he is the one in control of the US armed forces, is Milley one of the ones who actually runs the country? Is he telling China the same thing with dementia Joe as President?

Did the country have a silent coup that no one knew about?

You are being facetious for entertainment purposes. Grow up.

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