Biden will cancel CURRENT student debt; What about 2021 & beyond?


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

The cost of college is definitely a problem, however, the fix isn't making poor people pay off the debt of wealthier people, which is what the Biden and Warren/Schumer plans do. The answer is to take student loans out of the hands of the government because they caused the inflationary problem with the cost of college.
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

FYI, please provide a source as to what you are referencing so others know
An EO like that would be shot down bigger than shit.
Good luck with your delusions, limp wrist.

No need for name calling. The chief executive of the federal govt can actually forgive those loans. Most student loans are federally subsidized anyway. Its like the owner of a bank just saying cancel certain loans. He has the authority
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

The cost of college is definitely a problem, however, the fix isn't making poor people pay off the debt of wealthier people, which is what the Biden and Warren/Schumer plans do. The answer is to take student loans out of the hands of the government because they caused the inflationary problem with the cost of college.
I totally agree that cost has gotten out of control. You are right that the loans in private hands wouldnt be given as freely bc private business wouldn’t want the loss. So students wouldn’t qualify and then college would have to get less expensive.

Id favor an income-graded tuition. If your family earns less than $80K a year, you go for free. $80-150K you pay, say, $4000 a year. Over $250K you pay full tuition
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

FYI, please provide a source as to what you are referencing so others know

Ok. Ive mostly read momentum from stuff like Schumer and Warren pushing it, lots of Democrats making it a priority
An EO like that would be shot down bigger than shit.
Good luck with your delusions, limp wrist.

No need for name calling. The chief executive of the federal govt can actually forgive those loans. Most student loans are federally subsidized anyway. Its like the owner of a bank just saying cancel certain loans. He has the authority
No he doesnt. In this country, we have a thing called "separation of powers." The President cant just use his pen and ignore acts of congress.
Try going to college and learn something. Or 4th grade. :dunno:
Wait till they take control of all the curriculum. You will have to be good little slaves for that freebie.
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12
Momentum by you. Giver every taxpayer money cancelled also. An EO to cancel debt! We are being sold out again....Xi ...Xi of China.., Nuke Hawaii! Then we will be even on the college debt.
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12
That is NOT what he is proposing. He is talking about "up to $10K" of student debt cancellation per student. And that is absurd considering it was government loan subsidies that enabled students get enormous loans and colleges to keep jacking up their costs way beyond the rate of inflation.
An EO like that would be shot down bigger than shit.
Good luck with your delusions, limp wrist.

No need for name calling. The chief executive of the federal govt can actually forgive those loans. Most student loans are federally subsidized anyway. Its like the owner of a bank just saying cancel certain loans. He has the authority

You mean taxpayer subsidized.
Fuck you and your free ride self!!!!
You took the loan!!! Pay it off your damnself!!!!
An EO like that would be shot down bigger than shit.
Good luck with your delusions, limp wrist.

No need for name calling. The chief executive of the federal govt can actually forgive those loans. Most student loans are federally subsidized anyway. Its like the owner of a bank just saying cancel certain loans. He has the authority

Oh there's a need for name calling alright....freeloader.
Free stuff! Free stuff! Free stuff!

Free lunch! Free lunch! Free lunch!

Step right up folks and elect Democrats and you will get all the free stuff your heart desires!

Even your debt for a worthless degree.

No worries, somebody else will pay the debt for you.
Free stuff! Free stuff! Free stuff!

Free lunch! Free lunch! Free lunch!

Step right up folks and elect Democrats and you will get all the free stuff your heart desires!

Even your debt for a worthless degree.

No worries, somebody else will pay the debt for you.

Yep, Dimocrats learned long ago the best way to keep Americans voting for them is to turn as many Americans into beggars as possible.
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year. We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

WHERE DO FUCKING IDIOTS LIKE YOU COME FROM? Do they grow you in a test tube? What do you think cancelling all that debt is going to do to our national debt? If you don't repay the $40,000 you owe, that just means someone else gets STUCK paying it.

And once you idiots start thinking school is free, you won't be able to pay any of your responsibilities in life; you'll expect EVERYTHING for free.

AND SINCE WHEN is K-12 free? Not in my world, asshole! Ever hear of school taxes?
Momentum is strong for Biden to cancel CURRENT student debt. That’s incredible and will save me personally $40,000. But what about todays high school seniors who will take out loans NEXT year??? Where is their relief?? Its just gonna create more oppressive debt unless he does a fresh executive order every year.

We just need to get w modern civilization and make it free just like K-12

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