Biden to Israel: Stop Attacking Hamas So Well Because Iran is Attacking Ships at Sea


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
America has never come close to this level of incompetence in a Commander-in-Chief. How can anyone be so stupid? And another year of this nonsense.

Biden is afraid of Iran - the nation him and his boss Obama are working so hard to get them nukes so they can hand them out.

The USA should of sent our Marines ashore, to attack Gaza and rescue our hostages.

Cowardly or Spiteful hate, which is our policy does not matter, the fact is US citizens have no value to the US government and the US government refuses to protect our citizens.

We could, and should of attacked, and sent a message to the entire world, we will no longer tolerate our citizens dying at the World's hands.
Chicken shit stuff. The only effective way to deal with Iran is to hurt them bad every time they get out of line.,
America has no way of actually winning its war against Russia.

Why would anybody think that America can win a war against Iran?

Is it possible that Iran could hit a US aircraft carrier with a Russian/China hypersonic missile that would send it to the bottom of the ocean?
America has never come close to this level of incompetence in a Commander-in-Chief. How can anyone be so stupid? And another year of this nonsense.

Biden is afraid of Iran - the nation him and his boss Obama are working so hard to get them nukes so they can hand them out.

Israel can't stop. Their favorite thing in the world is to birth new generations of terrorists to plague themselves and the U.S.
America has never come close to this level of incompetence in a Commander-in-Chief. How can anyone be so stupid? And another year of this nonsense.

Biden is afraid of Iran - the nation him and his boss Obama are working so hard to get them nukes so they can hand them out.

From your source

It is a solid strategy to provide support and defense, US simple want Israel to be more smart about it rather than vindictive and doing random things that make them (Israel) looks bad.

Why would Biden be afraid of Iran, Iran is no treat to the US. Yes the US does not want a regional war which would involve more countries.

Its called diplomacy. Seek a resolution that will stop the fighting. Israel is to emotionally involved in seeking a truce

So it will take a trusted 3rd parties to step in and advise against random retaliations that kill innocent people makes both sides look bad.

An eye for an eye does sound fair but at some point it has to stop.

The top two U.S. military leaders are traveling to Tel Aviv to advise the Israeli government on how to transition from major combat operations against Hamas in Gaza to a more limited campaign and prevent a wider regional war.

The story goes on to say that US and NATO have shot down attack drones
Israel can't stop. Their favorite thing in the world is to birth new generations of terrorists to plague themselves and the U.S.
Did you expect to see this so soon:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The top two U.S. military leaders are traveling to Tel Aviv to advise the Israeli government on how to transition from major combat operations against Hamas in Gaza to a more limited campaign and prevent a wider regional war. Their trip comes as Iranian-backed militants on Saturday launched a wave of attack drones against ships in the Red Sea and said they would continue until Israel’s “aggression” ends.

Don't we have to wonder if Iran is deliberately failing?
Is this a declaration of war by Iran against America?

Why are America's hands tied and not responding in kind?
America has no way of actually winning its war against Russia.

Why would anybody think that America can win a war against Iran?

Is it possible that Iran could hit a US aircraft carrier with a Russian/China hypersonic missile that would send it to the bottom of the ocean?
I actually agree with you .. the United States is dangerously low on many basic munitions .. like missiles and artillery. Biden has been giving these to Ukraine and we are not ready for any large scale battles. Besides that .. Democrats in office are typically spineless
Did you expect to see this so soon:


Don't we have to wonder if Iran is deliberately failing?
Is this a declaration of war by Iran against America?

Why are America's hands tied and not responding in kind?
Probably because the streets of the U.S. would erupt in flames from riots if we started another decades long, George W. Bush style waste of lives and treasure in the Middle East.
I actually agree with you .. the United States is dangerously low on many basic munitions .. like missiles and artillery. Biden has been giving these to Ukraine and we are not ready for any large scale battles. Besides that .. Democrats in office are typically spineless
I was thinking that it could be Iran's capability of taking down a US aircraft carrier and 5000 Americans with it?
America has never come close to this level of incompetence in a Commander-in-Chief. How can anyone be so stupid? And another year of this nonsense.

Biden is afraid of Iran - the nation him and his boss Obama are working so hard to get them nukes so they can hand them out.

It's looking more like multiple foreign adversaries have dirt on Biden and he's compromised.
President Trump took out one of Iran's top military leaders to send Iran a message. Biden has let Iran get away with over 100 attacks on American forces thus far.
You know everything America is doing? Really? Everything?
No. Contribute to the discussion and stop trying to pick a fight on account of your unsettled feelings of having to declare your bibles as literally read hocus-pocus.

You've been carefully coerced into going where no Christian ever wants to go!

Pray to your god for forgiveness and post a public apology in the appropriate place.
No. Contribute to the discussion and stop trying to pick a fight on account of your unsettled feelings of having to declare your bibles as literally read hocus-pocus.

You've been carefully coerced into going where no Christian ever wants to go!

Pray to your god for forgiveness and post a public apology in the appropriate place.
I am contributing to the discussion by refuting your ridiculous assertions. You are making ridiculous assumptions that are unsupported by facts or logic.

America does not have to go to war with Iran to exert our influence. We are the 800 lb gorilla in the room. We can do pretty much whatever we want. We have many options at our disposal. You don't know what is being discussed or planned, so you have imperfect knowledge and don't really know what you are talking about.

You're Canadian for crying out loud. They don't have any options because they are Canada.
America has no way of actually winning its war against Russia.

Why would anybody think that America can win a war against Iran?

Is it possible that Iran could hit a US aircraft carrier with a Russian/China hypersonic missile that would send it to the bottom of the ocean?

We could easily beat them but that's not what we do. Boeing, northrupp, mcdonnnel douglas like long protracted adventures.

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