Biden Threatened President Reagan With Going Public With Classified Info To Stop A Covert Op - Biden Bragged About It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Like he did when he bragged about extorting the former Ukraine PM, Joe Biden actually bragged how he threatened Former Presidrnt Ronald Reagan with going public with extremely TOP SECRET information to stop the classified operation.

"Biden says he “twice threatened to go public with covert action plans by the Reagan administration that were harebrained,” and thereby halted them. Committee rules forbid him from saying what those plans were."

He takes handling classified information 'seriously'? SINCE WHEN?

In the midst of the in-going investigation into his theft of classified information, the DOJ has already reportedly found classified material in President Biden's dating back to the time he was a Senator.

- It would be interesting to find if those documents the DOJ confiscated have anything to do with the special operation Biden reportedly threatened President Reagan with exposing through the release of classified formation. We will NEVER know, though, as it is allmost a given Garland / the DOJ will never reveal what is in those documents.

If this indeed true, as it appeats it is, what f*ing balls on this traitor, threatening a US President - the Commander and Chief - with releasing highly classified information IOT stop a US special operations mission?!

"That is apparently the case. Biden thinks he is the ultimate arbiter of what should and should not be classified, and thought so as a Senator way back in 1986."

SSDD for Biden,it seems

Wow, good for him.

Given some of the hairbrained things Reagan DID do, I'm glad Biden stopped some of them.

You know, like letting the Contras flood our streets with Cocaine to fuel their insurrection, trading weapons for hostages and then wondering why more hostages got taken, arming Islamic nutjobs in Afghanistan who eventually became Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

And there were even more hairbrained things Biden stopped? Good for him.

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