Biden scrambles to limit damage to credibility from Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden scrambles to limit damage to credibility from Afghanistan​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Steve Holland & Patricia Zengerle
When President Joe Biden appeared in the White House East Room on July 8 to stress that the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan was proceeding apace, he declared that a Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable.
Five weeks later, the Taliban is in charge, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport from the evacuation of Americans and U.S.-aligned Afghan citizens has transfixed the world, and Biden is scrambling to defend himself from a series of miscalculations that have damaged U.S. credibility.
While insisting that "the buck stops with me," Biden has doled out blame to others over America's humiliating end to the 20-year involvement in Afghanistan that included missteps by four administrations - two Republican and two Democratic.
He has assailed the Afghan military for refusing to fight, denounced the now-ousted Afghan government and declared he inherited a bad withdrawal agreement from his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.
The crisis appears to have taken a toll. Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level - 46% - since he took office in January, a Reuters-Ipsos poll conducted on Monday found. read more.
"The prime minister stressed the importance of not losing the gains made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, or protecting ourselves against any emerging threat from terrorism and of continuing to support the people of Afghanistan," said a Downing Street spokesman.

This is unusual for Reuters to comment so negatively on a Democrat president,
Worst of all the manner he used to withdraw from his erratic decisions from the beginning, whether from poor advice or disdain for the former president has put America in a dire position, this latest fiasco now has now put our National Security in jeopardy.
Meanwhile his team of soy boys are scrambling to fix their mistakes and point blame for their false delusions of grandeur on others.
Then again, how can someone who lacks any credibility, is incompetent ever fight to maintain something they don’t have?
Coverage like that from Reuters Agency does not bode well for Joey Xi and his "Administration".
We can only hope the people can remember this coming November and and the mid -term elections.
Reuters also reports that Bia Dung's approval rating has dropped to 46% and plummeting.
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Biden scrambles to limit damage to credibility from Afghanistan​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Steve Holland & Patricia Zengerle
When President Joe Biden appeared in the White House East Room on July 8 to stress that the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan was proceeding apace, he declared that a Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable.
Five weeks later, the Taliban is in charge, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport from the evacuation of Americans and U.S.-aligned Afghan citizens has transfixed the world, and Biden is scrambling to defend himself from a series of miscalculations that have damaged U.S. credibility.
While insisting that "the buck stops with me," Biden has doled out blame to others over America's humiliating end to the 20-year involvement in Afghanistan that included missteps by four administrations - two Republican and two Democratic.
He has assailed the Afghan military for refusing to fight, denounced the now-ousted Afghan government and declared he inherited a bad withdrawal agreement from his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.
The crisis appears to have taken a toll. Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level - 46% - since he took office in January, a Reuters-Ipsos poll conducted on Monday found. read more.
"The prime minister stressed the importance of not losing the gains made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, or protecting ourselves against any emerging threat from terrorism and of continuing to support the people of Afghanistan," said a Downing Street spokesman.

This is unusual for Reuters to comment so negatively on a Democrat president,
Worst of all the manner he used to withdraw from his erratic decisions from the beginning, whether from poor advice or disdain for the former president has put America in a dire position, this latest fiasco now has now put our National Security in jeopardy.
Meanwhile his team of soy boys are scrambling to fix their mistakes and point blame for their false delusions of grandeur on others.
Then again, how can someone who lacks any credibility, is incompetent ever fight to maintain something they don’t have?
I expect the thugs around him to soon get indignant about their media dogs daring to growl at THEM. The more details come out about just how fubar this whole thing was, it becomes harder and harder not to see it as a plan being executed to humiliate America on the world stage. Biden has been a meat-puppet for the Tan Messiah and his little Marxist Cabal and whether Joe knows it or not, He IS disposable.
Coverage like that from Reuters Agency does not bode well for Joey Xi and his "Administration".
We can only hope the people can remember this coming November and and the mid -term elections.
Reuters also reports that Bia Dung's approval rating has dropped to 46% and plummeting.
IF we have a 2022 election, I'm certain that many ads will include the chaos they caused. My guess is we'll see those two guys falling hundreds of feet to their deaths in a split-screen with people jumping from the towers in 2001.

Biden scrambles to limit damage to credibility from Afghanistan​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Steve Holland & Patricia Zengerle
When President Joe Biden appeared in the White House East Room on July 8 to stress that the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan was proceeding apace, he declared that a Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable.
Five weeks later, the Taliban is in charge, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport from the evacuation of Americans and U.S.-aligned Afghan citizens has transfixed the world, and Biden is scrambling to defend himself from a series of miscalculations that have damaged U.S. credibility.
While insisting that "the buck stops with me," Biden has doled out blame to others over America's humiliating end to the 20-year involvement in Afghanistan that included missteps by four administrations - two Republican and two Democratic.
He has assailed the Afghan military for refusing to fight, denounced the now-ousted Afghan government and declared he inherited a bad withdrawal agreement from his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.
The crisis appears to have taken a toll. Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level - 46% - since he took office in January, a Reuters-Ipsos poll conducted on Monday found. read more.
"The prime minister stressed the importance of not losing the gains made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, or protecting ourselves against any emerging threat from terrorism and of continuing to support the people of Afghanistan," said a Downing Street spokesman.

This is unusual for Reuters to comment so negatively on a Democrat president,
Worst of all the manner he used to withdraw from his erratic decisions from the beginning, whether from poor advice or disdain for the former president has put America in a dire position, this latest fiasco now has now put our National Security in jeopardy.
Meanwhile his team of soy boys are scrambling to fix their mistakes and point blame for their false delusions of grandeur on others.
Then again, how can someone who lacks any credibility, is incompetent ever fight to maintain something they don’t have?
This stink will be on Biden in 2024.
Liberal media covering for Biden again. Virus won't be major issue in 2024. Liberal's used that hoax in 2020 to steal an election. Forget it, it's wore's done.
If republicans have their way, the virus is a hoax, and they will concentrate on Biden leaving Afghanistan.

Biden won fair and square, and thank goodness.
Penelope stop the stupid babbling---blacks murder whites at 10 times the rate of vice versa.....blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate....we are not stupid---the BLACKS are the haters and racists
This is about the thread. Look at how you like the blacks, I imagine just how much you like the Muslims of Afghanistan.
Coverage like that from Reuters Agency does not bode well for Joey Xi and his "Administration".
We can only hope the people can remember this coming November and and the mid -term elections.
Reuters also reports that Bia Dung's approval rating has dropped to 46% and plummeting.
who do you mean BIA Dungs?

Biden scrambles to limit damage to credibility from Afghanistan​

17 Aug 2021 ~~ By Steve Holland & Patricia Zengerle
When President Joe Biden appeared in the White House East Room on July 8 to stress that the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan was proceeding apace, he declared that a Taliban takeover of the country was not inevitable.
Five weeks later, the Taliban is in charge, scenes of chaos at the Kabul airport from the evacuation of Americans and U.S.-aligned Afghan citizens has transfixed the world, and Biden is scrambling to defend himself from a series of miscalculations that have damaged U.S. credibility.
While insisting that "the buck stops with me," Biden has doled out blame to others over America's humiliating end to the 20-year involvement in Afghanistan that included missteps by four administrations - two Republican and two Democratic.
He has assailed the Afghan military for refusing to fight, denounced the now-ousted Afghan government and declared he inherited a bad withdrawal agreement from his Republican predecessor Donald Trump.
The crisis appears to have taken a toll. Biden's approval rating dropped by 7 percentage points and hit its lowest level - 46% - since he took office in January, a Reuters-Ipsos poll conducted on Monday found. read more.
"The prime minister stressed the importance of not losing the gains made in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, or protecting ourselves against any emerging threat from terrorism and of continuing to support the people of Afghanistan," said a Downing Street spokesman.

This is unusual for Reuters to comment so negatively on a Democrat president,
Worst of all the manner he used to withdraw from his erratic decisions from the beginning, whether from poor advice or disdain for the former president has put America in a dire position, this latest fiasco now has now put our National Security in jeopardy.
Meanwhile his team of soy boys are scrambling to fix their mistakes and point blame for their false delusions of grandeur on others.
Then again, how can someone who lacks any credibility, is incompetent ever fight to maintain something they don’t have?
It's like Biden said, it was his decision alone as the buck stops here.

Besides, it's all Trump's fault
There is no damage to credibility. Biden was the only one with the balls to implement a credible strategy.
hahaa and you just lost any credibility you were clinging to by suggesting xiden implemented anything let alone something credible

run along little bot
hahahahha on what planet? oh wait....maybe on your leftist propagandist "news" papers....
Watch as the corporate media spins the Afghanistan failure as a failure of not enough money for the MIC and not enough foreign interventions.
Watch as the corporate media spins the Afghanistan failure as a failure of not enough money for the MIC and not enough foreign interventions.
I am sure the leftwing propagandist, over at MSDNC, or the Cuomo New Network, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, and NY Times will try and deflect blame to any thing other then, the truth....Joey Xiden and the Dembots in his admin.

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