*biden once again proves what a petty little man he is.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

The UNIDY party strikes again.
We're in the middle of a pandem

Do fireworks spread the virus? Is that because fireworks were invented in China?

This really is a long-term plan of the Chinese. America wasn't even a country when they dreamed this up.

This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

Joe doesn't want to do it, because he'd feel bad with real presidents looking down at him.
This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

It's not Biden....It's his Jacobin puppeteers.

Noam should find a way to launch them from private property.
This isn't Joe...this is his vengeful hateful SF based administration doing this....and shame on his wife for going along with this sham.......
This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

Joe doesn't want to do it, because he'd feel bad with real presidents looking down at him.

Biden is a real president, but hey good job being little in a thread about just that.
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*biden once again proves what a petty little man he is.

This is so petty for a variety of reasons.

What the hell makes you think Biden was even involved in such low level matter?

And we've had mr.Smallhands for 4 years never once saw you call him on his daily smallism. Consistency, got any?

Can President Donald Trump get any smaller?

....would it have killed the president of the United States to fly the U.S. flag above the White House at half-mast until McCain is laid to rest this weekend? Yet there it was for most of Monday, our flag flying at full staff, not even 48 hours after McCain died. It wasn't until after 3 p.m. Eastern that the flag finally was lowered to half staff.

It took no less than a national outcry, a request for military intervention and a plea by the American Legion, representing 2 million veterans, to get Trump to relent on his dramatic show of disrespect.

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This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

Biden don't stand for the citizens of the US. By his actions and the Democrypt party they want to destroy the US and it's citizens.
This is so petty for a variety of reasons.
Can't have to much fun can we.

Joe doesn't want to do it, because he'd feel bad with real presidents looking down at him.

Biden is a real president, but hey good job being little in a thread about just that.

Wow! You sure set your standards low.
I see a compromise here. Democrats think they're always right. So in all their wisdom why don't they just hide or whatever else they think is the best way to deal with the pandemic and let freedom loving people do what they think is best. That way everyone wins. And lets face facts, many Democrats are already questioning Biden's mental capacity. The leader of the Dem. party is unfit and so is his VP.
Biden is a real president.

A real President is chosen by people, not by machines.

keep that lie going....and of course they are the party of law and order too right? jan 6 says they are not...i have been amazed at people i thought were semi intelligent still spread these lies..

biden was elected by the popular vote...remember that?

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