Biden Meets a Pope


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
And Both are Lying frauds.In my humblest of Opinions.I never trusted how a really
Good Pope { Pope Benedict } was forced out.Pope DON'T Retire.Yet this new Pope {
First ever Jesuit Pope } is as usual siding with Oligarchs and peer pressure to act
Political.With everything we know to be Political.The way Global Warming then Climate
Change was adapted to make entirely Political.Now this Pandemic.
But what about Abortion.That is the exclusive domain of Catholics.Taught roundly in
all Catholic Parochial schools in my lifetime to be a a very grave and serious issue.
At least the last Known Saint { Mother Teresa of Calcutta } thought so.She never preached
Religion or tried to convert.But she did often as to the Evils of Abortion.
So what does this Balding prick of a Pope talk to Biden { Practicing Catholic ?! } about.
Not Abortion,not even once.As Lying Joe says the Pope told him " he was happy he was
a good catholic and he should keep receiving Communion ".
What was on this balding prick pope's mind mores ...
That due to these crisis { Like Climate Change,Covid } we need to take from these crisis
and build together , " so that there will no longer be any borders,barriers and or political walls
for us to hide behind. "
You mean like the huge wall surrounding Vatican City.A wall rings the 110 acre country.\
The only country in the world to have a wall around most of it's territory.
The guy isn't even Woke.He's just Stupid.Entirely unsaintly.Quite the hypocrite.
Like his new woke buddy in arms ... Joe Biden.
Who managed to hold the Holy See's attention by conversing about making sure to
feed the poor and solve any people's persecution.
Alarming degree of Unsaintliness and hypocrisy.If Mother Teresa was alive and well
and in the room where just the two talked { The Pope and Biden }
she would have went straight over to both males when they stood up and kicked
both squarely in their balls.So even those in the courtyard could hear the shrieks.
And Both are Lying frauds.In my humblest of Opinions.I never trusted how a really
Good Pope { Pope Benedict } was forced out.Pope DON'T Retire.Yet this new Pope {
First ever Jesuit Pope } is as usual siding with Oligarchs and peer pressure to act
Political.With everything we know to be Political.The way Global Warming then Climate
Change was adapted to make entirely Political.Now this Pandemic.
But what about Abortion.That is the exclusive domain of Catholics.Taught roundly in
all Catholic Parochial schools in my lifetime to be a a very grave and serious issue.
At least the last Known Saint { Mother Teresa of Calcutta } thought so.She never preached
Religion or tried to convert.But she did often as to the Evils of Abortion.
So what does this Balding prick of a Pope talk to Biden { Practicing Catholic ?! } about.
Not Abortion,not even once.As Lying Joe says the Pope told him " he was happy he was
a good catholic and he should keep receiving Communion ".
What was on this balding prick pope's mind mores ...
That due to these crisis { Like Climate Change,Covid } we need to take from these crisis
and build together , " so that there will no longer be any borders,barriers and or political walls
for us to hide behind. "
You mean like the huge wall surrounding Vatican City.A wall rings the 110 acre country.\
The only country in the world to have a wall around most of it's territory.
The guy isn't even Woke.He's just Stupid.Entirely unsaintly.Quite the hypocrite.
Like his new woke buddy in arms ... Joe Biden.
Who managed to hold the Holy See's attention by conversing about making sure to
feed the poor and solve any people's persecution.
Alarming degree of Unsaintliness and hypocrisy.If Mother Teresa was alive and well
and in the room where just the two talked { The Pope and Biden }
she would have went straight over to both males when they stood up and kicked
both squarely in their balls.So even those in the courtyard could hear the shrieks.
It's a dream come true for any devout Catholic to meet the Pope. Biden is creating a lot of dreams for a lot of people, glad Biden got this one for himself.
It's a dream come true for any devout Catholic to meet the Pope. Biden is creating a lot of dreams for a lot of people, glad Biden got this one for himself.

Oh please.....Biden probably doesn't even know what's going on.

Who am ? what am I doing here? who is that man shaking my hand? :rolleyes:

Biden left the building a long time ago,
Oh please.....Biden probably doesn't even know what's going on.

Who am ? what am I doing here? who is that man shaking my hand? :rolleyes:

Biden left the building a long time ago,
For a man who you say doesn't know what's going on he needs some very good remarks and was totally appropriate with the Pope. When the pope mentioned that they were both old men. Biden said, " I look at it this way, if you didn't know how old you are, how old do you think you would be ? " The question was redundant, Biden replied, " I would be 60 and you would be 65. " A nice twist, on the old saying, you're only as old as you think you are. Biden is a hell of a lot younger and smarter than Trump is.
What made Benedict "good", and this one, Francis, "bad?"
Even thought Benedict was not Italian { every Pope besides Pope John Paul }
a Pole, has been Italian.Benedict was a German and a man of Great intellect.
Particularly in Philosophy.Which I studied over the years.Outside College.
Most great Pope's have been scholars and men of Reverence.Meaning dedicated
to Truth and Godliness.I never liked Francis,since the get-to.
Mainly because he was totally outside the purview of what a pope
should posesee, as far as education,background and writings.
Francis was Pushed headlong into the Popehood.Because somehow
Pope Benedict was forced out.IA couple years ago some high level priests
feared there would be some kind of Reckoning in the Catholic Faith { Church }.
They wrote a paper using the Phrase :
The End Days
I think it has come to pass.
It's a dream come true for any devout Catholic to meet the Pope. Biden is creating a lot of dreams for a lot of people, glad Biden got this one for himself.
Pelosi tried last Decade to have a tete-a-tete with then Pope Benedict.
It was in the Year of Obama { 2009 }. She managed a small visit with
Pope Benedict along with her Husband.The Pope was polite but did make
an issue to inform her of the seriousness of Abortions.
According to the Holy See the Pope was polite but did " Unmistakenly and
politelty " caution her as to her Pro-abortion support which " puts her in serious
difficulties as a Catholic,which was his obligation as a Pastor "
There are now numerous Pastors in the U.S. who find Biden to be
in this dire straits !
For a man who you say doesn't know what's going on he needs some very good remarks and was totally appropriate with the Pope. When the pope mentioned that they were both old men. Biden said, " I look at it this way, if you didn't know how old you are, how old do you think you would be ? " The question was redundant, Biden replied, " I would be 60 and you would be 65. " A nice twist, on the old saying, you're only as old as you think you are. Biden is a hell of a lot younger and smarter than Trump is.
Oh! How cutesy Tootsie of Bidens.From here on out to be referred to by me as
As if some 2-headed Gargoyle.
Oh! How cutesy Tootsie of Bidens.From here on out to be referred to by me as
As if some 2-headed Gargoyle.
Whatever, are all of the hatred you spear out towards others I can't see how you're happy in this life or in the next. Live it up all you can, keep on attacking people if that's what makes you happy. Good luck with all that.
For a man who you say doesn't know what's going on he needs some very good remarks and was totally appropriate with the Pope. When the pope mentioned that they were both old men. Biden said, " I look at it this way, if you didn't know how old you are, how old do you think you would be ? " The question was redundant, Biden replied, " I would be 60 and you would be 65. " A nice twist, on the old saying, you're only as old as you think you are. Biden is a hell of a lot younger and smarter than Trump is.

Whatever, are all of the hatred you spear out towards others I can't see how you're happy in this life or in the next. Live it up all you can, keep on attacking people if that's what makes you happy. Good luck with all that.
No! Just asinine Liars plying their trade to have other Americans
believe the same.When it's demonstrably OBVIOUS that Liars are
Agin all things American.Like Truth and the American Way.
Like even the Boys Scouts,and now Disney.Corrupted beyond measure.
And of course Elections.
Unless some Economic scholar like N.Y.Times commited Liar as
Paul Krugman can keep from hiding after his " demonstrable " lies
concerning Republicans and Trump are now part of History.Year after year.
The guy is now a complete Joke.
Krugman only one in many obvious examples I can spotlight.
Grope, a name much more befitting Trump, a man who actually groped women.
It's already Historic.That if Biden just continued on with Trump policy,
the Country would be Sparkling.
Instead the plop plop fizz fizz Oh what a pain it is to be
in such dire straits.
Biden isn't just a pain.He's a canker sore on everything good that this
country was ... Under Trump.
Isn't it the rest of America who should be seeing a priest about now needing a wing and a prayer?
Yes,Americans desperately require relief from these Lying shilling
Democrat creeps like Catholics Pelosi.Biden,McAuliffe,and Hillary
V.P. Tim Kaine.Plus Schumer college buddy Dick Durbin.
No! Just asinine Liars plying their trade to have other Americans
believe the same.When it's demonstrably OBVIOUS that Liars are
Agin all things American.Like Truth and the American Way.
Like even the Boys Scouts,and now Disney.Corrupted beyond measure.
And of course Elections.
Unless some Economic scholar like N.Y.Times commited Liar as
Paul Krugman can keep from hiding after his " demonstrable " lies
concerning Republicans and Trump are now part of History.Year after year.
The guy is now a complete Joke.
Krugman only one in many obvious examples I can spotlight.
I think you've got a serious problem. The boy scouts had a problem with pedophiles hidden among their troops, preying on the young boys, no different than the priest s in the Catholic church praying on the young boys both were big problems both have nothing to do with the left they're sick individuals and I think you have a problem too to bring up all this garbage
I think you've got a serious problem. The boy scouts had a problem with pedophiles hidden among their troops, preying on the young boys, no different than the priest s in the Catholic church praying on the young boys both were big problems both have nothing to do with the left they're sick individuals and I think you have a problem too to bring up all this garbage
No Buddy boy.The United States NOW has a serious Problem.
An Epidemic.Of The worst kind.Where Stalinism is the order of the day.
Where Honest,Loyal,Law-abiding and Tax-paying good Patriots are now
treated as if Public Enemy Number one.All for a Political Gain.
To usher-in some " Tranformational experiment " in Equity and
making Whites pay for past injustice.Whether involved or not.
Based in Tribalism.Where certain whites are exempt from any blame
based on Political affiliation.No different than how Stalinism worked.

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