Biden Incompetence In Foreign Affairs Is Glaring

Go back to the 4th grade. Your deal partner isn't obligated, unless you meet your obligation. They couldn't be until May 1 2021. :icon_rolleyes:

Dumbfuck, the deal wasn't only that we remove our troops. There were other obligations in between commencement and completion. Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid. And why on Earth do you delude yourself into believing the Taliban's only obligations didn't even start until we completed ours? What would be they're incentive to stick to their obligations had that been the deal?
He knows he blundered immensely, thousands of people being killed because of him, thousands of children being orphaned and taken into sex slavery, and thousands of women now facing a life of misery. He may never hold a press conference again.
The SHAME is unbearable.
/——-/ It’s Dementia Joe’s Fall of Saigon.


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Pardon me, Trump's record breaking GDP (3rd Q of 2020) was 33.8%, not 33.1%. :biggrin:

As for the preceding quarter (Q2), of course it was bad. It was part of the Democrat pandemic with massive lockdowns, and Pelosi stopping the Stimulus checks. Q1 was part of that too. Also very bad. And then Q3, was the Republicans saying "fck this", and reopened businesses en masse, and we got 33.8. (despite blue states continuing to lockdown)

As for Trump, his annualized real GDP growth is skewed off chart by 3 things. The pitiful economy he inherited from Obama (bottom of the V-GRAPH), the BEA (filled with Obama appointees) often changing their numbers (always in favor of Obama and to Trump's detriment), and the Democrat conspired pandemic.

Even in spite of these things, looking at the numbers, Trump comes out with a respectable 2.4% “average annual growth rate.” a better criterea than annualized real GDP growth. It is the sum of all the growth rates during a president’s term in office, divided by the number of years.

The presidents with the best growth will average between 2% and 3%, which many economists consider the healthiest range.
View attachment 528124

Check the chart and do the math yourself.

Now, if we FAIRLY remove the crazy Democrat pandemic year, and just take Trump's first 3 years, we get an average annual growth rate of 2.54%, while economists agree that the ideal GDP growth rate is between 2% and 3%.


You're such a retard, gramps. Forget the fact that the average GDP under Trump was 2%, not 2.4% ....

Only a moron would use an average to determine GDP growth. The correct math is to annualize GDP growth. The way the BEA calculates it.

1.3% annualized real GDP growth under Trump. Worst since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover. Another failed one-term Republican president.
Pardon me, Trump's record breaking GDP (3rd Q of 2020) was 33.8%, not 33.1%. :biggrin:

As for the preceding quarter (Q2), of course it was bad. It was part of the Democrat pandemic with massive lockdowns, and Pelosi stopping the Stimulus checks. Q1 was part of that too. Also very bad. And then Q3, was the Republicans saying "fck this", and reopened businesses en masse, and we got 33.8. (despite blue states continuing to lockdown)

As for Trump, his annualized real GDP growth is skewed off chart by 3 things. The pitiful economy he inherited from Obama (bottom of the V-GRAPH), the BEA (filled with Obama appointees) often changing their numbers (always in favor of Obama and to Trump's detriment), and the Democrat conspired pandemic.

Even in spite of these things, looking at the numbers, Trump comes out with a respectable 2.4% “average annual growth rate.” a better criterea than annualized real GDP growth. It is the sum of all the growth rates during a president’s term in office, divided by the number of years.

The presidents with the best growth will average between 2% and 3%, which many economists consider the healthiest range.
View attachment 528124

Check the chart and do the math yourself.

Now, if we FAIRLY remove the crazy Democrat pandemic year, and just take Trump's first 3 years, we get an average annual growth rate of 2.54%, while economists agree that the ideal GDP growth rate is between 2% and 3%.


Hey, gramps ... this is from YOUR link....


Even YOUR link says I'M right, Trump has the worst record of GDP growth since Herbert Hoover, and YOU'RE an imbecile.

Your own link! :lmao:

Some have accused Biden of not listening to his intelligence and military advisors.

This is who Biden did listen to.

Even with the current chaos in Kabul and the Kabul airport which has been seen every day on every network ever since plus the barrage of finger pointing at our President, a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult and Politico between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, the day after the Taliban completed its takeover of Kabul, found that 49 percent of American voters still support President Biden’s decision to pull troops from the country.

Significantly and prior to the current chaos, 69 percent expressed support for the exit in an April survey by the same firms.

As a Presidential candidate, Biden campaigned on a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obviously, voters agreed with him.

Getting back to the August poll, The Hill reports. "Thirty-seven percent of voters [one assumes Republicans] polled in August said they opposed the president’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, which was more than double the 16 percent opposition recorded in April.

"Sixty-nine percent of Democrats approved the president’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan in the new poll, down from 84 percent in April."

"Over the past 20 years, Americans’ support for the war in Afghanistan has consistently waned. So much so that despite the Taliban taking over the country in a matter of days this past week — after the United States spent a trillion dollars and thousands of lives to prevent such a thing — very few people are second-guessing the need to withdraw, though many debate how the withdrawal has been executed by the Biden administration," the Washington Post.

The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul on the weekend and within hours the Afghan security forces folded without firing a shot, hence the chaos we are seeing now

There is no possible way Biden and his military advisors could anticipate that.

To say otherwise assumes the President and/or the Joint Chiefs decided to create a trap for American troops and civilians in Afghanistan, knowing the debacle that would follow.

To say otherwise makes absolutely no sense.
It's not a dodge. I've seen bets made on this forum and conservatives welsh. Anybody who bets with a conservative is an idiot since the conservative won't pay up if they lose.

It matters not what you whine about, your posts reveal you lied. Stolen valor. And I certainly don't take advice from schmucks who steal the valor.
Too late PUNK BOY. You had your chance to stand up for your accusation, and you ran from it. Your silly welsh DODGE doesn't fly either. I stayed out of another forum for 3 months after losing a bet, and the guy who I bet (a liberal), is willing to come in here and verify it.

You have no way out. Either you take the bet, or you are a stupid, gutless coward, who shoots his mouth off about things he has no clue about. You still have something to gain from the bet (if what you said was true). If I was unable to provide my military papers, and my VA ID photo ID card, you would then prove yourself to be be right.

Right, Fraud Faun ? Right ? Right ? Faggot Faun. You should do all your postings from here on, in YELLOW.
You remain demented. Red states as well as blue states shut down. And all did following the recommendation from Trump.

Trump owns the shutdowns -- they were his recommendation.
Red states did only initially. Once they caught on to the scam, they (Florida, Texas, et al) reopened, but the blues stayed closed (and they still are now).

You are really making an idiot out of yourself by trying to link Trump to the shutdowns. EVERYBODY knows it's a blue state thing.

Hey, gramps ... this is from YOUR link....

Even YOUR link says I'M right, Trump has the worst record of GDP growth since Herbert Hoover, and YOU'RE an imbecile.

Your own link! :lmao:
BULLSHIT. I already posted the average annual growth rate. For Trump, it is 2.4% and 2.54%, excluding the goofy pandemic year. Look at the numbers. Do the math. If you know how to calculate an average.

2017 - 2.725
2018 - 2.325
2019 - 2.575
2020 - 2.0

Adds up to 9.625, divided by 4 = 2.40

THAT is what my link shows.


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You're such a retard, gramps. Forget the fact that the average GDP under Trump was 2%, not 2.4% ....

Only a moron would use an average to determine GDP growth. The correct math is to annualize GDP growth. The way the BEA calculates it.

"One method that reduces the impact of these extremes is the “average annual growth rate.” That’s the sum of all the growth rates during a president’s term in office, divided by the number of years."

For Trump that is 2.4% ; 2.54% first 3 years. Ho hum.

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"One method that reduces the impact of these extremes is the “average annual growth rate.” That’s the sum of all the growth rates during a president’s term in office, divided by the number of years."

For Trump that is 2.4% ; 2.54% first 3 years. Ho hum.

You're such a retard, gramps. Forget the fact that the average GDP under Trump was 2%, not 2.4% ....

Only a moron would use an average to determine GDP growth. The correct math is to annualize GDP growth. The way the BEA calculates it.

1.3% annualized real GDP growth under Trump. Worst since Herbert "Great Depression" Hoover. Another failed one-term Republican president.
All your 1.3% figure is, is the percent change from one year to another A rather insignificant figure pertaning to what is a good economy. Actually, the lower the number, that means the less change from year to year indicating more stability.
So you say, but you're stolen valor.
You have no standing to charge that. You have no evidence, and you're unwilling to confront the evidence I have. You're a joke. ...and a COWARD.

Dumbfuck, the deal wasn't only that we remove our troops. There were other obligations in between commencement and completion. Dayum, you're a special kind of stupid. And why on Earth do you delude yourself into believing the Taliban's only obligations didn't even start until we completed ours? What would be they're incentive to stick to their obligations had that been the deal?
But we are talking about the 2 items of the agreement which were US obligation (Part 1) - "to withdraw from Afghanistan all military forces of the United States, its allies, and Coalition partners, including all non-diplomatic civilian personnel, private security contractors, trainers, advisors, and supporting services personnel within fourteen (14) months following announcement of this agreement"

and Taliban obligation (Part 2) - "the Taliban will not allow any of its members, other individuals or groups, including al-Qa’ida, to use the soil of Afghanistan to threaten the security of the United States and its allies"

Until May 1, Taliban essential HAD NO obligation. It started May 1.

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Some have accused Biden of not listening to his intelligence and military advisors.

This is who Biden did listen to.

Even with the current chaos in Kabul and the Kabul airport which has been seen every day on every network ever since plus the barrage of finger pointing at our President, a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult and Politico between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, the day after the Taliban completed its takeover of Kabul, found that 49 percent of American voters still support President Biden’s decision to pull troops from the country.

Significantly and prior to the current chaos, 69 percent expressed support for the exit in an April survey by the same firms.

As a Presidential candidate, Biden campaigned on a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obviously, voters agreed with him.

Getting back to the August poll, The Hill reports. "Thirty-seven percent of voters [one assumes Republicans] polled in August said they opposed the president’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, which was more than double the 16 percent opposition recorded in April.

"Sixty-nine percent of Democrats approved the president’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan in the new poll, down from 84 percent in April."

"Over the past 20 years, Americans’ support for the war in Afghanistan has consistently waned. So much so that despite the Taliban taking over the country in a matter of days this past week — after the United States spent a trillion dollars and thousands of lives to prevent such a thing — very few people are second-guessing the need to withdraw, though many debate how the withdrawal has been executed by the Biden administration," the Washington Post.

The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul on the weekend and within hours the Afghan security forces folded without firing a shot, hence the chaos we are seeing now

There is no possible way Biden and his military advisors could anticipate that.

To say otherwise assumes the President and/or the Joint Chiefs decided to create a trap for American troops and civilians in Afghanistan, knowing the debacle that would follow.

To say otherwise makes absolutely no sense.
Polls are Democrat polls. Republicans don't answer them. Biden has less than 25% approval rate.

When Al Qaeda revs up again and starts knocking down more tall buildings, blowing up dams, gassing whole neighborhoods, or whatever, people won't be so high on withdrawl anymore.
Polls are Democrat polls. Republicans don't answer them. Biden has less than 25% approval rate.

When Al Qaeda revs up again and starts knocking down more tall buildings, blowing up dams, gassing whole neighborhoods, or whatever, people won't be so high on withdrawl anymore.
I have a feeling the Taliban doesn't want to do that again either. They want to be recognized as a legitimate government this time around. They have learned lol. Change the channel and get some reality You are brainwashed until you are hysterical....
I have a feeling the Taliban doesn't want to do that again either. They want to be recognized as a legitimate government this time around. They have learned lol. Change the channel and get some reality You are brainwashed until you are hysterical....
Fool. They are Islamists and jihadists. They are deep in the clutches of the KORAN. They will never be legitimate. They haven't "learned" anything.

After all the allied troops are gone, they will go on a killing spree of everyone they consider an enemy of theirs.

In fact, they already killed some of those people, didn't you hear (or see) ?

/——-/ It’s Dementia Joe’s Fall of Saigon.
No evidence of any large numbers of people being killed. The Tell Ben wants to be recognized as a legitimate government. If we're smart we won't be listening to Republicans and their brainwashed base anymore. You are the people that rushed us into these stupid insane wars and kept us there all this time One way or another.
Fool. They are Islamists and jihadists. They are deep in the clutches of the KORAN. They will never be legitimate. They haven't "learned" anything.

After all the allied troops are gone, they will go on a killing spree of everyone they consider an enemy of theirs.

In fact, they already killed some of those people, didn't you hear (or see) ?

Controlling the fanatical fringe seems to be a problem just like the GOP has.
big countries can't be in the nation-building business, even though they are expected to

we need to take care of America 1st and America Only, my friends
No evidence of any large numbers of people being killed. The Tell Ben wants to be recognized as a legitimate government. If we're smart we won't be listening to Republicans and their brainwashed base anymore. You are the people that rushed us into these stupid insane wars and kept us there all this time One way or another.
/——-/. No evidence except where there is evidence.
Anthony Blinken threatened to impose sanctions against the "Taliban", with which the United States unsuccessfully fought for twenty years.
An interesting case of an attempt to cover up a military-ideological weakness with political impotence.

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