Biden given "Bottomless Pinochios" for repeatedly lying about lowering the deficit.

Learn the difference between the deficit and the debt and get back to me.

I love it how you hard core Trumpyfans no longer even try to defend his sorry butt, but just whine whenever facts of what he did as president are brought up.

This thread is about Biden receiving the 'bottomless Pinocchio" You're free to start one about Trump.

You're so brain-dead, Dumbfuck. Yes, Biden was proven correct. You were shown how the FY2022 deficit was $4.2t while 2 years later, the deficit was $2.5 trillion. That's a decrease of $1.7 trillion, just as Biden said.

Funny thing is... as senile as he is, turns out, you're even more senile.

Still dancing around the claim you lied about. Now everyone has seen it. We all know. Acting like a moron just makes you one.
Bottomless Pinochios from a liberal fact checker.

Sux to be Bidenista Cultists. :dance:

That chart shows...

2020: $3,132
2022: $1,375
Diff: $1,757

Even you, as unwittingly as I'm certain it was, just proved Biden was right.

That was my point. Biden was accurate. Errant reading on your part.
It has to do with it because voters May want to know if Biden as big a liar as Trump. They will choose between those two.
Also I’m calling the OP author a hypocrite.
You embarrassed yourself twice now.

Still, no. The WP didn't give Biden a rating of "bottomless Pinocchios" because Biden lies as much as Trump. Anyone with a functioning brain knows no one lies as much as Trump. Not even George Santos lies as much as Trump and Santos lies about virtually everything.

The WP explained it...

Why is this significant? Readers may recall that during Donald Trump’s presidency, we established a new category, the Bottomless Pinocchio, to account for false or misleading statements repeated so often that they became a form of propaganda. A statement would get added to the list if it had earned a Three or Four Pinocchios rating and been repeated at least 20 times. By the end of the Trump presidency, 56 claims made by Trump had qualified.

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