Biden Climate Pact Hobbles US Manufacturing And Agriculture But Gives China, India, Russia A Pass


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The goal is to crash the US economy.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.” (RELATED: Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?)

On Monday, Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced after a meeting that 24 additional nations had joined the pledge. However, China, Russia and India, which produce more than 33% of the world’s methane emissions, remained off the list of signatories.

The climate packs is for the future, right now it is not interfering with refineries that shut down during the 2020 pandemic economic crash.

  • However, Gregory Wetstone, the president and CEO of the American Council on Renewable Energy, said the energy crisis is a product of fossil fuel companies and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries deliberately manipulating the energy supply.

Your title is no where near what the article is about but you show your extremist cult of love to hate Biden.

Biden doesn't control the world or the US supply chains nor does he control the energy industry.
China and India are the top polluters in the world. How come those idiots making rules for everyone else aren't going after India and China??

Why, cause both those countries would tell those idiots to fuck off which is what the US should do.

For 1.....

The goal is to crash the US economy.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.” (RELATED: Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?)

On Monday, Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced after a meeting that 24 additional nations had joined the pledge. However, China, Russia and India, which produce more than 33% of the world’s methane emissions, remained off the list of signatories.

It totally amazes me that if the left got the US to do virtually everything they wanted on Climate Change, they believe Climate change would just go away even as the biggest polluting countries you mentioned do absolutely nothing.
The goal is to crash the US economy.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.” (RELATED: Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?)

On Monday, Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced after a meeting that 24 additional nations had joined the pledge. However, China, Russia and India, which produce more than 33% of the world’s methane emissions, remained off the list of signatories.

From the old Johnny Carson show....Carnac....

The Question: China, India, Russia......

Answer....the countries who signed checks to Hunter biden this week...
From the old Johnny Carson show....Carnac....

The Question: China, India, Russia......

Answer....the countries who signed checks to Hunter Xiden this week...
1. The Moscow mayor's wife gave Hunter a check for $3,500,000, check. (also got Nord Stream 2 approved from Xiden)
2. China gave Hunter $1,500,000,000 "to invest". check
3. India?? must have given an IOU.
1. The Moscow mayor's wife gave Hunter a check for $3,500,000, check. (also got Nord Stream 2 approved from Xiden)
2. China gave Hunter $1,500,000,000 "to invest". check
3. India?? must have given an IOU.

Odds are the FBI is preventing people from finding out about the check from that they are simply an enforcement wing of the democrat party...thugs with badges for democrats now...
Climate change is the biggest hoax on the planet. Its a cash cow for some and a pain the ass for most. Gore laughed his way to the bank with the money he earned on his CC gig.

Trump got us out of the Paris Accords and Bidung dropped us back into it. More wasted tax money.

Find a way to control the Sun, the Moon and the revolutions of the earth and you MAY control the climate. What a load of horse shit.
Climate change is the biggest hoax on the planet. Its a cash cow for some and a pain the ass for most. Gore laughed his way to the bank with the money he earned on his CC gig.

Trump got us out of the Paris Accords and Bidung dropped us back into it. More wasted tax money.

Find a way to control the Sun, the Moon and the revolutions of the earth and you MAY control the climate. What a load of horse shit.
The total and complete arrogance that people actually think they can control mother nature. In the below link, the US is ranked in 84th place in a list of the most polluted countries and yet the leftists would have you believe that if the US did everything they wanted Climate Change would just vanish in the US despite anything the 83 other countries on top of us do. No more forest fires. No more hurricanes. No more flooding. No more warm temperatures. No more cold temperatures. We would be living in virtual Utopia, eating berries, and traveling by foot wearing plant made moccasins.

1. Biden lied inhis initial remarks, reaffirming g he has zero credibility.

2. They watched his impotency and inability to get HIS bill passed by his own party before coming to the conference, proving he is weak and incapable of leading...
- Putin did not show up because he is overseeing the military build-ul on Ukraine's border. Xi is overseeing preparations to take Taiwan

3. China and India are the 2 biggest polluters.unless you get them to buy-in, which is asking them to hurt themselves...which they will not do, this conference and any and all actions we take will be self-unflicted suicide.

You're spitting in the wind without their buy-in.

4. Biden's falling asleep shows just b own weak he us and just how much he gives a damn about global warming.....which is not much
The goal is to crash the US economy.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.” (RELATED: Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?)

On Monday, Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced after a meeting that 24 additional nations had joined the pledge. However, China, Russia and India, which produce more than 33% of the world’s methane emissions, remained off the list of signatories.

Selling out America, what every President since HW has done except Trump...
The only thing Bi-Dung accomplished this trip was 'dirty-bombing' his pants at the Vatican!
:9: (Pope Francis is on the left.)
The goal is to crash the US economy.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.” (RELATED: Is The Shift To Renewable Energy Propelling Us Into An Energy Crisis?)

On Monday, Kerry and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced after a meeting that 24 additional nations had joined the pledge. However, China, Russia and India, which produce more than 33% of the world’s methane emissions, remained off the list of signatories.

Make China Great Again!

China funds all the Climate "Scientists"

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