Biden announces new round of judicial nominees


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
We pay a lot of attention to the SCOTUS...but the lower courts appt.'s mean a lot as well. Thus far, Biden seems to be getting his a rapid...for DC...pace.

President Biden announced a new round of judicial nominees Thursday as the White House and Senate Democrats continue to push judges through the confirmation process at a rapid pace.
The three federal and one local D.C. judicial picks make up the president's sixth round of nominees since his inauguration.
The slate includes Beth Robinson, a justice on the Vermont Supreme Court whom Biden is nominating to sit on the powerful New York City-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Robinson has been on Vermont's highest court since 2011 and is the first openly LGBT justice to hold a seat there.
Biden also nominated Mary Katherine Dimke to be a district court judge for the Eastern District of Washington, where she currently serves as a magistrate judge after multiple stints as a federal prosecutor.
Charlotte Sweeney, an employment law attorney in Denver, was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. If confirmed, Sweeney would be the first openly LGBT judge on the court.
Biden announced he would be nominating John P. Howard III for the D.C. Court of Appeals, the capital's equivalent of a state supreme court. Howard is currently an administrative law judge with the District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings.
The Senate has so far confirmed eight of Biden's more than 30 judicial nominees, and on Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced five more for final floor votes.
Authoritarians appointing judges will only result in authoritarian judges :(
We pay a lot of attention to the SCOTUS...but the lower courts appt.'s mean a lot as well. Thus far, Biden seems to be getting his a rapid...for DC...pace.

President Biden announced a new round of judicial nominees Thursday as the White House and Senate Democrats continue to push judges through the confirmation process at a rapid pace.
The three federal and one local D.C. judicial picks make up the president's sixth round of nominees since his inauguration.
The slate includes Beth Robinson, a justice on the Vermont Supreme Court whom Biden is nominating to sit on the powerful New York City-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Robinson has been on Vermont's highest court since 2011 and is the first openly LGBT justice to hold a seat there.
Biden also nominated Mary Katherine Dimke to be a district court judge for the Eastern District of Washington, where she currently serves as a magistrate judge after multiple stints as a federal prosecutor.
Charlotte Sweeney, an employment law attorney in Denver, was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado. If confirmed, Sweeney would be the first openly LGBT judge on the court.
Biden announced he would be nominating John P. Howard III for the D.C. Court of Appeals, the capital's equivalent of a state supreme court. Howard is currently an administrative law judge with the District of Columbia Office of Administrative Hearings.
The Senate has so far confirmed eight of Biden's more than 30 judicial nominees, and on Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced five more for final floor votes.
Reject them all.
I'm not sure why right wingers are whining about judicial appointments. Trump's silly cases are thrown out of court by trump appointed judges on a regular basis.
Donny Douchebag and Moscow Mitch appointed more judges than any previous president in decades. Joseph Biden (God's choice) is the first Democratic president in quite a while who understands the importance of the courts, and will fill every vacancy, before moving on to expanding the DC Circuit, and maybe SCOTUS, too.
Alfred E Newman, Son of Sam and their terrorist dog who Joe says will be the perfect dog from now on. Life is sweet but Biden isn't.

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