Biden, a man of courage and dignity.


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2021
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Let's post these everywhere and make loving him our entire personality!!!!!!!

Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Thanks for the laugh!! ... :thup:
Biden is a president we can all be proud of
Proud? The man totally AMAZES ME every day he just wakes up, remembers what day it is, and just makes it to the can on time.

It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time.
I'd rather have a president who doesn't make huge military, world affair and humanitarian BLUNDERS that he has to take any responsibility for.

He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader.
Yeah, I imagine that vision extends from his bed to about the end table where his reading glasses are to see with.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.

Did he change his diaper all by himself?

Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
The former president is on handity tonight blaming everyone else …
This is a good post.
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
It's about time we saw Biden fans actually coming out in support of their president. Keep it up and don't be afraid and maybe we can engage in a productive dialog one of these days.
Trump still hasn't admitted his tariff policy was a disaster, costing the taxpayers 10s of billions.

Gee, that must be equal to about half the cost of just the military hardware alone that Joe just left on the other side of the world for 75,000 screaming murderous terrorists, thousands of which used to be gitmo prisoners.

What has Joe planned this Fall as a followup-- -- -- maybe shipping a few dozen uranium enrichment cyclotrons to Iran as a gift?
Biden is a president we can all be proud of, he has the dignity and the courage to accept responsibility for his actions. That is refreshing to have in the white house again. It's easy to take credit for the successes. It takes a real man to admit responsibility for actions that seem less successful at the time. Biden does not act, or react to the immediate impressions the mob I might have. He has a long-range vision for this country, and vision is very important for a leader. Children want instant gratification, adults know what's better.
Evidence proves this racist, sexist, pu$$y-grabbing, PM-extorting traitor and his family have engaged in self-enriching scams such as Influence-peddling, Russian money-laundering, took $1 BILLION from the CCP, & took MILLIONS from the CCP & Russians during his election campaign.

Biden and his whole family are traitoerous, bought and paid for puppets.

And Biden gas already surpassed Cater as worst President in US history in only 7 months.

In the most recent f*-up Biden had the US chased out of Afghanistan in a situation worse than Ssigon, one in which he abandoned 10,000 US citizens to the Mercy of terrorist Taliban enemies.

Your thread is the biggest pile of dung since dinosaurs walked the earth.
Gee, that must be equal to about half the cost of just the military hardware alone that Joe just left on the other side of the world for 75,000 screaming murderous terrorists, thousands of which used to be gitmo prisoners.

What has Joe planned this Fall as a followup-- -- -- maybe shipping a few dozen uranium enrichment cyclotrons to Iran as a gift?
Did you support the former president’s peace accord with the Taliban?

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