Bibi uses GOP scare tactics to try and win 4th term


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

For his supporters, he is playing his strong card as “Mr. Security,” presenting himself as the candidate who can best stand up to the threats facing Israel and to international pressure. But his opponents say he is continuing a campaign that is more than two decades old, based on scaring Israeli voters while offering few solutions that might give them hope

Bibi and the GOP do have something in common. They scare voters into choosing them at the polls.
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

For his supporters, he is playing his strong card as “Mr. Security,” presenting himself as the candidate who can best stand up to the threats facing Israel and to international pressure. But his opponents say he is continuing a campaign that is more than two decades old, based on scaring Israeli voters while offering few solutions that might give them hope

Bibi and the GOP do have something in common. They scare voters into choosing them at the polls.

I hear you, why do the US or Israel need to worry about security? That's just a scare tactic
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

That would be a good argument if it was Israel who kept attacking Arabs, but since it's the other way around...
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

No he wants to continue fighting to gain more territory, the only cause behind war for the last 50,000 years.

And the Muslims are fighting to also gain more territory.
Um, when you're surrounded by tens of millions of Muslims that want to destroy you, it's not a scare tactic, it's reality.

Yes, and they have it as a stated goal, but that's OK with the left. Shooting rockets in Jewish neighborhoods is OK. Blowing up buses, grocery stores and cafes? Not an issue.

On the other hand, Jews defending themselves? That's just going out and looking for trouble
dimocraps are cowards. Just that simple.

Remember after 9/11 how NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY was pushing for caution and restraint?

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, wanted to go kick some Arab ass.

Then as soon as the immediate threat is gone, so are dimocraps. They're hiding under the covers pretending that they care about the safety and lives of our Soldiers.

Like cowards have the right to speak for our, or anybody else's, Soldiers. I don't think so.

dimocraps, not everybody is as cowardly as you. Some of us are more than willing to take on and attack evil anywhere, any time.

Go ask some Rangers at Fort Benning if they're afraid of the goat fuckers. Ask the IDF.

Go ask the Marines if they're shaking in their boots.

We already know you are. But I doubt our Soldiers are
So Bibi wants us to walk away from a deal with Iran that would ultimately have inspectors on the ground monitoring their nuclear ambitions. His argument is if we walk away, Iran will come crawling back with even bigger concessions in the deal. While we are waiting for them to capitulate, well they will do NOTHING to gain more ground on developing a bomb. are sooooo smart!
So Bibi wants us to walk away from a deal with Iran that would ultimately have inspectors on the ground monitoring their nuclear ambitions. His argument is if we walk away, Iran will come crawling back with even bigger concessions in the deal. While we are waiting for them to capitulate, well they will do NOTHING to gain more ground on developing a bomb. are sooooo smart!

Why should he worry about a deal that will have a nuclear Iran for his children, not his problem, is it?

Never let it be said that a liberal looks ahead
So Bibi wants us to walk away from a deal with Iran that would ultimately have inspectors on the ground monitoring their nuclear ambitions. His argument is if we walk away, Iran will come crawling back with even bigger concessions in the deal. While we are waiting for them to capitulate, well they will do NOTHING to gain more ground on developing a bomb. are sooooo smart!

Why should he worry about a deal that will have a nuclear Iran for his children, not his problem, is it?

Never let it be said that a liberal looks ahead

Bibi wants all out war on Iran. That is his one and only solution. He wants the US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq. And if a Repub President is elected in 2016, he may get his wish. That would really make you happy, huh?
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

That would be a good argument if it was Israel who kept attacking Arabs, but since it's the other way around...
Really? How many arab nations have attacked israel in the last 35 years?
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dimocraps are cowards. Just that simple.

Remember after 9/11 how NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY was pushing for caution and restraint?

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, wanted to go kick some Arab ass.

Then as soon as the immediate threat is gone, so are dimocraps. They're hiding under the covers pretending that they care about the safety and lives of our Soldiers.

Like cowards have the right to speak for our, or anybody else's, Soldiers. I don't think so.

dimocraps, not everybody is as cowardly as you. Some of us are more than willing to take on and attack evil anywhere, any time.

Go ask some Rangers at Fort Benning if they're afraid of the goat fuckers. Ask the IDF.

Go ask the Marines if they're shaking in their boots.

We already know you are. But I doubt our Soldiers are
You are very racist. I hope that you trip on a tree root sticking out of the ground and fall on a knife that shaves off most of the tissue surrounding your spleen. And then as soon as you move an inch you become permanently paralyzed. Then you slowly starve/thirst to death while insects and rodents feast on your flesh.

p.s. american "soldiers" deserve to die, all of them actually
So Bibi wants us to walk away from a deal with Iran that would ultimately have inspectors on the ground monitoring their nuclear ambitions. His argument is if we walk away, Iran will come crawling back with even bigger concessions in the deal. While we are waiting for them to capitulate, well they will do NOTHING to gain more ground on developing a bomb. are sooooo smart!

Why should he worry about a deal that will have a nuclear Iran for his children, not his problem, is it?

Never let it be said that a liberal looks ahead

Bibi wants all out war on Iran. That is his one and only solution. He wants the US to attack Iran, as it did Iraq. And if a Repub President is elected in 2016, he may get his wish. That would really make you happy, huh?

Yes, moron, when I say I oppose the wars in the middle east and I want to leave entirely what I am really saying is I want to attack Iran. How stupid are you?

You talked about security, which I support. Attacking other countries isn't security. You know, like Libya, Syria and your sudden support of Iraq and Afghanistan when the Oval Office went from red to blue. I'm actually consistent, not a partisan hack like some, some meaning you.
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

sure he does ... he was also here for $300M ... for his "nuclear research" program.
I imagine it didn't cost him one cent to get here either... if Republicans can't spend taxpayer money on our politicians they'll spend it on some other country/politicians.
High-roll with the next guys wallet ... sweet gig if you can get it.
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

That would be a good argument if it was Israel who kept attacking Arabs, but since it's the other way around...
Really? How many arab nations have attacked israel in the last 35 years?

You mean besides Palestinians? Well we know about Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and others arming and funding terrorists who attack Israel

Tell me how if Mexicans were shooting missiles at American cities across the border we wouldn't stop it...
I'm beginning to wonder if Bibi doesn't want a two state solution. He wants the fighting to continue so he can get more U.S. taxpayer $$$ welfare in the form of weapon tech. And, we all know how happy Repubs are to keep the outrageously expensive def contractor gravy trains going at full speed. See: Duke Cunningham (R)

sure he does ... he was also here for $300M ... for his "nuclear research" program.
I imagine it didn't cost him one cent to get here either... if Republicans can't spend taxpayer money on our politicians they'll spend it on some other country/politicians.
High-roll with the next guys wallet ... sweet gig if you can get it.
israel helps the US control the UN voting, and the US pays israel all the money that it wants, and supports AIPAC
dimocraps are cowards. Just that simple.

Remember after 9/11 how NOBODY, and I mean NOBODY was pushing for caution and restraint?

Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, wanted to go kick some Arab ass.

Then as soon as the immediate threat is gone, so are dimocraps. They're hiding under the covers pretending that they care about the safety and lives of our Soldiers.

Like cowards have the right to speak for our, or anybody else's, Soldiers. I don't think so.

dimocraps, not everybody is as cowardly as you. Some of us are more than willing to take on and attack evil anywhere, any time.

Go ask some Rangers at Fort Benning if they're afraid of the goat fuckers. Ask the IDF.

Go ask the Marines if they're shaking in their boots.

We already know you are. But I doubt our Soldiers are
You are very racist. I hope that you trip on a tree root sticking out of the ground and fall on a knife that shaves off most of the tissue surrounding your spleen. And then as soon as you move an inch you become permanently paralyzed. Then you slowly starve/thirst to death while insects and rodents feast on your flesh.

p.s. american "soldiers" deserve to die, all of them actually

who left the lid on the dumpster ajar and let this little rodent ^^^^ get lose ?

For his supporters, he is playing his strong card as “Mr. Security,” presenting himself as the candidate who can best stand up to the threats facing Israel and to international pressure. But his opponents say he is continuing a campaign that is more than two decades old, based on scaring Israeli voters while offering few solutions that might give them hope

Bibi and the GOP do have something in common. They scare voters into choosing them at the polls.

Isn't it interesting in a weird way that the current Israeli ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, actually grew up in Miami, Florida,

and once worked for Frank Luntz, the Republican pollster/propagandist?

Ron Dermer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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