Best win for Ukraine


Platinum Member
Feb 24, 2021
I am going to make a suggestion for Ukraine where they don't win but the don't win. But the drain Russia over and over without a lot of loss of Ukrainian lives.

First of all. Take the Land Bridge to the South of Ukrainia without entering into Crimea. Then take the territory right up to Armyansk and stop there. Now that is done, use the drones and missiles to take out the land bridge at Kerch once again. And sink anything and everything in the sea of Azov. Now, just do skirmishes.

The ONLY reason the Russians want Crimea is for Sevastopol which is the only deep water major depot in that region. They need it to support the Black Sea. The reason that the Russians attacked above Crimea was that the water was cutoff that Crimea direly needs for it's crops. The Ukrainians built a Dam to keep the water from flowing into Crimea in 2014. It was either attack Ukraine or capitulate with Ukraine and trust me, that ain't going to happen and Ukraine wouldn't believe it if Christ, himself, delivered the promise.

Ukraine can't have Russia controlling Crimea because they need to keep a large swath of Ukraine where the Dam used to be that was diverting the water to Crimea. Russia can't have Ukraine controlling Crimea because they lose their only Black Sea deep water port.

But Russia is not going to be able to afford the stalemate for any length of time so they may do something really crazy like NBC weapons. There is another option that maybe both can live with. Crimea has voiced that it may want to be independent from both of them. What happens if it does go that route. Ukraine gets what it wants. Then the Indy Crimea can rent out the deep water port out to Russia for the Black Sea Navy.

I imagine Russia would go along with that until they resupply and then here they come again in full force. What would make it work would be it Crimea would be patrolled by UN Troops.

Not my original idea. Someone else originally thought it up and it sounded the best solution.
The problem is Russia never keeps its agreements unless forced to; nobody trusts them and for good reason. They need a completely new regime and govt. culture.

I do agree. But even with a new regime, that doesn't change the quagmire in Crimea.
I am going to make a suggestion for Ukraine where they don't win but the don't win. But the drain Russia over and over without a lot of loss of Ukrainian lives.

First of all. Take the Land Bridge to the South of Ukrainia without entering into Crimea. Then take the territory right up to Armyansk and stop there. Now that is done, use the drones and missiles to take out the land bridge at Kerch once again. And sink anything and everything in the sea of Azov. Now, just do skirmishes.

The ONLY reason the Russians want Crimea is for Sevastopol which is the only deep water major depot in that region. They need it to support the Black Sea. The reason that the Russians attacked above Crimea was that the water was cutoff that Crimea direly needs for it's crops. The Ukrainians built a Dam to keep the water from flowing into Crimea in 2014. It was either attack Ukraine or capitulate with Ukraine and trust me, that ain't going to happen and Ukraine wouldn't believe it if Christ, himself, delivered the promise.

Ukraine can't have Russia controlling Crimea because they need to keep a large swath of Ukraine where the Dam used to be that was diverting the water to Crimea. Russia can't have Ukraine controlling Crimea because they lose their only Black Sea deep water port.

But Russia is not going to be able to afford the stalemate for any length of time so they may do something really crazy like NBC weapons. There is another option that maybe both can live with. Crimea has voiced that it may want to be independent from both of them. What happens if it does go that route. Ukraine gets what it wants. Then the Indy Crimea can rent out the deep water port out to Russia for the Black Sea Navy.

I imagine Russia would go along with that until they resupply and then here they come again in full force. What would make it work would be it Crimea would be patrolled by UN Troops.

Not my original idea. Someone else originally thought it up and it sounded the best solution.
Utopia. You go, take the south, then we´ll see.
Following that logic let’s apply it to the US. Ops! It needs a ‘new regime and government culture.’
Agreed. In this whole debacle, the US, NATO, and the west have broken and subverted more agreements than Russia has, It matters not who one likes or trust more, this is just empirical fact that one can list.
That is what I was thinking reading that post.

Where the hell is Ukraine going to get the army to do all this? Mercenaries from Mars?

His post also reads like it is a stroll. No Russian defenses, no troops. Just come and take.
The Russians know that the US has been pushing Ukraine to conduct exactly such an offensive for months now and are prepared.
But Nato is spreading fake news again that Bakhmut is fine and the Russians are depleted. That bogus claims are in line with the current agenda.
But Russia has a military and it is not involved in Bakhmut. Wagner is in Bakhmut. It is Ukraine´s forces that are stretched to the limit. But the Kiev regime has an advantage: they can draft new cannon fodder any time, they just grab the people from the streets and throw them to Bakhmut within 3 - 7 days. Russia is a state of law, they won´t do that.
I do agree. But even with a new regime, that doesn't change the quagmire in Crimea.

A new regime with a more modern mindset than dreams of a restored empire would probably make Crimea negotiable. The hardliners were defeated before, by Gorbachev, in spite of Reagan and Bush's incompetence working against him, and they gave up Poland and East Germany along with other territories and had even begun to prosper again. Now they're shit. A regime change would probably be welcome by many Russians, and a defeat would be an excellent catalyst.
A new regime with a more modern mindset than dreams of a restored empire would probably make Crimea negotiable. The hardliners were defeated before, by Gorbachev, in spite of Reagan and Bush's incompetence working against him, and they gave up Poland and East Germany along with other territories and had even begun to prosper again. Now they're shit. A regime change would probably be welcome by many Russians, and a defeat would be an excellent catalyst.
You are an authoritarian imperialist, but too dim to know it.

Please tell me you’re in fifth grade government school.

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