Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

I support income inequality especially when it is racial. I really don't give a shit about the supposed lack of economic opportunity between races. Who gives a shit anymore.
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong
Translation: I can't prove there's anything wrong with it, or even find any evidence that the rich people somehow stole from the poor people. But if I keep telling the same lie over and over, my mentor says that people will believe it and it will become The Truth. And enough people might get fooled into voting for me, that I'll win anyway.
If average people could have a better lifestyle 40 years ago on one income when productivity has exploded over those years, what's your explanation for what has changed?
We've sadly injected more liberal socialism into policy. And it creates collapse. Just ask Detroit. Over 60 years of liberal utopia - a Democrat mayor all of those years, a Democrat-controlled city council all of those years, plus massive unions like the UAW and teacher unions. And what does the city have to show for that? Poverty. Famine. Misery. The place is like a third-world hell-hole now thanks to liberalism.
Nope, Reagan put us on a path in which whatever the large coporations wanted, the large corporations got. They crushed whatever representation the average guy had and the squeeze continue in earnest today.

Really, back to Reagan again, a guy that's been out of office for over 25 years?

Since Reagan, we've had two Democrat presidents that both served two terms. That's 16 years of Democrat leadership. If Reagan had so much power (with a Democrat Congress mind you) then why didn't any of your hero's do something about it?
The government doesn't own my property? Really? Why do I pay property taxes?

You somehow think that you are completely free to live in a land that our army led by our governement fought and bled to conquer and own. You don't own anything but your underwear and your toothbrush etc. And you call me dumb.

You pay property taxes for the same reason you pay "protection" money to Guido the leg breaker, because the government threatens to use force against you if you don't. Once again, the central premise of all your theories about government is that might makes right. You're a servile, groveling, bootlicking toady.
Now were are name calling, huh? Just accept reality you dumbshit... Its fine for you to object and try to lead efforts towards new ideas... But don't deny what is.

I"m only name calling if calling some a thief when they take your property is name calling. The bottom line is that you do not question the government's authority to do whatever it likes with you and your property. That's the essence of servility.

This is the problem in America today. Too bad that most are so brainwashed by the government education system that they do not even understand what theft means coming out of the Marxist indoctrination. The so called Marxist exploitation (someone not providing you free shit) they seem to understand though...

It's painful how far Slade3200 is in it... case example...
I think it's a shame to see ungrateful spoiled pricks like you that have appreciation for the country that we live in. Yes, there are many areas that need reform and improvement. But y'all that deny the basic function of our governement and call anybody who supports them, idiots.... Well y'all are the problem

That all boils down to what the "basic function" is.

I believe the basic function of the government is what is in the US Constitution and nothing more. Liberals believe it extends way beyond that.
I am seeing that you are dumb.

This guy owns his property, the government doesn't own yours the last time I checked.

He has a voluntary contract with his tenants, while the government just assumes it owns everything, and throws people in prison for not following.

The government doesn't own my property? Really? Why do I pay property taxes?

You somehow think that you are completely free to live in a land that our army led by our governement fought and bled to conquer and own. You don't own anything but your underwear and your toothbrush etc. And you call me dumb.

You pay property taxes for the same reason you pay "protection" money to Guido the leg breaker, because the government threatens to use force against you if you don't. Once again, the central premise of all your theories about government is that might makes right. You're a servile, groveling, bootlicking toady.
Now were are name calling, huh? Just accept reality you dumbshit... Its fine for you to object and try to lead efforts towards new ideas... But don't deny what is.

I"m only name calling if calling some a thief when they take your property is name calling. The bottom line is that you do not question the government's authority to do whatever it likes with you and your property. That's the essence of servility.

This is the problem in America today. Too bad that most are so brainwashed by the government education system that they do not even understand what theft means coming out of the Marxist indoctrination. The so called Marxist exploitation (someone not providing you free shit) they seem to understand though...

It's painful how far Slade3200 is in it... case example...

What is theft? Theft is the act of taking another's property from them against their will or leaving them with unreasonable alternatives.

Example: I'm approached by a man with a gun who demands all of my money. I have two choices: one is to just give him my money, and the other is to refuse and hope he doesn't kill me. There is no reasonable option here.

Economist Walter E Williams wrote about this exact thing. He asked

"If I were to enter my neighbors home while he wasn't there, took some money from his drawer to give to the woman down the street because she was ill and had no healthcare, did I break any laws? Of course I did. I would be arrested, charged, and likely serve some time in jail or prison. Yet when the government does the exact same thing, they didn't break any laws, and in fact, are applauded by the left."
"I don't believe safety on the job is a social obligation"
Post #176

Possibly the dumbest statement ever posted on this or any message board.

Does a business have a duty to provide proper training, equipment and enforce safe practices?

Of course they do, they are culpable for injuries to employees and customers if they breach this duty they can be held both civilly, morally and criminally culpable.
While most people understand what you just described, ol Ray thinks the free market should take care of these things with governement interference and we should all just be responsible for ourselves. If we don't like the pay then don't work there. If we don't like the conditions or products of a business then don't work there or don't shop there... Etc. he is extremely short sited and doesn't understand the domino effect of how things work in a society.

Let me ask you ray the landlord. Do you give your tenants the same kind of absolute freedom that you are demanding our governement give us? I mean they are paying rent so why should you the landlord get to tell them what to do in any way?

My tenants are the same as an employers employees. We do X over here, and if you don't like the way I do things, then move someplace where you like the way things are done.

Nobody is forced to live here and the government intrusions I have to tolerate gives me no choice but to have higher rents. Government costs me too much time and money in this business, and I'm certainly not going to take the loss for that. I have to pass losses and costs to my tenants in the form of rental price.

If the government should ever get so large and powerful enough where they can tell me what I'm allowed to charge for rent and what conditions I must provide, then screw it, I'm selling out. In fact, I heard something on the radio the other day that Congress was considering a law that says I can't discriminate against felons. I've rented to felons in the past, they too cost me a ton of money and hardship. I don't rent to felons any longer. And if government is going to force me to, I'll get out of the business.
You are to the government as your tenants are to you... Don't you see that. You complain about having to follow the governments rules while expecting your tenants to succumb to your rules. You say if your tenants don't like your rules they can live somewhere else. Same goes for you. If you don't like our governement rules the. You can live somewhere else.... You seeing the parallel now?

No, that's apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like my rules, they can leave my property. If I don't like government, I do what I can to change the government.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

Once again, apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like the way I do things, they can move down the street if another unit is available, or easily within five or ten miles from where they live. But you say if I don't like the way government does things, I should pack my bags, leave my family and friends, and move to another country? You call that an equal comparison?
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong
Translation: I can't prove there's anything wrong with it, or even find any evidence that the rich people somehow stole from the poor people. But if I keep telling the same lie over and over, my mentor says that people will believe it and it will become The Truth. And enough people might get fooled into voting for me, that I'll win anyway.
If average people could have a better lifestyle 40 years ago on one income when productivity has exploded over those years, what's your explanation for what has changed?
We've sadly injected more liberal socialism into policy. And it creates collapse. Just ask Detroit. Over 60 years of liberal utopia - a Democrat mayor all of those years, a Democrat-controlled city council all of those years, plus massive unions like the UAW and teacher unions. And what does the city have to show for that? Poverty. Famine. Misery. The place is like a third-world hell-hole now thanks to liberalism.
Nope, Reagan put us on a path in which whatever the large coporations wanted, the large corporations got. They crushed whatever representation the average guy had and the squeeze continue in earnest today.
One small problem Joe.'s a huge problem If Reagan's policy is responsible for Detroit's bankruptcy, why is it that cities across the nation under Reagan's exact same policies are flourishing? Places all over Texas, North Dakota, North Carolina, etc.

Sorry chief....but Detroit is undeniable proof of the failure of liberalism and you can't possibly blame it on anything conservative since other cities have flourished while that poor city collapsed under the weight of the cancer that is liberalism.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I have to say Slade, I've heard liberals make some desperate, nonsensical claims in my lifetime, but you may have just set the bar here.

As a private business owner, he's should have full dictatorial control over his properties, business, etc. If his customers don't like his business, they can go somewhere else. As a U.S. citizen, Ray can't go anywhere else (this is shocking to idiot liberals supporting illegal immigration, but a person from one nation cannot simply settle into another nation, and the the U.S. is the only country that encourages immigration). Further still, he shouldn't have to resort to that because it's your side violating the U.S. Constitution.

You're not even comparing apples and oranges. At least those are both fruits. And you're not even comparing apples and vegetables. At least those are both edible. Your analogy is so frigg'n stupid, you're comparing apples and power tools.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
The government doesn't own my property? Really? Why do I pay property taxes?

You somehow think that you are completely free to live in a land that our army led by our governement fought and bled to conquer and own. You don't own anything but your underwear and your toothbrush etc. And you call me dumb.

You pay property taxes for the same reason you pay "protection" money to Guido the leg breaker, because the government threatens to use force against you if you don't. Once again, the central premise of all your theories about government is that might makes right. You're a servile, groveling, bootlicking toady.
Now were are name calling, huh? Just accept reality you dumbshit... Its fine for you to object and try to lead efforts towards new ideas... But don't deny what is.

I"m only name calling if calling some a thief when they take your property is name calling. The bottom line is that you do not question the government's authority to do whatever it likes with you and your property. That's the essence of servility.
I question it all the time. I just don't deny reality and I understand why governement authority is a good thing when used correctly. It's not all or nothing. When you are not being open to anything and not recognizing what our government is then calling people names that don't agree with you, it just makes you look like a pouty child

You don't question a thing. At best, you claim that it would be better if government imposed this policy on us rather than some other policy. You don't question the authority of government to impose it on us.

There is no such thing as using force against innocent people correctly. It makes as much sense to claim there are "correct" forms of stealing or assault. I understand what government is. You do not. Government is an organized criminal gang. You defend the right of that gang to steal and coerce.
This statement of yours shows how truly out of touch you are man. You don't know jack. And you especially have no clue what I question or claim. My comments seem to fall on deaf stubborn ears so I'll stop wasting both of our time...
You pay property taxes for the same reason you pay "protection" money to Guido the leg breaker, because the government threatens to use force against you if you don't. Once again, the central premise of all your theories about government is that might makes right. You're a servile, groveling, bootlicking toady.
Now were are name calling, huh? Just accept reality you dumbshit... Its fine for you to object and try to lead efforts towards new ideas... But don't deny what is.

I"m only name calling if calling some a thief when they take your property is name calling. The bottom line is that you do not question the government's authority to do whatever it likes with you and your property. That's the essence of servility.

This is the problem in America today. Too bad that most are so brainwashed by the government education system that they do not even understand what theft means coming out of the Marxist indoctrination. The so called Marxist exploitation (someone not providing you free shit) they seem to understand though...

It's painful how far Slade3200 is in it... case example...
I think it's a shame to see ungrateful spoiled pricks like you that have appreciation for the country that we live in. Yes, there are many areas that need reform and improvement. But y'all that deny the basic function of our governement and call anybody who supports them, idiots.... Well y'all are the problem

That all boils down to what the "basic function" is.

I believe the basic function of the government is what is in the US Constitution and nothing more. Liberals believe it extends way beyond that.
The constitution affords both the state and the federal government to pass laws to keep us safe and promote the general welfare of our citizens. What is considered safe and beneficial to the people is an evolving process and a collection of votes, laws, regulations, and deregulations. These are the specifics that we should be discussing but then we have these wing nutz that don't accept their place In Society nor the governments authority to create any kind of law that impededs their desire to do whatever the fuck they want to do. Makes it hard to discuss anything real or productive
While most people understand what you just described, ol Ray thinks the free market should take care of these things with governement interference and we should all just be responsible for ourselves. If we don't like the pay then don't work there. If we don't like the conditions or products of a business then don't work there or don't shop there... Etc. he is extremely short sited and doesn't understand the domino effect of how things work in a society.

Let me ask you ray the landlord. Do you give your tenants the same kind of absolute freedom that you are demanding our governement give us? I mean they are paying rent so why should you the landlord get to tell them what to do in any way?

My tenants are the same as an employers employees. We do X over here, and if you don't like the way I do things, then move someplace where you like the way things are done.

Nobody is forced to live here and the government intrusions I have to tolerate gives me no choice but to have higher rents. Government costs me too much time and money in this business, and I'm certainly not going to take the loss for that. I have to pass losses and costs to my tenants in the form of rental price.

If the government should ever get so large and powerful enough where they can tell me what I'm allowed to charge for rent and what conditions I must provide, then screw it, I'm selling out. In fact, I heard something on the radio the other day that Congress was considering a law that says I can't discriminate against felons. I've rented to felons in the past, they too cost me a ton of money and hardship. I don't rent to felons any longer. And if government is going to force me to, I'll get out of the business.
You are to the government as your tenants are to you... Don't you see that. You complain about having to follow the governments rules while expecting your tenants to succumb to your rules. You say if your tenants don't like your rules they can live somewhere else. Same goes for you. If you don't like our governement rules the. You can live somewhere else.... You seeing the parallel now?

No, that's apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like my rules, they can leave my property. If I don't like government, I do what I can to change the government.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

Once again, apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like the way I do things, they can move down the street if another unit is available, or easily within five or ten miles from where they live. But you say if I don't like the way government does things, I should pack my bags, leave my family and friends, and move to another country? You call that an equal comparison?
All things considered they are pretty close... Yes if you can see the relation that you And your property has with the government and their/our United States
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I have to say Slade, I've heard liberals make some desperate, nonsensical claims in my lifetime, but you may have just set the bar here.

As a private business owner, he's should have full dictatorial control over his properties, business, etc. If his customers don't like his business, they can go somewhere else. As a U.S. citizen, Ray can't go anywhere else (this is shocking to idiot liberals supporting illegal immigration, but a person from one nation cannot simply settle into another nation, and the the U.S. is the only country that encourages immigration). Further still, he shouldn't have to resort to that because it's your side violating the U.S. Constitution.

You're not even comparing apples and oranges. At least those are both fruits. And you're not even comparing apples and vegetables. At least those are both edible. Your analogy is so frigg'n stupid, you're comparing apples and power tools.
That's a fantasy if you think that's our world. You can't break laws or regulations set forth with your business. You can only operate if you register and pay taxes. This is reality. You lease the right to own In this country no matter what you tell yourself. If you don't believe me then stop paying taxes and hire a bunch of children to work for $1 per hour and see how your "full dictatioral control" works out for you
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
It's called law
The constitution affords both the state and the federal government to pass laws to do whatever they want. What is considered safe and beneficial to the people is a completely arbitrary and up to the whims of government officials. There are specifics that I would like the government to provide for me, but then we have these wing nutz that don't accept their place In society nor the governments authority to give me their property, since that impedes their desire to do whatever the fuck they want to do. Makes it hard to discuss anything real or productive

You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
It's called law
We have lots of "law" which is unconstitutional. It doesn't make it ok. Where does government derive the power to intercede with a private citizen on a private business? They don't.

The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.
We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?

You can't. It supposed to be that young people entering the workforce get the minimum wage jobs. Even unskilled workers with only a high school diploma could get them and could work their way up if they proved themselves. I know so many who took minimum wage starter positions 35 years ago and are still with the companies. After raises and promotions, they are doing pretty darn good.

Too many don't even have high school diplomas. Too many have police records. Even if they no longer have to admit to having a record or they have none, their resumes will show years of nothing. Not impressive. Their own decisions stopped them from being desirable to employers so they will only qualify for minimum wage. They are stuck and it's mostly their own fault.

Now, Obamacare has killed so many middle class jobs and it's harder than ever to move up. People need full time jobs and companies aren't hiring full time very much these days. Employees are seen as a burden because of Obamacare.

It's hard for anyone to get a job these days, even with a college degree. Jobs offered are mostly part-time minimum wage, which doesn't do much good for anyone. Would at least be different if it was full-time with opportunities for advancement.

Bernie talks that way because he knows his audience. They are people who resent the fact that others succeeded while they failed. They want someone to take from those people and give it to them.

How long do they think that can go on? Year after year, they think people will keep busting their ass so they can give up half? Or will people say 'fuck it' and decide they want a free ride, too. That is what usually happens and that is why we see bread lines. When no one wants to bake the bread, it becomes scarce.
Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong
Translation: I can't prove there's anything wrong with it, or even find any evidence that the rich people somehow stole from the poor people. But if I keep telling the same lie over and over, my mentor says that people will believe it and it will become The Truth. And enough people might get fooled into voting for me, that I'll win anyway.
If average people could have a better lifestyle 40 years ago on one income when productivity has exploded over those years, what's your explanation for what has changed?
We've sadly injected more liberal socialism into policy. And it creates collapse. Just ask Detroit. Over 60 years of liberal utopia - a Democrat mayor all of those years, a Democrat-controlled city council all of those years, plus massive unions like the UAW and teacher unions. And what does the city have to show for that? Poverty. Famine. Misery. The place is like a third-world hell-hole now thanks to liberalism.
Nope, Reagan put us on a path in which whatever the large coporations wanted, the large corporations got. They crushed whatever representation the average guy had and the squeeze continue in earnest today.

Really, back to Reagan again, a guy that's been out of office for over 25 years?

Since Reagan, we've had two Democrat presidents that both served two terms. That's 16 years of Democrat leadership. If Reagan had so much power (with a Democrat Congress mind you) then why didn't any of your hero's do something about it?

They'll be blaming Reagan and Bush for the next 150 years for every failure of their idiot policies. They've been blaming hoover for almost 85 years now.
That's a fantasy if you think that's our world. You can't break laws or regulations set forth with your business. You can only operate if you register and pay taxes. This is reality. You lease the right to own In this country no matter what you tell yourself. If you don't believe me then stop paying taxes and hire a bunch of children to work for $1 per hour and see how your "full dictatioral control" works out for you

So lets apply your "logic" here to something else, shall we? The Green River Killer brutally raped and murdered over 40 women. Since that happened, it must make it ok for me to do the same, right?

Illegal stuff happens every day in this country because it's filled with liberals who refuse to accept the rule of law. Just because a state or city passes a law, doesn't make that law constitutional or right. A great example is the idiot Bill DeBlasio in New York. He's not only outlawed firearms (a major violation of the 2nd Amendment), but he also authorized his officers to "stop and frisk" without any probable cause (a major violation of the 4th Amendment). You know it. I know it. Bill DeBlasio knows it.

There are dirt-bag libtards in office all over this country violating the law. It doesn't make it legal or ok.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

I think it's important to add that Ray has a Constitutional right to his voice in government. His tenants have no such right with regards to his business. They can choose to be his customer or they can choose not to be.

Until you can show some Constitutional right granting government the power to intercede, then you don't have a leg to stand on and the case you're attempting to make is simply nonsensical.
It's called law
We have lots of "law" which is unconstitutional. It doesn't make it ok. Where does government derive the power to intercede with a private citizen on a private business? They don't.

The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.

Yep. That's why they call it a "public business," as if that gives the government the authority to regulate it. Somehow it's no longer private property the minute they put up a sign inviting shoppers to come in.

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