Bernie Sanders : This Grotesque Level of Income and Wealth Inequality is Wrong

We have heard the term income inequality a lot over the past few years given that all jobs do not require the same levels of skill and experience and that all people do not have the same level of motivation and determination how would you ever make income equal?
You nicely summarized the complete and total failure of liberalism. It fails to account for the lack of equal effort, the lack of equal talent, the lack of equal output. But it demands equal results. It's a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.
The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.

No, the problem is that people in private industry think they are above the law and can ride rough shod over the rest of us. It's called blowback.
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.
Latest in the inequality saga:

The regressives get dumber by the day.
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.

What am I a victim of? I'm not even going down your road, I'm going down my own...I'm talking about those who are avoid paying tax, who don't give people a livable wage, or pollute our waterways and air because they think they are above EPA laws. McDonalds? I wouldn't pollute my body with that shit.
Now were are name calling, huh? Just accept reality you dumbshit... Its fine for you to object and try to lead efforts towards new ideas... But don't deny what is.

I"m only name calling if calling some a thief when they take your property is name calling. The bottom line is that you do not question the government's authority to do whatever it likes with you and your property. That's the essence of servility.

This is the problem in America today. Too bad that most are so brainwashed by the government education system that they do not even understand what theft means coming out of the Marxist indoctrination. The so called Marxist exploitation (someone not providing you free shit) they seem to understand though...

It's painful how far Slade3200 is in it... case example...
I think it's a shame to see ungrateful spoiled pricks like you that have appreciation for the country that we live in. Yes, there are many areas that need reform and improvement. But y'all that deny the basic function of our governement and call anybody who supports them, idiots.... Well y'all are the problem

That all boils down to what the "basic function" is.

I believe the basic function of the government is what is in the US Constitution and nothing more. Liberals believe it extends way beyond that.
The constitution affords both the state and the federal government to pass laws to keep us safe and promote the general welfare of our citizens. What is considered safe and beneficial to the people is an evolving process and a collection of votes, laws, regulations, and deregulations. These are the specifics that we should be discussing but then we have these wing nutz that don't accept their place In Society nor the governments authority to create any kind of law that impededs their desire to do whatever the fuck they want to do. Makes it hard to discuss anything real or productive

IN other words, accept your premise that the federal government has authority to do whatever it likes to us, or you decline to discuss the issues. You have yet to demonstrate that government has any authority whatsoever to control me. You simply assume it. That's pretty much how all your arguments go: assume what you believe to be true, and then claim anyone who disputes your assumption to be "out of touch,: or their arguments are "unproductive."

You don't debate. You only vent your spleen and then make personal attacks on those who criticize your recieved wisdom.
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.

What am I a victim of? I'm not even going down your road, I'm going down my own...I'm talking about those who are avoid paying tax, who don't give people a livable wage, or pollute our waterways and air because they think they are above EPA laws. McDonalds? I wouldn't pollute my body with that shit.

No one is free to violate EPA regulations. People with guns will come and arrest anyone who tries. How are you "going down your own road" if that involves using government to impose your views on others?
Shocking.....a liberal playing the "victim". Tell me something junior, how exactly is McDonald's able to (and I quote) "ride rough shod" over you? If you don't like their Big Mac, you simply don't go there and buy one. Boom. Problem solved. The fact that you act like a victim and McDonald's somehow runs your life is hilarious.

What am I a victim of? I'm not even going down your road, I'm going down my own...I'm talking about those who are avoid paying tax, who don't give people a livable wage, or pollute our waterways and air because they think they are above EPA laws. McDonalds? I wouldn't pollute my body with that shit.

Did you know that there are consequences for violating laws?... no matter how dumb they are.

You seem to believe that you can simply not pay your taxes and nothing happens. It's absurd that someone can be this delusional/regressive. You got the full indoctrination didn't you?

Did you know that there are consequences for violating laws?... no matter how dumb they are.

You seem to believe that you can simply not pay your taxes and nothing happens. It's absurd that someone can be this delusional/regressive. You got the full indoctrination didn't you?

Once again you jump the gun. I'm talking about those avoiding taxes not those NOT paying taxes. There is a difference. They're former involves tax shelters. And the EPA laws are always being avoided by big business. You think Erin Brockovich was fiction?
I love how his punch lines start with "What this campaign is All ABOUT.......!!!"

He knows what he is doin there...
My tenants are the same as an employers employees. We do X over here, and if you don't like the way I do things, then move someplace where you like the way things are done.

Nobody is forced to live here and the government intrusions I have to tolerate gives me no choice but to have higher rents. Government costs me too much time and money in this business, and I'm certainly not going to take the loss for that. I have to pass losses and costs to my tenants in the form of rental price.

If the government should ever get so large and powerful enough where they can tell me what I'm allowed to charge for rent and what conditions I must provide, then screw it, I'm selling out. In fact, I heard something on the radio the other day that Congress was considering a law that says I can't discriminate against felons. I've rented to felons in the past, they too cost me a ton of money and hardship. I don't rent to felons any longer. And if government is going to force me to, I'll get out of the business.
You are to the government as your tenants are to you... Don't you see that. You complain about having to follow the governments rules while expecting your tenants to succumb to your rules. You say if your tenants don't like your rules they can live somewhere else. Same goes for you. If you don't like our governement rules the. You can live somewhere else.... You seeing the parallel now?

No, that's apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like my rules, they can leave my property. If I don't like government, I do what I can to change the government.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

Once again, apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like the way I do things, they can move down the street if another unit is available, or easily within five or ten miles from where they live. But you say if I don't like the way government does things, I should pack my bags, leave my family and friends, and move to another country? You call that an equal comparison?
All things considered they are pretty close... Yes if you can see the relation that you And your property has with the government and their/our United States

There's no comparison, and only a bootlicking douche bag would claim there was. The federal government doesn't own my house, my street, my town or my state. The federal government doesn't even have authority to own property other than what's strictly needed to perform its functions.

You pump out the most unbelievable horseshit into this forum and then expect other forum members to treat it like it's some kind of received wisdom that they are obligated to treat with respect. It's shit, caca, manure, horse squeeze.
No one is free to violate EPA regulations. People with guns will come and arrest anyone who tries. How are you "going down your own road" if that involves using government to impose your views on others?

All laws are somebody's views being imposed on others. Even your constitution is...

Yes, that's true. So why should it be OK to impose your views on someone else?
The problem is, people somehow have come to believe that private industry is an extension of the government - existing to serve the people. That's simply not the case.

No, the problem is that people in private industry think they are above the law and can ride rough shod over the rest of us. It's called blowback.

Really? Can you provide an example of such behavior?
My tenants are the same as an employers employees. We do X over here, and if you don't like the way I do things, then move someplace where you like the way things are done.

Nobody is forced to live here and the government intrusions I have to tolerate gives me no choice but to have higher rents. Government costs me too much time and money in this business, and I'm certainly not going to take the loss for that. I have to pass losses and costs to my tenants in the form of rental price.

If the government should ever get so large and powerful enough where they can tell me what I'm allowed to charge for rent and what conditions I must provide, then screw it, I'm selling out. In fact, I heard something on the radio the other day that Congress was considering a law that says I can't discriminate against felons. I've rented to felons in the past, they too cost me a ton of money and hardship. I don't rent to felons any longer. And if government is going to force me to, I'll get out of the business.
You are to the government as your tenants are to you... Don't you see that. You complain about having to follow the governments rules while expecting your tenants to succumb to your rules. You say if your tenants don't like your rules they can live somewhere else. Same goes for you. If you don't like our governement rules the. You can live somewhere else.... You seeing the parallel now?

No, that's apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like my rules, they can leave my property. If I don't like government, I do what I can to change the government.
You actually do have a voice to change the government which is more power than your tenants have to change your policies as you are the dictator in your property world. If you don't like your governments rules on your business you also have the choice to not run your own business... Get another job... or move to another country... Similar to your tenants choice to live elsewhere. It isn't apples and oranges, it is very similar. You just don't like the thought of YOU being the "tenant"

Once again, apples and oranges.

If my tenants don't like the way I do things, they can move down the street if another unit is available, or easily within five or ten miles from where they live. But you say if I don't like the way government does things, I should pack my bags, leave my family and friends, and move to another country? You call that an equal comparison?
All things considered they are pretty close... Yes if you can see the relation that you And your property has with the government and their/our United States

No, I don't see the relation because it's my property--not the governments. Furthermore the more government interferes with my business; makes doing business more expensive; solves problems that never existed, is not what our founders intended the government to be.

"When people fear the government, there is tyranny. When government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson

Did you know that there are consequences for violating laws?... no matter how dumb they are.

You seem to believe that you can simply not pay your taxes and nothing happens. It's absurd that someone can be this delusional/regressive. You got the full indoctrination didn't you?

Once again you jump the gun. I'm talking about those avoiding taxes not those NOT paying taxes. There is a difference. They're former involves tax shelters. And the EPA laws are always being avoided by big business. You think Erin Brockovich was fiction?

You mean people are breaking the law? And what happens when they get caught? What happened in the Erin Brockovich movie?
No one is free to violate EPA regulations. People with guns will come and arrest anyone who tries. How are you "going down your own road" if that involves using government to impose your views on others?

All laws are somebody's views being imposed on others. Even your constitution is...

Yes, that's true. So why should it be OK to impose your views on someone else?

Right. Let's have anarchy. That'll work!

Did you know that there are consequences for violating laws?... no matter how dumb they are.

You seem to believe that you can simply not pay your taxes and nothing happens. It's absurd that someone can be this delusional/regressive. You got the full indoctrination didn't you?

Once again you jump the gun. I'm talking about those avoiding taxes not those NOT paying taxes. There is a difference. They're former involves tax shelters. And the EPA laws are always being avoided by big business. You think Erin Brockovich was fiction?

It always amazes me how liberals get their political information from Hollywood. It's why they believe we "invaded Iraq for oil". It's why they believe the banks "cheated" everyone in the housing crisis melt-down (when nothing could be further from the truth).

Yes my friend - probably 75% of "Erin Brockovich" was downright made up or embellished. After all, they need to get people like you to buy a ticket. But I bet they never imagined that people like you would use it as their primary source for forming political policy....
No one is free to violate EPA regulations. People with guns will come and arrest anyone who tries. How are you "going down your own road" if that involves using government to impose your views on others?

All laws are somebody's views being imposed on others. Even your constitution is...

Yes, that's true. So why should it be OK to impose your views on someone else?

Right. Let's have anarchy. That'll work!
It certainly works better than communism, marxism, or socialism ever has. Why does freedom bother you so much? Are you just scared or are you one of those little people (like Saddam Hussein) who feels the need to have power over other people?

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