Bernie Sanders has my vote. He must win.


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News
He also needs to come out as pro-infrastructure and science investment. We need to start focusing on this country...I don't think the loserterians give a damn about the future of America as a first world country if they oppose such.
Bernie is being used to give Hillary somebody to beat so you sycophants can say "She has a track record of winning elections, she won the primary". You're going to be very disappointed when the media throws him under the bus the way they did Hillary in 08. You libs are so gullible.
Bernie is being used to give Hillary somebody to beat so you sycophants can say "She has a track record of winning elections, she won the primary". You're going to be very disappointed when the media throws him under the bus the way they did Hillary in 08. You libs are so gullible.
Makes you wonder what would be worse for democrats?
1, Losing Hillary
2 Keeping Bernie Sanders
Maybe guno should run?
Bernie is being used to give Hillary somebody to beat so you sycophants can say "She has a track record of winning elections, she won the primary". You're going to be very disappointed when the media throws him under the bus the way they did Hillary in 08. You libs are so gullible.
Makes you wonder what would be worse for democrats?
1, Losing Hillary
2 Keeping Bernie Sanders
Maybe guno should run?
I think they should run the one who best represents their philosophy. Unfortunately Stalin isn't available.
Is this a comedy thread?
No. It is another Billy triple Fail Troll Thread. Wherein Billy, most failed poster on this site, throws out mere assertion and gets his ass handed to him before he abandons the thread.
Sanders is wrong on every position. He represents the neo Trotsky wing of the Democrats, suppression of free speech, nationalizing incomes, and junk science. It is a shame the Democrats, the party of Scoop Jackson and Hubert Humphrey have come to this.
And Matthew, the Soviet Union spent tons on research and infrastructre. We see what it got them.
Is this a comedy thread?
No, no not all all. I was just reflecting back on Sanders idea of the ACA. The Affordable Chicken Act.
So far, Dems are running 2 old, white privileged Socialists so clearly that's their base
Now of course a lot of you cons oppose Sanders simply because he is a socialist democrat. But very few of you even know what issues he actually stands for.

He is taking on income inequality, Citizens United, and climate change. Three of the most pressing issues this country is currently facing. You know, the things republicans will NEVER try to fix.

Watch this video and become informed on actual, honest to god facts and statistics that support what he stands for.

How many facts are presented by Bernie in this video?

Sen. Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Should Look More Like Scandinavia Watch the video - Yahoo News

I know exactly what he stands for that is exactly why I will vote against him.

He's a looney toon.
Bernie is being used to give Hillary somebody to beat so you sycophants can say "She has a track record of winning elections, she won the primary". You're going to be very disappointed when the media throws him under the bus the way they did Hillary in 08. You libs are so gullible.
Makes you wonder what would be worse for democrats?
1, Losing Hillary
2 Keeping Bernie Sanders
Maybe guno should run?

"I guess I look like a rock quarry that somebody has dynamited."
-Charles Bronson

Bernie calls for Revolution Against Billionaire Class:
"Newly declared presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders said today he hopes to lead a 'political revolution' for working families and against money in politics in his bid for the White House.

"'I think I'm the only candidate who's prepared to take on the billionaire class,' Sanders, I-Vt., told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on 'This Week.' 'We need a political revolution in this country involving millions of people who are prepared to stand up and say, enough is enough, and I want to help lead that effort.'

"Sanders, who will run in the Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton, told ABC's Jonathan Karl earlier this week the millions of dollars flowing into the Clinton Foundation poses a 'very serious problem.'"
Sen. Bernie Sanders Says America Needs Political Revolution in 2016 - ABC News

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