Berkshire’s Charlie Munger Applauds Communist China For Totalitarian Tactics


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Maybe it's due to this age or naivity. I'd say its probably due to his company being so much more entitled than the average business that he doesn't even care anymore to hide it. Does he even know where Jack Ma is? No one has seen him for some time. Does he know what the communists did to his business?

If Buffet had been born in China, he never would have had a Berkshire Hathaway. He would have been squashed as competition to the government. There is a reason he didn't move to Canada to build his multi-billion dollar empire.

This is how low we are going in the West. Maybe Charlie was referring to a general concept of government protection of the economy, but, he seemed to have gone further.

Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charlie Munger applauded Communist China’s decision to silence a Chinese businessman for criticizing the government and praised the totalitarian officials there for locking down its country in response to COVID-19.

“Communists did the right thing,” Munger said during a CNBC special about the multinational conglomerate and his friend, CEO Warren Buffett.

China cracked down on Alibaba’s Jack Ma, a member of the communist party, and his technology company after he criticized the government’s opposition to innovation.

“What we need is to build a healthy financial system, not systematic financial risks,” the Ant Group co-founder said last year. “To innovate without risks is to kill innovation. There’s no innovation without risks in the world.”

Munger also expressed hope that the U.S. would adopt some of China’s willingness to “step in preemptively to stop speculation” instead of “our own wonderful free enterprise economy [which] is letting all these crazy people go to this gross excess.” The vice-chair clarified that he wouldn’t want “all of the Chinese system” but said he would “certainly would like to have the financial part of it in my own country.”
Munger and Buffet are robber barons who have managed to keep good guy personas, not an easy thing to do. They're no friend to the American worker and taxpayer. They're both phony bastards when you come right down to it.

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