Bennett and Livni


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2009
I don't know why people here keep dredging up 1948, when there are so many things happening in Israel right now. Member of Knesset Naftali Bennett has said that he will do everything in his power to sabatoge the peace negotiations. Livni is furious with him. Who is right?
I don't know why people here keep dredging up 1948, when there are so many things happening in Israel right now. Member of Knesset Naftali Bennett has said that he will do everything in his power to sabatoge the peace negotiations. Livni is furious with him. Who is right?

Thanks to the Arabs being Arabs, Bennett doesn't have very much to do.
I don't know why people here keep dredging up 1948, when there are so many things happening in Israel right now. Member of Knesset Naftali Bennett has said that he will do everything in his power to sabatoge the peace negotiations. Livni is furious with him. Who is right?

Anyone that tries to sabotage real peace talks is wrong, but peace talks have to be by all sides and not just one
et al,

This dispute between Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (Peace Talk Negotiator) and Economy/Commerce Minister Naftali Bennett (Leader of the The Jewish Home Party) is an example of the domestic contention Israel faces today.
And, as we all know, domestic political end-fighting is conducted on the basis of making your party look better than the other party. The difference between the two sides is not necessarily based on the premise that "Peace" is the desired outcome; or that the outcome of Peace is in the "best interest of the Israeli people or the nation." There may be other latent reasons for why Minister Bennett may want to undermine the daunting task and challenge that Minister Livni must face in the negotiation process.

Remember, no matter what happens in the negotiated peace process, Minister Bennett loses nothing because he risks nothing. It is Justice Minister Livni that risks everything; the future outcome, the best interest of the people and her nation, and the impact on her personal life and career. Minister Bennett is just taking the opportunity to fire a politically cheap shot at the Justice Minister. It appears to be just unhealthy domestic political rival sniping.

Just My Thought,

Most Respectfully,

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