Ben Carson said homosexuality is a choice

It goes something like..

"Dearly beloved friends,

A non-Christian may be prepared to concede that homosexual deviant acts are 'unnatural' in the sense that some things plainly have inherent functions (termed teleologies by philosphers). Thus to use one's reproductive organs for purposes other than that for which they were intended (i.e. procreation) is manfestly unnatural.

However, whilst they might allow that homosexual genital acts are aberrant and unnatural, they would say that that does not necessarily make them wrong. They want to know how one leaps from unnatural to wrong. Thus, by way of example they will say that the bridge of the nose was not intended to hold glasses (an unnatural use), nevertheless, it is clearly not a 'wrong' thing to do. Again hair on the head is natures way of preventing heat loss, so to shave one's head is unnatural and frustrates the function of hair. However, nobody would seriously argue that a No. 0 haircut was 'wrong'. Likewise, they would contend that homosexual deviant acts may well be unnatural, or contrary to inherent functions, but that does not thereby render them wrong and improper.

Since it would be pointless to reference Sacred Scripture or the teaching of the Church, the authority of which atheists do not acknowledge, how can we respond to and refute these arguments by recourse to natural law reasoning only, demonstrating irrefragibly that homosexual genital acts are not only unnatural but wrong and improper also?"

The Hierarchy and Natural Order of Creation - Catholic Answers Forums

One thing is for sure, no one hates queers as much as these leftists, or are so convinced that fraudulent claims will cut others to the bone..

LOL - the left are stupid by nature, but watching the drunk Asslips melt down is just too much fun.
It goes something like..

"Dearly beloved friends,

A non-Christian may be prepared to concede that homosexual deviant acts are 'unnatural' in the sense that some things plainly have inherent functions (termed teleologies by philosphers). Thus to use one's reproductive organs for purposes other than that for which they were intended (i.e. procreation) is manfestly unnatural.

However, whilst they might allow that homosexual genital acts are aberrant and unnatural, they would say that that does not necessarily make them wrong. They want to know how one leaps from unnatural to wrong. Thus, by way of example they will say that the bridge of the nose was not intended to hold glasses (an unnatural use), nevertheless, it is clearly not a 'wrong' thing to do. Again hair on the head is natures way of preventing heat loss, so to shave one's head is unnatural and frustrates the function of hair. However, nobody would seriously argue that a No. 0 haircut was 'wrong'. Likewise, they would contend that homosexual deviant acts may well be unnatural, or contrary to inherent functions, but that does not thereby render them wrong and improper.

Since it would be pointless to reference Sacred Scripture or the teaching of the Church, the authority of which atheists do not acknowledge, how can we respond to and refute these arguments by recourse to natural law reasoning only, demonstrating irrefragibly that homosexual genital acts are not only unnatural but wrong and improper also?"

The Hierarchy and Natural Order of Creation - Catholic Answers Forums

One thing is for sure, no one hates queers as much as these leftists, or are so convinced that fraudulent claims will cut others to the bone..

LOL - the left are stupid by nature, but watching the drunk Asslips melt down is just too much fun.
Only a queer would think someone hates queers. You never explained what a queer was. What gives?
Many many people in the country BELIEVES homosexuality is a CHOICE

but because they won't fall at the feet of those who believes other wise, then you know. Doctor or not that makes him a dolt...

What I don't understand about Dr Carson is his bizarre logic

Just because prisoners choose to have homosexual sex in the absence of any other option
That proves that homosexuals also choose to be homosexual even though they have the choice of partners of either sex
Many men and women that just can't attract anyone from the opposite sex do fall into the gay lifestyle. They feel excepted and loved there for the first time in their lives. They come to believe that they are indeed gay but deep down inside they know they aren't. After a break up these people struggle with their history and their future move in this area of their life. It's not healthy.
One of the dumbest posts I have ever read
I can't believe how someoe with so much education can be such a complete and total idiot when he is outside his area of expertise
You Libs are never out of your area of expertise when talking your knowledge of unnatural sex. You're all as unnatural as Obabble's throwing motion. I wonder what that's a sign of?

If a sexual act occurs in nature how can it be unnatural? What definition of that word are you using?
It goes something like..

"Dearly beloved friends,

A non-Christian may be prepared to concede that homosexual deviant acts are 'unnatural' in the sense that some things plainly have inherent functions (termed teleologies by philosphers). Thus to use one's reproductive organs for purposes other than that for which they were intended (i.e. procreation) is manfestly unnatural.

However, whilst they might allow that homosexual genital acts are aberrant and unnatural, they would say that that does not necessarily make them wrong. They want to know how one leaps from unnatural to wrong. Thus, by way of example they will say that the bridge of the nose was not intended to hold glasses (an unnatural use), nevertheless, it is clearly not a 'wrong' thing to do. Again hair on the head is natures way of preventing heat loss, so to shave one's head is unnatural and frustrates the function of hair. However, nobody would seriously argue that a No. 0 haircut was 'wrong'. Likewise, they would contend that homosexual deviant acts may well be unnatural, or contrary to inherent functions, but that does not thereby render them wrong and improper.

Since it would be pointless to reference Sacred Scripture or the teaching of the Church, the authority of which atheists do not acknowledge, how can we respond to and refute these arguments by recourse to natural law reasoning only, demonstrating irrefragibly that homosexual genital acts are not only unnatural but wrong and improper also?"

The Hierarchy and Natural Order of Creation - Catholic Answers Forums

The simplest explanation is that human sex has multiple legitimate purposes.
Many many people in the country BELIEVES homosexuality is a CHOICE

but because they won't fall at the feet of those who believes other wise, then you know. Doctor or not that makes him a dolt...


So what? Freedom of choice is a key component of liberty. You know, that liberty that conservatives love to abusively rant about.
I can't believe how someoe with so much education can be such a complete and total idiot when he is outside his area of expertise
You Libs are never out of your area of expertise when talking your knowledge of unnatural sex. You're all as unnatural as Obabble's throwing motion. I wonder what that's a sign of?

If a sexual act occurs in nature how can it be unnatural? What definition of that word are you using?
It goes something like..

"Dearly beloved friends,

A non-Christian may be prepared to concede that homosexual deviant acts are 'unnatural' in the sense that some things plainly have inherent functions (termed teleologies by philosphers). Thus to use one's reproductive organs for purposes other than that for which they were intended (i.e. procreation) is manfestly unnatural.

However, whilst they might allow that homosexual genital acts are aberrant and unnatural, they would say that that does not necessarily make them wrong. They want to know how one leaps from unnatural to wrong. Thus, by way of example they will say that the bridge of the nose was not intended to hold glasses (an unnatural use), nevertheless, it is clearly not a 'wrong' thing to do. Again hair on the head is natures way of preventing heat loss, so to shave one's head is unnatural and frustrates the function of hair. However, nobody would seriously argue that a No. 0 haircut was 'wrong'. Likewise, they would contend that homosexual deviant acts may well be unnatural, or contrary to inherent functions, but that does not thereby render them wrong and improper.

Since it would be pointless to reference Sacred Scripture or the teaching of the Church, the authority of which atheists do not acknowledge, how can we respond to and refute these arguments by recourse to natural law reasoning only, demonstrating irrefragibly that homosexual genital acts are not only unnatural but wrong and improper also?"

The Hierarchy and Natural Order of Creation - Catholic Answers Forums

The simplest explanation is that human sex has multiple legitimate purposes.
Whatever gets you benefits, Martha.
What I don't understand about Dr Carson is his bizarre logic

Just because prisoners choose to have homosexual sex in the absence of any other option
That proves that homosexuals also choose to be homosexual even though they have the choice of partners of either sex
Many men and women that just can't attract anyone from the opposite sex do fall into the gay lifestyle. They feel excepted and loved there for the first time in their lives. They come to believe that they are indeed gay but deep down inside they know they aren't. After a break up these people struggle with their history and their future move in this area of their life. It's not healthy.
One of the dumbest posts I have ever read
Dumb? Well then you should be able to tell us how it is dumb rather than just express your ignorant anger towards the truth.
If Ben Carson wants to talk about choice, religion is a choice. Sexuality is absolutely not a choice. Ben Carson is living proof that having an advanced degree does not mean you are smart.
Perhaps it was a choice for Carson, and for those who agree with him. That would make them bisexual.
If Ben Carson wants to talk about choice, religion is a choice. Sexuality is absolutely not a choice. Ben Carson is living proof that having an advanced degree does not mean you are smart.

so what's your degree in to say Sexuality is ABSOLUTLY not a choice? Doctor, Scientist, Judger of all mankind?

we found out degrees doesn't mean jack by that President we have in office right now
Perhaps it was a choice for Carson, and for those who agree with him. That would make them bisexual.

If Ben Carson wants to talk about choice, religion is a choice. Sexuality is absolutely not a choice. Ben Carson is living proof that having an advanced degree does not mean you are smart.

Doesn't matter. Heterosexuality is a choice. Getting married is a choice.
Perhaps it was a choice for Carson, and for those who agree with him. That would make them bisexual.

If Ben Carson wants to talk about choice, religion is a choice. Sexuality is absolutely not a choice. Ben Carson is living proof that having an advanced degree does not mean you are smart.

Doesn't matter. Heterosexuality is a choice. Getting married is a choice.
I wonder why at 5 years old I knew I liked girls without making a choice?
What I don't understand about Dr Carson is his bizarre logic

Just because prisoners choose to have homosexual sex in the absence of any other option
That proves that homosexuals also choose to be homosexual even though they have the choice of partners of either sex
Many men and women that just can't attract anyone from the opposite sex do fall into the gay lifestyle. They feel excepted and loved there for the first time in their lives. They come to believe that they are indeed gay but deep down inside they know they aren't. After a break up these people struggle with their history and their future move in this area of their life. It's not healthy.
One of the dumbest posts I have ever read
Dumb? Well then you should be able to tell us how it is dumb rather than just express your ignorant anger towards the truth.
No, is fucking dumb
What I don't understand about Dr Carson is his bizarre logic

Just because prisoners choose to have homosexual sex in the absence of any other option
That proves that homosexuals also choose to be homosexual even though they have the choice of partners of either sex
Many men and women that just can't attract anyone from the opposite sex do fall into the gay lifestyle. They feel excepted and loved there for the first time in their lives. They come to believe that they are indeed gay but deep down inside they know they aren't. After a break up these people struggle with their history and their future move in this area of their life. It's not healthy.
One of the dumbest posts I have ever read
Dumb? Well then you should be able to tell us how it is dumb rather than just express your ignorant anger towards the truth.
No, is fucking dumb
Tell us you can't tell us because deep down inside you know I'm right.
Why does Carson hate fags so much?
Why does it fucking matter? You dumb leftwing fuckers would bitch if he didn't act black enough. You dont give two shits about fags, you just want a leverage issue. This latest statement didn't change your already pissed off mind that another nig3r (vote) escaped the liberal plantation.

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Ben Carson Prison inmates prove being gay is absolutely a choice

On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."
Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Associationwrites, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

A lot of people go to prison straight, and come out of prison gay? What a fucking moron. :lol:

Uh.... That's not even a debatable point, dumbass.

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