Be careful on Friday: Libs planning "day of rage"

They'll never learn. They're just pushing more people to vote for the law and order candidate - Donald Trump.
Lib version of a Day of Rage is boycotting Starbucks.

Fuck BLM. They had an opportunity to be relevant and that's over with.
What color ribbons they using? Pot smoking? Tree hugging? Will Springsteen be there?
Is it too late to get a permit selling 2 x4s in a booth?

saveliberty I think the NRA booths selling AR's might lend you some space. If they have any room for you between the guns and the ammo....

Yo, you ever see this movie? If not, you should watch it, I think Obama saw it, and part of his Agenda, is from this movie! It`s a movie about Whites living in the Ghetto, and the Blacks are the Rich!

Is it too late to get a permit selling 2 x4s in a booth?

saveliberty I think the NRA booths selling AR's might lend you some space. If they have any room for you between the guns and the ammo....

Yo, you ever see this movie? If not, you should watch it, I think Obama saw it, and part of his Agenda, is from this movie! It`s a movie about Whites living in the Ghetto, and the Blacks are the Rich!

Dear 1stRambo
The real battle is wealthy people "empowered with knowledge of the laws and political connections" vs. middle class and poor working people without.

It's not purely about race, although race clearly "correlates" with socioeconomic class, on average.

What do Clinton and Obama have in common? They both use their political, corporate and legal connections to get away with abuses at taxpayer expense.

Look at the Allen Wests and Ben Carsons, and how they are treated. Don't tell me this is about race when it's about abusing perception of class for political points and leverage on corporate levels.

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