Battery production increasing CO2 levels


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Lithium Battery Production is increasing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere.

Yes, as if the production pollution from the Solar and Wind energy industry was not toxic enough. We now find out that CO2 is increasing in our atmosphere not only from the Solar and Wind Heavy industry but now from Lithium battery production.

12.5 kg of CO2 equivalent emitted for each kg of lithium-ion batteries,

The results indicate that the production of lithium-ion and nickel-metal-hydride batteries use
the most energy and produce the most GHG emissions.

The environmental impact of the battery disposal is another important
aspect and there may be health safety issues for those who recycle batteries. Lead-acid and
nickel-cadmium batteries appear to be most concerning in terms of human toxicity and more
data are needed on the toxic impacts of the
different batteries at different stages of their life
cycle, both on human health and wildlife.

The Green Energy industry does not use their gross profits to do basic research on the toxic and environmental impacts their "Green Renewable Technologies" create.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
Just give them a little time to catch up......
The EPA has had generations to catch up to the Ass-Fucking Farmer, yet they still spread 20 million tons of chemicals on the surface of this country each and every year. It ends up in our air, our drinking water, our tributaries streams rivers and oceans.

To me, "Environmental Justice" is enforcing regulations equally across the board. If one farms AND penetrates the anal cavity then I guess they must be someone special indeed.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
Just give them a little time to catch up......
The EPA has had generations to catch up to the Ass-Fucking Farmer, yet they still spread 20 million tons of chemicals on the surface of this country each and every year. It ends up in our air, our drinking water, our tributaries streams rivers and oceans.

To me, "Environmental Justice" is enforcing regulations equally across the board. If one farms AND penetrates the anal cavity then I guess they must be someone special indeed.
Here in Missouri they pass legislation to make sure the farmer has the right to farm and not pay attentions to regs and laws...
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
The simple answer, they are (the government)investing in it, literally, billions of dollars.
You're confusing investing with investingating. :slap:
Actually no, I am not confusing a thing, the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass, literally. Many laws, like the laws on Fracking, are ignored when it comes to Green/Renewable Energy.

Batteries from Geothermal Brine Partnering with Simbol Materials, the GTO is pursuing development of mineral extraction technologies with the potential to power 300,000– 600,000 electric vehicles per year from their plants. DOE support enabled the company to build the first demonstration facility and co-produce materials like lithium, manganese, and zinc from geothermal brines during the power production process. Simbol estimates that 50 MW in this mineral-rich region could also supply enough lithium to produce the vehicle batteries..

Simbol Materials is an excellent example, here in this "report", or Propaganda put out by the U.S. Government we find out the Simbol Materials could not fund a simple exploration well near the Salton Sea. Without the DOE and Obama Tesla could not move forward with their massive Battery plant, which is literally a giant experiment.

Further on the EPA side, Simbol Materials is allowed to inject Toxic Waste into the Earth. Simbol Material's experiment is thus, they drill a well, use the brine to attempt to create energy, then they separate the metals and toxins from the Brine, then they pump the concentrated toxic brine into a well, deep into the earth.

All which would be illegal if it was an Oil well. No Oil well in the World pumps Arsenic, Cesium, and Strontium into the Earth, yet Simbol Material's literally does, and will on a much larger scale if the market keeps the price of Lithium at an extreme historic high price.

So, as far as the EPA goes, Lithium Battery production for Tesla's is financed by the DOE and Obama.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
The simple answer, they are (the government)investing in it, literally, billions of dollars.
You're confusing investing with investingating. :slap:
Actually no, I am not confusing a thing, the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass, literally. Many laws, like the laws on Fracking, are ignored when it comes to Green/Renewable Energy.

Batteries from Geothermal Brine Partnering with Simbol Materials, the GTO is pursuing development of mineral extraction technologies with the potential to power 300,000– 600,000 electric vehicles per year from their plants. DOE support enabled the company to build the first demonstration facility and co-produce materials like lithium, manganese, and zinc from geothermal brines during the power production process. Simbol estimates that 50 MW in this mineral-rich region could also supply enough lithium to produce the vehicle batteries..

Simbol Materials is an excellent example, here in this "report", or Propaganda put out by the U.S. Government we find out the Simbol Materials could not fund a simple exploration well near the Salton Sea. Without the DOE and Obama Tesla could not move forward with their massive Battery plant, which is literally a giant experiment.

Further on the EPA side, Simbol Materials is allowed to inject Toxic Waste into the Earth. Simbol Material's experiment is thus, they drill a well, use the brine to attempt to create energy, then they separate the metals and toxins from the Brine, then they pump the concentrated toxic brine into a well, deep into the earth.

All which would be illegal if it was an Oil well. No Oil well in the World pumps Arsenic, Cesium, and Strontium into the Earth, yet Simbol Material's literally does, and will on a much larger scale if the market keeps the price of Lithium at an extreme historic high price.

So, as far as the EPA goes, Lithium Battery production for Tesla's is financed by the DOE and Obama.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
The simple answer, they are (the government)investing in it, literally, billions of dollars.
You're confusing investing with investingating. :slap:
Actually no, I am not confusing a thing, the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass, literally. Many laws, like the laws on Fracking, are ignored when it comes to Green/Renewable Energy.

Batteries from Geothermal Brine Partnering with Simbol Materials, the GTO is pursuing development of mineral extraction technologies with the potential to power 300,000– 600,000 electric vehicles per year from their plants. DOE support enabled the company to build the first demonstration facility and co-produce materials like lithium, manganese, and zinc from geothermal brines during the power production process. Simbol estimates that 50 MW in this mineral-rich region could also supply enough lithium to produce the vehicle batteries..

Simbol Materials is an excellent example, here in this "report", or Propaganda put out by the U.S. Government we find out the Simbol Materials could not fund a simple exploration well near the Salton Sea. Without the DOE and Obama Tesla could not move forward with their massive Battery plant, which is literally a giant experiment.

Further on the EPA side, Simbol Materials is allowed to inject Toxic Waste into the Earth. Simbol Material's experiment is thus, they drill a well, use the brine to attempt to create energy, then they separate the metals and toxins from the Brine, then they pump the concentrated toxic brine into a well, deep into the earth.

All which would be illegal if it was an Oil well. No Oil well in the World pumps Arsenic, Cesium, and Strontium into the Earth, yet Simbol Material's literally does, and will on a much larger scale if the market keeps the price of Lithium at an extreme historic high price.

So, as far as the EPA goes, Lithium Battery production for Tesla's is financed by the DOE and Obama.
You are correct. Coal and oil do not pump the toxins they produce deep into the earth. Instead they pump them into the atmosphere where we can enjoy their affects on our children.

By the way, you dumb fuck, they pump the brine with the pollutants back down into the hot rock, where it is heated and recharged with the elements that we value, and then we produce electricity with the geothermal heat, and extract zinc, lithium, and rare earths from the brine. Win-win for all.
Elektra, you super dumb fuck, all major investments are experiments. Only if they fail, someone goes busted, if they succeed, someone gets rich, or richer. Elon Musk has a very enviable record of making this kind of thing work. If he can create a factory that substancially reduces the prices of the batteries, then he will have done us all a favor.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
The simple answer, they are (the government)investing in it, literally, billions of dollars.
You're confusing investing with investingating. :slap:
Actually no, I am not confusing a thing, the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass, literally. Many laws, like the laws on Fracking, are ignored when it comes to Green/Renewable Energy.

Batteries from Geothermal Brine Partnering with Simbol Materials, the GTO is pursuing development of mineral extraction technologies with the potential to power 300,000– 600,000 electric vehicles per year from their plants. DOE support enabled the company to build the first demonstration facility and co-produce materials like lithium, manganese, and zinc from geothermal brines during the power production process. Simbol estimates that 50 MW in this mineral-rich region could also supply enough lithium to produce the vehicle batteries..

Simbol Materials is an excellent example, here in this "report", or Propaganda put out by the U.S. Government we find out the Simbol Materials could not fund a simple exploration well near the Salton Sea. Without the DOE and Obama Tesla could not move forward with their massive Battery plant, which is literally a giant experiment.

Further on the EPA side, Simbol Materials is allowed to inject Toxic Waste into the Earth. Simbol Material's experiment is thus, they drill a well, use the brine to attempt to create energy, then they separate the metals and toxins from the Brine, then they pump the concentrated toxic brine into a well, deep into the earth.

All which would be illegal if it was an Oil well. No Oil well in the World pumps Arsenic, Cesium, and Strontium into the Earth, yet Simbol Material's literally does, and will on a much larger scale if the market keeps the price of Lithium at an extreme historic high price.

So, as far as the EPA goes, Lithium Battery production for Tesla's is financed by the DOE and Obama.
You are correct. Coal and oil do not pump the toxins they produce deep into the earth. Instead they pump them into the atmosphere where we can enjoy their affects on our children.

By the way, you dumb fuck, they pump the brine with the pollutants back down into the hot rock, where it is heated and recharged with the elements that we value, and then we produce electricity with the geothermal heat, and extract zinc, lithium, and rare earths from the brine. Win-win for all.
How come you never call me a dumb fuck? :dunno:
Now I has a sad. :(
Well, Mr. H., because you are not. You are a working stiff in a very high risk business. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I know your kind from the work I have done in industry, and have a great deal of respect for them. Even when I am giving them hell.

People like Elektra, who haven't a clue about how the world works, and who would be dangerous in an industrial situation, are truly dumb fucks.
Why isn't the EPA investigating this like they're investigating every nook and cranny of the hydrocarbon industries? :dunno:
The simple answer, they are (the government)investing in it, literally, billions of dollars.
You're confusing investing with investingating. :slap:
Actually no, I am not confusing a thing, the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass, literally. Many laws, like the laws on Fracking, are ignored when it comes to Green/Renewable Energy.

Batteries from Geothermal Brine Partnering with Simbol Materials, the GTO is pursuing development of mineral extraction technologies with the potential to power 300,000– 600,000 electric vehicles per year from their plants. DOE support enabled the company to build the first demonstration facility and co-produce materials like lithium, manganese, and zinc from geothermal brines during the power production process. Simbol estimates that 50 MW in this mineral-rich region could also supply enough lithium to produce the vehicle batteries..

Simbol Materials is an excellent example, here in this "report", or Propaganda put out by the U.S. Government we find out the Simbol Materials could not fund a simple exploration well near the Salton Sea. Without the DOE and Obama Tesla could not move forward with their massive Battery plant, which is literally a giant experiment.

Further on the EPA side, Simbol Materials is allowed to inject Toxic Waste into the Earth. Simbol Material's experiment is thus, they drill a well, use the brine to attempt to create energy, then they separate the metals and toxins from the Brine, then they pump the concentrated toxic brine into a well, deep into the earth.

All which would be illegal if it was an Oil well. No Oil well in the World pumps Arsenic, Cesium, and Strontium into the Earth, yet Simbol Material's literally does, and will on a much larger scale if the market keeps the price of Lithium at an extreme historic high price.

So, as far as the EPA goes, Lithium Battery production for Tesla's is financed by the DOE and Obama.

the EPA is not investigating a thing, that is Green. Green and Renewable Energy gets a free pass,


see what happens if anyone in the oil business kills a raptor

while on the other hand windmillers are given "tolerable kill" permits

for the same exact birds
lol whats up with the site

- you must wait 22 seconds before performing this action-

Well, Mr. H., because you are not. You are a working stiff in a very high risk business. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but I know your kind from the work I have done in industry, and have a great deal of respect for them. Even when I am giving them hell.

People like Elektra, who haven't a clue about how the world works, and who would be dangerous in an industrial situation, are truly dumb fucks.
Excuse me, Old Crock, did you not make a post, making claims about your industry, High Quality Steel Production? Did I not respond? Old Crock stated that there were jobs at Old Crock's company and I proved otherwise, further I stated the Quality Process that ensures the steel is high quality in which Old Crock called me a liar.

Old Crock, I work in industry, your industry, I proved that it is I who inspect steel.

Old Crock you do not know your own industry, not at all. You may of shoveled Coke on top of Iron Ore back when a horse and wagon brought the Iron Ore to the mill, but that is all Old Crock knows about any industry, tell us how you handle a shovel Old Crock.

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