BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

Quote the lie, fucking moron.

I admire your effort, but they exist in a different universe. They will only believe what they are told IN that universe.

There is just nothing you can do, or say, or demonstrate, or illustrate. If they don't like it, it's a "lie". I get it all the time.

All you can do is observe and consider it a cautionary tale. This ain't good.
I admire your effort, but they exist in a different universe. They will only believe what they are told IN that universe.

There is just nothing you can do, or say, or demonstrate, or illustrate. If they don't like it, it's a "lie". I get it all the time.

All you can do is observe and consider it a cautionary tale. This ain't good.
You admire a douchebag. That's because you're a douchebag.

Birds of a feather . . . .
Same day registrations make me suspicious.

Democrat activists running elections from hotel rooms over hidden wi-fi networks makes me suspicious.

Obama got 69 million votes in 2008 and won 875 counties, Biden got 81 million but only won 527 counties? And a significant number of those counties lost population in the intervening years as reflected by the loss of electoral votes in the rust belt States.

That is an amazing performance. Maybe Obama's popularity was really because Biden was on the ticket? He left Obama in the dust, and didn't even have to campaign. The most popular politician in our history, defied every bit of common wisdom about our elections.
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Nope, he had a choice, fucking moron. And I note, I'm still waiting for you to oist the lie you claim I told Batcat. Odd how you can't quote it, isn't it?
He had the kind of choice that a mugger gives you. What you're telling us is that handing over all your money to a mugger is voluntary. No one in this forum is stupid enough to swallow that logic. A real choice includes the option of telling you to fuck off.
He had the kind of choice that a mugger gives you. What you're telling us is that handing over all your money to a mugger is voluntary. No one in this forum is stupid enough to swallow that logic. A real choice includes the option of telling you to fuck off.

You're lying again, fucking moron.

No, he did not have a choice like someone being mugged. A person being mugged is a victim. Flynn was not a victim but put himself into his situation by lying to the FBI. Also, he did not have to go broke. He chose what kind of legal representation he wanted. All choices he got to make. But even worse for you, you claim going to prison is worse than going broke, which is absurd to begin with.
You're lying again, fucking moron.

No, he did not have a choice like someone being mugged. A person being mugged is a victim. Flynn was not a victim but put himself into his situation by lying to the FBI. Also, he did not have to go broke. He chose what kind of legal representation he wanted. All choices he got to make. But even worse for you, you claim going to prison is worse than going broke, which is absurd to begin with.
ROFL! Flynn is a victim, moron. He had a choice imposed on him bya perp. Comey and Strzok put him into the position of being indicted.

Quit lying. We know what "voluntary" means, and your use of the term doesn't fit. The one thing Flynn didn't choose is to be indicted by a scumbag deepstate prosecutor.

Everything in your post is a lie. No one forced you to lie.
ROFL! Flynn is a victim, moron. He had a choice imposed on him bya perp. Comey and Strzok put him into the position of being indicted.

Quit lying. We know what "voluntary" means, and your use of the term doesn't fit. The one thing Flynn didn't choose is to be indicted by a scumbag deepstate prosecutor.

Everything in your post is a lie. No one forced you to lie.


To the brain dead, people who commit crimes are victims.

Maybe Obama's popularity was really because Biden was on the ticket? ...... The most popular politician in our history, defied every bit of common wisdom about our elections.
As far as Obama's popularity in carrying his elections.....well, I think the current wisdom by folks knowledgeable and respected in the business of elective-politics is that Obama was very very popular. And continues to be today. One of he most admired men in the world.

Joe Biden helped Obama's first election in that it reassured the political and leadership strata of America that at least Barack would have an experienced guy as part of his team.

And then the comment about 'defying common wisdom"........Nah! I don't think so.

There were many astute observers observing well before the 2020 election who raised questions about Trump's popularity, or lack thereof. The "popularity" issue was raised more about DTrump than Biden.

And a validator of that is what DTrump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, discovered after surveying voters immediately after the November 2020 election.

Fabrizio's polling indicated people didn't vote for DTrump because of two primary reasons: First, he was untrustworthy. Second, they felt he was incompetent.

Go ahead google it. You can real all of Fabrizio's 27-page report. I think Politico published it early in 2021. January? February?

Read it. You will learn that Joe didn't need to cheat.
Joe only needed to not to get in the way of voter's plummeting impression of DTrump.

That's not my conclusion. Read Fabrizio's 27-page report. You will see that that 2020 Presidential election was less about supporting Joe Biden, and more about firing DTrump.

You're beyond nuts, fucking moron. Flynn was a convicted felon.
Not when he submitted his plea, you douchebag psycho. He's still not convicted.

We've already established that you can't be honest about whether Flynn's plea was voluntary. All you can do is lie.

We're done.
Democrat activists running elections from hotel rooms over hidden wi-fi networks makes me suspicious.

Obama got 69 million votes in 2008 and won 875 counties, Biden got 81 million but only won 527 counties? And a significant number of those counties lost population in the intervening years as reflected by the loss of electoral votes in the rust belt States.

That is an amazing performance. Maybe Obama's popularity was really because Biden was on the ticket? He left Obama in the dust, and didn't even have to campaign. The most popular politician in our history, defied every bit of common wisdom about our elections.
PlusJoe is the only politician I know who has had entire stadiums full of people chat, “F**k Joe Biden.” Amazing how such a popular politician could manage to get so much disrespect so shortly after he was elected. Makes me wonder if Joe actually did win fair and square.
I just don't find it credible. I can believe the intensity of the dislike for Trump among democrats may have been greater in 2020, but no one has convinced be there are more of them. I know democrats who voted for Trump in 2020, they voted for Hillary in 2016.

In 2008, Obama drew large crowds everywhere he went, I knew he was popular- I could see it.

At least post-civil war, no incumbent president has gained votes in his re-election bid and lost the election. Obama had 5 million fewer votes in 2012 than 2008, but he still won re-election.

Not only did Trump gain votes in 2020, he matched Ronald Reagan's 1984 landslide, when Reagan won every State but one. And Republicans swept the down ballot toss-up races in 2020, so there's your polling...

Yet Biden was able to get almost 20% more votes than Obama in 2008 with 40% fewer counties?

Trump won 18 of 19 Bellweather counties, and the Bellweather States of Ohio and Florida. Ohio is a benchmark, in that Wisconsin and Pennsylvania tend to track with Ohio. Where Ohio goes, they all go. And they were doing just that, right up until the giant middle of the night ballot drops.

If the dislike for Trump is the reason for the record turnout in places like Milwaukee, why didn't we see the same thing in Cleveland? Those cities are geographically and demographically similar, but turnout in Cleveland was down from 2008 and 2016.

From the second world war until Nixon, Americans voted for Washington D.C. insiders for President. After Watergate, that changed. We turned to Governors, and with the exception of Bush 41 (who campaigned as a 3rd term of Reagan), every President after 1972 was a Governor, through Bush 43.

Americans were sick of the partisanship and bickering in 2008. Obama campaigned as an outsider, not just from DC but from politics. He didn't really have a voting record, he was a nobody state rep, who spent a couple years in the Senate avoiding controversial votes. He promised to unite the country, it wasn't about red states and blue states, etc.

America went with the outsider. In 2016, Trump's election was a continuation of that move away from traditional politicians in the White House.

Presidential elections are always popularity contests, and Trump was and is very popular no matter what the haters say. I've never heard a crowd just spontaneously start chanting "We love you" to any politician, ever. When they did that in Florida the first time, he was taken aback. It really touched him.

Trump's rallies dwarfed Obama's, and he was doing it 4 or 5 times a day coming up on Nov 3. A biden rally was old man Joe shouting at an empty parking lot.

So call me skeptical that this guy, the ultimate DC insider, totally got 81 million votes...

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