When is an audit not an audit


Gold Member
Dec 22, 2018
Latest on the Arizona audit. Republican shares data of the audit to verify that information is correct. Unfortunately the data show that election results were accurate. He was looking for validation from another source.

Now he has been barred from the audit by the republican in charge of the audit.

Information about the audit that favored the perception that the election results were tainted has been leak since the beginning. The guy leading the audit has been the most vocal and leaks information at will. Yet Republicans do not say anything about it. Well in fairness they have been leaking information also.

Now one of their own who has been involved with the audit shares the data to get another opinion about the conclusion from the data. It favors that the election results was correct.

The republicans quickly prevent the guy from participating in the current audit. He is not allowed in the building. I guess they hope that this silences him. Yet if you have a democracy why would you silence someone.

One would think that the audit should be open and information shared to the people. Yet the Arizona republican have shown by their action that if something goes against the results then they should go into block and ban mode. They are part of the state government. People have a right to know. Transparency should mean something. Yet they seem to be nervous that the direction of the audit is going in the wrong direction. It will be shown to be a waste of taxpayers money and whomever was foolish enough to send money to support it.

Other states who are looking to do this kind of audit should be watching closely. Do they really want to be part of this which will end badly for them. At the very least they should use a reputable auditor who is not vocal about preconceived opinions about election fraud.

Well I guess since many republicans support the preconceived conclusion then there should be no political backlash. Just another conspiracy that bites the dust but will live on in people's mind.

When is an audit not an audit. Well when the audit cannot be verify to be correct by a neutral 3rd party. When its only purpose is to rubberstamp pre existing beliefs at the cost of becoming the DEEP STATE.

yeah , yeah another thread on the Arizona audit. Hey but it has a new twist.

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Latest on the Arizona audit. Republican shares data of the audit to verify that information is correct. Unfortunately the data show that election results were accurate. He was looking for validation from another source.

Now he has been barred from the audit by the republican in charge of the audit.

Information about the audit that favored the perception that the election results were tainted has been leak since the beginning. The guy leading the audit has been the most vocal and leaks information at will. Yet Republicans do not say anything about it. Well in fairness they have been leaking information also.

Now one of their own who has been involved with the audit shares the data to get another opinion about the conclusion from the data. It favors that the election results was correct.

The republicans quickly prevent the guy from participating in the current audit. He is not allowed in the building. I guess they hope that this silences him. Yet if you have a democracy why would you silence someone.

One would think that the audit should be open and information shared to the people. Yet the Arizona republican have shown by their action that if something goes against the results then they should go into block and ban mode. They are part of the state government. People have a right to know. Transparency should mean something. Yet they seem to be nervous that the direction of the audit is going in the wrong direction. It will be shown to be a waste of taxpayers money and whomever was foolish enough to send money to support it.

Other states who are looking to do this kind of audit should be watching closely. Do they really want to be part of this which will end badly for them. At the very least they should use a reputable auditor who is not vocal about preconceived opinions about election fraud.

Well I guess since many republicans support the preconceived conclusion then there should be no political backlash. Just another conspiracy that bites the dust but will live on in people's mind.

When is an audit not an audit. Well when the audit cannot be verify to be correct by a neutral 3rd party. When its only purpose is to rubberstamp pre existing beliefs at the cost of becoming the DEEP STATE.

yeah , yeah another thread on the Arizona audit. Hey but it has a new twist.

President Donald Trump supporters and American patriots nationwide are emboldened after an Arizona state Senate hearing on the Maricopa County election audit proved massive fraud.​

During the Arizona Senate hearing held yesterday on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit, one bombshell after another was revealed.
Pesky little discrepancies were discovered, minuscule irregularities that Democrats would rather not be talked about. Like the fact that over 74,000 more mail-in ballots were received and counted than were mailed out. Democrats: Big Deal!

-3,981 Voted Despite Being Registered AFTER the October 15th Deadline​

-11,326 Voted Who Were NOT on the Voter Rolls November 7th, but Somehow Appeared on December 4th​

-18,000 Voted, Then Were Removed from the Voter Rolls After the Election​

The margin of victory for Joe Biden in the State of Arizona was just 10,457 votes.
Latest on the Arizona audit. Republican shares data of the audit to verify that information is correct. Unfortunately the data show that election results were accurate. He was looking for validation from another source.

Now he has been barred from the audit by the republican in charge of the audit.

Information about the audit that favored the perception that the election results were tainted has been leak since the beginning. The guy leading the audit has been the most vocal and leaks information at will. Yet Republicans do not say anything about it. Well in fairness they have been leaking information also.

Now one of their own who has been involved with the audit shares the data to get another opinion about the conclusion from the data. It favors that the election results was correct.

The republicans quickly prevent the guy from participating in the current audit. He is not allowed in the building. I guess they hope that this silences him. Yet if you have a democracy why would you silence someone.

One would think that the audit should be open and information shared to the people. Yet the Arizona republican have shown by their action that if something goes against the results then they should go into block and ban mode. They are part of the state government. People have a right to know. Transparency should mean something. Yet they seem to be nervous that the direction of the audit is going in the wrong direction. It will be shown to be a waste of taxpayers money and whomever was foolish enough to send money to support it.

Other states who are looking to do this kind of audit should be watching closely. Do they really want to be part of this which will end badly for them. At the very least they should use a reputable auditor who is not vocal about preconceived opinions about election fraud.

Well I guess since many republicans support the preconceived conclusion then there should be no political backlash. Just another conspiracy that bites the dust but will live on in people's mind.

When is an audit not an audit. Well when the audit cannot be verify to be correct by a neutral 3rd party. When its only purpose is to rubberstamp pre existing beliefs at the cost of becoming the DEEP STATE.

yeah , yeah another thread on the Arizona audit. Hey but it has a new twist.

great,, another thread to tell us why an audit shouldnt be trusted,,,
dont like what they did do one yourself and do it better,,
Latest on the Arizona audit. Republican shares data of the audit to verify that information is correct. Unfortunately the data show that election results were accurate. He was looking for validation from another source.

Now he has been barred from the audit by the republican in charge of the audit.

Information about the audit that favored the perception that the election results were tainted has been leak since the beginning. The guy leading the audit has been the most vocal and leaks information at will. Yet Republicans do not say anything about it. Well in fairness they have been leaking information also.

Now one of their own who has been involved with the audit shares the data to get another opinion about the conclusion from the data. It favors that the election results was correct.

The republicans quickly prevent the guy from participating in the current audit. He is not allowed in the building. I guess they hope that this silences him. Yet if you have a democracy why would you silence someone.

One would think that the audit should be open and information shared to the people. Yet the Arizona republican have shown by their action that if something goes against the results then they should go into block and ban mode. They are part of the state government. People have a right to know. Transparency should mean something. Yet they seem to be nervous that the direction of the audit is going in the wrong direction. It will be shown to be a waste of taxpayers money and whomever was foolish enough to send money to support it.

Other states who are looking to do this kind of audit should be watching closely. Do they really want to be part of this which will end badly for them. At the very least they should use a reputable auditor who is not vocal about preconceived opinions about election fraud.

Well I guess since many republicans support the preconceived conclusion then there should be no political backlash. Just another conspiracy that bites the dust but will live on in people's mind.

When is an audit not an audit. Well when the audit cannot be verify to be correct by a neutral 3rd party. When its only purpose is to rubberstamp pre existing beliefs at the cost of becoming the DEEP STATE.

yeah , yeah another thread on the Arizona audit. Hey but it has a new twist.

The buried lead: auditors kicked out a leaker....Good.
great,, another thread to tell us why an audit shouldnt be trusted,,,
dont like what they did do one yourself and do it better,,

Well the republicans treatment of one of their own is a fine example but since I have no experience in doing audits. then using republican logic I can do it better if I say what they want to hear.

President Donald Trump supporters and American patriots nationwide are emboldened after an Arizona state Senate hearing on the Maricopa County election audit proved massive fraud.​

During the Arizona Senate hearing held yesterday on the ongoing Maricopa County forensic audit, one bombshell after another was revealed.
Pesky little discrepancies were discovered, minuscule irregularities that Democrats would rather not be talked about. Like the fact that over 74,000 more mail-in ballots were received and counted than were mailed out. Democrats: Big Deal!

-3,981 Voted Despite Being Registered AFTER the October 15th Deadline​

-11,326 Voted Who Were NOT on the Voter Rolls November 7th, but Somehow Appeared on December 4th​

-18,000 Voted, Then Were Removed from the Voter Rolls After the Election​

The margin of victory for Joe Biden in the State of Arizona was just 10,457 votes.




Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Got any more bullshit to share?
He just found a Newsweek article and had a mental ejaculation over it.
The lack of compassion for one of you own. Is it really that hard to admit something that is clearly wrong.

Still if you have no comment then I guess you can make a sexual innuendo. I do hope it was satisfying.
The lack of compassion for one of you own. Is it really that hard to admit something that is clearly wrong.

Still if you have no comment then I guess you can make a sexual innuendo. I do hope it was satisfying.
No comment needed, I posted 3 links that shot your Newsweek article down.
Maricopa County counted its ballots and certified results in a week.

Cyber Ninjas has been looking for three months and has found NOTHING
great,, another thread to tell us why an audit shouldnt be trusted,,,
dont like what they did do one yourself and do it better,,
So when is Biden going to be kicked out of the white house and Trump reinstated? The dat keeps gettinhg pushed back. I'm confused. And tell us again what court it is that can decertify the election at this point.
Well the republicans treatment of one of their own is a fine example but since I have no experience in doing audits. then using republican logic I can do it better if I say what they want to hear.

With Republicans
Speaking the truth is a fire able offense

Ask Liz Cheney
Well the republicans treatment of one of their own is a fine example but since I have no experience in doing audits. then using republican logic I can do it better if I say what they want to hear.
I guess when Republicans find a traitor in their midst, they righteously call that person out. Seems like a virtuous thing to do really.

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