BARR told Trump to his face, "you're going to lose, you're humiliating yourself: pettiness, acrimony, punching down, chaos--we're tired of this shit"

So funny. So hypocritical. So deranged.
You know, Lakhota, I saw that reportage on Barr saying he would still vote for DTrump.
And thought at the time, and still think a day later........"Dumb"!
With a capital 'D'.

If I had been in Barr's shoes, after publishing a book with many critical observations of Trump's suitability to be President......and if asked would I vote for him agailn........I'd simply say: 'Too early to decide. Let's see who the Democrats put up. Let's see the Republicans who throw their hat in the ring.' Duh!!

Bill Barr made one else, he did it.......he made himself look feckless and weak.
Jeeeeez!!! What a dumb unforced error.
Why not, because he had a "choice?" Of course he had to accept the deal. It's either that or spend every dime he has on lawyers. That's what you call "voluntary." That's what makes you a fucking NAZI.

Why do you keep reusing the same old already exploded argument?

You're lying again, fucking moron. He didn't have to spend every dime he had on lawyers.
Carter page? Yeah they knew about him before he joined the Trump campaign. All the people around Trump were sleaze bags.

Attending just one meeting and not contributing, Carter Page was never really with the Trump campaign anyway.
The ETA will likely be 75 years to a century from today.

Let’s say the CIA was behind JFK’s assassination. That info might come out someday after there is no longer a CIA.

Every once in while sometime interesting pops up that goes against the agends.


Bullshit. :eusa_naughty:

Milwaukee County had 557,089 registered voters...

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say .
I defend the facts and the rule of law. It's not about Page. It's about weaponizing the FBI for political reasons.

All of the people in the Crossfire Hurricane team belong behind bars.

And yet, Durham has implicated just one person involved with deception in order to obtain FISA warrants.
And yet, Durham has implicated just one person involved with deception in order to obtain FISA warrants.
One in the Crossfire Hurricane team. A sacrificial lamb who got off with a slap on the wrist.

There are a lot more people implicated, where Durham calls it quits is anyone's guess.

Also indicted so far, the lawyer from Perkins Coie who peddled lies about Alfa bank, and Danchenko, Steele's primary source for the dossier.

Danchenko was a fellow at Brookings, pals with Podesta and Fiona Hill and some of the other clowns in the Ukraine impeachment scheme.

That Newsweek piece is lame. Yes, Page traveled to Russia. Yes, he met officials from Russian energy companies in 2013 (the meeting was in NY, not Russia, it was during an International Energy Conference)- Page was working as an energy consultant, and oh by the way the part they leave out, he didn't conceal any of it, and he cooperated with the FBI in April and June of 2013 when they asked him about the contacts. He also cooperated with them when they prosecuted one of them, and helped the FBI secure a conviction and a 30-month sentence.

The Trump tower meeting, the other thing they say is confirmed- yes, it took place as we all know, but we have known for some time that the meeting was a setup. The lady lawyer was a client of Fusion GPS. She was hired by one of the Oligarchs that was sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act, and they had enlisted Fusion GPS to lobby in the US for repeal of those sanctions. She left that Trump tower meeting and reported directly to Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS.

The thing you guys act so offended by- the notion that Trump would get dirt from a foreign source on his opponent, is the exact thing that the democrats were actively doing. To the tune of several million dollars paid out in that effort. So pardon me, if I am not moved by your false outrage.
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One in the Crossfire Hurricane team. A sacrificial lamb who got off with a slap on the wrist.

There are a lot more people implicated, where Durham calls it quits is anyone's guess.

Also indicted so far, the lawyer from Perkins Coie who peddled lies about Alfa bank, and Danchenko, Steele's primary source for the dossier.

Danchenko was a fellow at Brookings, pals with Podesta and Fiona Hill and some of the other clowns in the Ukraine impeachment scheme.

That Newsweek piece is lame. Yes, Page traveled to Russia. Yes, he met officials from Russian energy companies in 2013 (the meeting was in NY, not Russia, it was during an International Energy Conference)- Page was working as an energy consultant, and oh by the way the part they leave out, he didn't conceal any of it, and he cooperated with the FBI in April and June of 2013 when they asked him about the contacts. He also cooperated with them when they prosecuted one of them, and helped the FBI secure a conviction and a 30-month sentence.

The Trump tower meeting, the other thing they say is confirmed- yes, it took place as we all know, but we have known for some time that the meeting was a setup. The lady lawyer was a client of Fusion GPS. She was hired by one of the Oligarchs that was sanctioned under the Magnitsky Act, and they had enlisted Fusion GPS to lobby in the US for repeal of those sanctions. She left that Trump tower meeting and reported directly to Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS.

The thing you guys act so offended by- the notion that Trump would get dirt from a foreign source on his opponent, is the exact thing that the democrats were actively doing. To the tune of several million dollars paid out in that effort. So pardon me, if I am not moved by your false outrage.
The other two indictments were not about the FISA warrant. One person was caught in that.
The other two indictments were not about the FISA warrant. One person was caught in that.
So far one in Gov't. Like I said, a sacrificial lamb.

That was not the only issue identified by Horowitz, but the DOJ always protects itself. McCabe lied at least 3 times under oath, both to the Congress and also to the Inspector General, and he got off scott-free. He was also responsible for the setup of General Flynn, where they leaked classified information to the Washington Post as a pretense for the White House meeting.

The Dossier was "central and essential" to the FISA warrants, so it's all connected. The FBI was relying on information they could not verify, but they told the FISA court that it was.

Nevertheless, I do not think any real accountability will be forthcoming. Durham will do his best to portray the FBI as the victims of a disinformation campaign, rather than the willing and active participants that they actually were.
ROFL! He was already bankrupt when he agreed to the plea, moron. I trial would have taken even more money.


Once again, you destroy your own position, ya fucking moron.

All this time you've been claiming Flynn faced pleading guilty or going bankrupt. Now you say he was already bankrupt.

So far one in Gov't. Like I said, a sacrificial lamb.

That was not the only issue identified by Horowitz, but the DOJ always protects itself. McCabe lied at least 3 times under oath, both to the Congress and also to the Inspector General, and he got off scott-free. He was also responsible for the setup of General Flynn, where they leaked classified information to the Washington Post as a pretense for the White House meeting.

The Dossier was "central and essential" to the FISA warrants, so it's all connected. The FBI was relying on information they could not verify, but they told the FISA court that it was.

Nevertheless, I do not think any real accountability will be forthcoming. Durham will do his best to portray the FBI as the victims of a disinformation campaign, rather than the willing and active participants that they actually were.

Great, so until more people are indicted, if that even happens, you still have only one in relation to the FISA warrants. Yet here you are, saying everyone on the Crossfire Hurricane team should all go to prison. :icon_rolleyes:
You expect anyone to believe that besides you and other Trump haters? Go away troll.


As if I care what you believe, FruitLoops. Need I remind you? You still believe the election was stolen despite the fact that after 16 months (and counting), you still can't prove it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
Great, so until more people are indicted, if that even happens, you still have only one in relation to the FISA warrants. Yet here you are, saying everyone on the Crossfire Hurricane team should all go to prison. :icon_rolleyes:
If they pulled the same crap with Obama that is exactly where they would be. You cannot break the law just because it is Trump. Democrats have been lawless since he was elected. Twice.
Great, so until more people are indicted, if that even happens, you still have only one in relation to the FISA warrants. Yet here you are, saying everyone on the Crossfire Hurricane team should all go to prison. :icon_rolleyes:
Your war is how far left Progs should go. Our war is if the Repub party would keep its promises. Because of their lack of keeping them, we have moved left at warp speed.

As if I care what you believe, FruitLoops. Need I remind you? You still believe the election was stolen despite the fact that after 16 months (and counting), you still can't prove it. You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:
You keep saying that and will not accept the evidence that has been found that proves the election had no integrity whatsoever. Come back when you have a real answer, you fucking pest.
If they pulled the same crap with Obama that is exactly where they would be. You cannot break the law just because it is Trump. Democrats have been lawless since he was elected. Twice.

I never said anyone should be allowed to break the law. Anyone who did, should be held accountable. Still, this has been under investigation for years by two different people. And to date, only one person was indicted in regards to the FISA warrant. You can't escape that reality no matter how brain-dead you are.

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