Bannon in Contempt

Just like Eric Holder did in his gun running days. Grow up little man.
This is why congress needs to use "inherent contempt" instead of the criminal code to go after the attorney general. Think about it. Congress referred the contempt charge to the DOJ. Leaving it to the AG to decide if the AG should be prosecuted.

And apparently Eric Holder made the call, that he didn't think he should be prosecuted.
Now let's see what "moderate" AG Garland decides. My money is on Bannon getting thrown in jail. And don't give me that "he refused to comply with a subpoena" crap. Hillary Clinton routinely used subpoenas for butt wipes and not a thing happened to her.

This fails as a red herring fallacy, a dishonest attempt to deflect.

The thread is about Bannon, not Clinton.
Then, why does the word Trump or some derivative of the word keep coming out of your cake hole?

Trumpism this and Trumpster that.

He ignored a subpoena. These are the consequences for that. That's the fucking law.

You Trumpsters evidently don't know or care how the law works.

Why are you so willing to display your ignorance? Always the poor victim, huh?

So the sargent-at-arms has to enforce it!
Good luck with dat....
So the sargent-at-arms has to enforce it!
Good luck with dat....
Let me remind you, the Boss of the Secret Service is the sec of treasury. The little lady that Trump kicked out as head of the federal reserve.
Now let's see what "moderate" AG Garland decides. My money is on Bannon getting thrown in jail. And don't give me that "he refused to comply with a subpoena" crap. Hillary Clinton routinely used subpoenas for butt wipes and not a thing happened to her.

Of course in this nation today Hillary gets to waltz away scot-free and Brannon will end up in solitary confinement until he goes stark raving mad or turns on Trump.

You many seriously believe you live in a well functioning representative democracy or a constitutional republic but the reality is you live in a banana republic that is so damn corrupt our nation’s Capitol smells like a cesspool and is called a Swamp.


229-202, representing another bigly loss for Trump as 9 Repubs joined Democrats. I guess Trump will go after them with a passion.

Hopefully the Justice Department will do the right thing and prosecute Bannon's sorry ass. Bigly!!!
1. loss for Trump hahahahha
2. these are not jury trials!!! DUH = Kangaroo Courts
Uh-huh..... sure.....
You need to get out more, or perhaps a hearing aid is in order, comments such as yours. mocking the obvious, which you either ignore outright, or are simply incapable of perceiving, are exactly what the democratic party is doing, naked provocations coupled to an even more naked dissociation from the consequences of such, are a certain recipe for social catastrophe! Your comment, is a textbook example of clinical denial!

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