Baltimore Killings at Highest Level in 43 Years


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Many appear to be drug and gang related. Some are saying it's because there aren't enough education opportunities or jobs. Hasn't this problem been addressed in all these years? Seriously, every campaign for the last 4 decades have been about creating jobs and helping schools.

Maybe it's more of a problem with dysfunctional families. What parents teach their children outweighs what they learn in school. And if the parents aren't taking their children's future seriously, what are the schools or society supposed to do to make up for that?

The claim is that they only turn to gangs or selling drugs after they have no other options for survival, but so many young kids are out there joining gangs, doing drugs, stealing and murdering people. They should be in school working toward their own future. Do they give up on life by the age of 12? I think most of the blame falls on parents, not schools. How are teachers supposed to take an undisciplined child with a bad attitude and turn them into a good student who cares about the future?

There is such a blatant disregard for human life at the root of this problem. And greed. Yes, those who sell drugs to young kids and steal cars are greedy. They want things, but aren't willing to obtain them the hard way like everyone else. They let others work and make car payments, then come along and steal. They want lots of cash and they want to get it the easiest way possible. Welfare isn't enough, so they just take what they want or murder anyone who looks at them funny. Parents haven't taught the value of hard work or the value of life, for that matter. These young people are quitting school and committing crimes, then turn around and blame racism when they aren't offered well paying jobs. They justify the theft, drug crimes, looting and hostility toward society by claiming they are victims of racism. They are victims of parents who don't give a shit and can't control their teens because they never taught them anything as children.

Baltimore killings soar to a level unseen in 43 years - Yahoo News
BooHoo for Baltimore.

Its what you get when Democrats run a place for a few straight years.

Let me guess what the Socialist bastards need in Baltimore to fix things:

MORE of other people's MONEY.

Detroit rode that horse for many decades of Democrat Rule---right into oblivion.

Fuck Baltimore and Fuck Democrats.
BooHoo for Baltimore.

Its what you get when Democrats run a place for a few straight years.

Let me guess what the Socialist bastards need in Baltimore to fix things:

MORE of other people's MONEY.

Detroit rode that horse for many decades of Democrat Rule---right into oblivion.

Fuck Baltimore and Fuck Democrats.

No they need more bullets and guns, high fences to keep them all in and some more time ..................
The schools don't give a fuck
The parents don't give a fuck
The liberal politicians don't give a fuck

And Baltimore police....are crucified for trying to maintain order.

And now THEY don't give a fuck.
The schools don't give a fuck
The parents don't give a fuck
The liberal politicians don't give a fuck

And Baltimore police....are crucified for trying to maintain order.

And now THEY don't give a fuck.
The plan is working perfectly.

Schools get taken over by unions, unions bribe dem polls for money, dems let them do a poor job, dems demand more money b/c of the poor job, unions bribe dem polls for money, dems let them do a poor job, dems demand more money b/c of the poor job, unions bribe dem polls for money, dems let them do a poor job, dems demand more money b/c of the poor job, unions bribe dem polls for money, dems let them do a poor job, dems demand more money b/c of the poor job, unions bribe dem polls for money, dems let them do a poor job, dems demand more money b/c of the poor job.
poor people can't get ahead b/c their education sucks, so dems demand more money to take care of them. poor people can't get ahead b/c their education sucks, so dems demand more money to take care of them poor people can't get ahead b/c their education sucks, so dems demand more money to take care of them poor people can't get ahead b/c their education sucks, so dems demand more money to take care of them poor people can't get ahead b/c their education sucks, so dems demand more money to take care of them
Families fall apart trying to get as much out of the system they can and things just get worse and worse. Families fall apart trying to get as much out of the system they can and things just get worse and worse. Families fall apart trying to get as much out of the system they can and things just get worse and worse. Families fall apart trying to get as much out of the system they can and things just get worse and worse. Families fall apart trying to get as much out of the system they can and things just get worse and worse.

But the dems have the answer, vote for them and this time it will get better, for reals. But the dems have the answer, vote for them and this time it will get better, for reals. But the dems have the answer, vote for them and this time it will get better, for reals. But the dems have the answer, vote for them and this time it will get better, for reals. But the dems have the answer, vote for them and this time it will get better, for reals.

But it never does, b/c more government has failed every time, every single country that relied heavily on it's government is gone or is a festering shithole.

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