AZ audit finds 35,000 suspicious ballots


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

10,000 who voted in multiple counties
23,000 plus who voted from prior old addresses

Basically the audit needs far more investigation into these 35,000 votes

10,000 who voted in multiple counties
23,000 plus who voted from prior old addresses

Basically the audit needs far more investigation into these 35,000 votes
Uh-huh. So, about the only thing suspicious here is the suspicious lack of facts backing up these "assertions".
And it checks the boxes of not saying Biden actually won (therefore placating Trump) while throwing out vague
accusations of irregularities that don't need to be backed up by facts....what a shocker. :)

Here's the only line you need to read,

“Essentially we came up with the same number,” Pullen said Thursday.

Over and out. Biden won. Stop squealing. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes it was a 5th world fraud election

I assume I am wasting my time. But those election watchers in those third world nations where they steal in reality the sham election are always able to explain how.

But let’s take a look at the US. I can buy a single county. I have a harder time when it is an entire state. Especially when people in charge are the other party. Republicans occupied key spots in Arizona and Georgia.

I could buy a single county. A could even with a lot of doubt believe for the sake of argument that a state was involved. When you get to multiple states it gets far less likely.

And that my friend is where it falls down for me. It is too big. It involves Republicans and Democrats. It is just too damned big.

The bigger it gets the less likely it is. And it couldn’t be a single county. It couldn’t be a single state.

Now. Take a moment. Consider your argument for just one minute. We can’t elect Democrats because they stole the election. But we can’t elect Republicans because they are so incompetent the election was stolen under their noses.

That isn’t much of an argument is it?
But let’s take a look at the US. I can buy a single county.

A single country and a few 1000 votes maybe, but not the amount needed to sway a national election. In Az alone you would need probably a half a million fake ballots to insure a win based on the numbers from 2016 to 2020.

Also, Biden gained a higher percent of votes than Trump compared to 2016 in all but 6 states, and 5 of those are deep blue states. So is the story now they cheated in each and every single state?

10,000 who voted in multiple counties
23,000 plus who voted from prior old addresses

Basically the audit needs far more investigation into these 35,000 votes

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