Axelrod Accuses The GOP Of A Reign Of Terror


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

These people are getting more and more desperate every day.

On "Meet The Press" this morning David Axelrod accused the GOP of a "Reign Of Terror", and again on CNN with Candy Crowley.

On CNN he was asked why after Obama promised to address immigration reform in his first year he's now promising to do it in his first year of his second term. Ms Crowley is a strong Obama supporter but even she seem a bit incredulous when Axelrod started going into his list of excuses.

Axelrod actually had the unmitigated gall to accuse the GOP of stonewalling it. Fact is, and this is well documented, Obama said back in 09' that he wasn't going to address it til 2011. Well, it's 2012 and he still hasn't addressed it. Fact is he has no intention of addressing it.

If you remember, John McCain tried to pass it and the Democrats stayed completely out of it. They felt it was better to stay completely away from the issue and let the Republicans take the hit from both sides over it. It's one of the reasons McCain was considered to have zero chance in politics ever again.....and yet he still came back to win the GOP nomination in 08'.

Axelrod falsely claimed he was in the room when Obama said he would work with the GOP on immigration.......and he says that the GOP refused. The Republicans seem to remember a different answer from Obama.

Perhaps President Obama did not address immigration in his first year in office because he spent that year trying to ram Obamacare through.

Obamacare was done before Summer. He had plenty of time to deal with it......but he instead put it off. He might get hot and heavy on it this Summer because it looks like Axelrod is using it against the GOP.

Reign of hairy nut-sack.
Yeah, I found the phrase "reign of terror" quite over the top. It would be debatable in describing the actual experience of undocumented immigrants, and it seems quite silly as applied to congressional Republicans ("A lot of Republicans in Congress want to cooperate, they know better, but they are in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged this party to the right").

Still, your characterizations don't seem entirely accurate:

- Axelrod described Republicans as the victims, rather than the perpetrators, of a "reign of terror". The perpetrators were characterized as the "far right" which presumably has some overlap with the GOP.

- You suggest that Obama hasn't done anything ("Obama said back in 09' that he wasn't going to address it til 2011" regarding immigration reform since 2009 and that congressional Republicans haven't stonewalled it. In fact, he has continued to push for passage of the DREAM Act, which was filibustered by Senate Republicans (DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). One could certainly argue either that Obama hasn't done enough or that Republicans were right to oppose his initiatives, but it is inaccurate to claim that Obama has done nothing or that Republicans have blocked nothing.

- On that note, McCain has voted against the DREAM Act, recanting his previous support and now saying that he wants more enforcement.

- I'm not sure what meeting Axelrod was referring to when he said he was "in the room", but I don't see how you can claim that his statement was false. Are you saying that congressional Republicans never told Obama to his face that they wouldn't support any of his immigration initiatives?

- I can't find any evidence that Crowley is an Obama supporter, strong or otherwise.
“The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.” -- Axelrod admitting Obama's been a disaster


Democrats in Washington have once again shown their true colors. They found time to pass the Dream Act in the House but they can't seem to get it together on extending the Bush Tax-cuts. So once again illegals are put on a pedestal and legal residents get the shaft. Seems the left has no interest in doing what's best for this country. They only care about getting new voters under their umbrella.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he wants to attach an amendment to a defense policy bill that would help young people in the United States illegally become legal U.S. residents.

the legislation known as the DREAM Act is long overdue. He would not say whether he has the votes for the amendment. The act would allow young people who attend college or join the military to become legal U.S. residents.

The young people must have come to the country when they were under 16 years of age and have been in the country five years. Those who join the military must serve at least two years and complete two years of college.

Believe it or not I think this is a good idea. I have always liked idea of Citizenship for service.

Dishonest politicians doing what they do best.

Sneak around and get what they want even if the people don't want it.
Yeah, I found the phrase "reign of terror" quite over the top. It would be debatable in describing the actual experience of undocumented immigrants, and it seems quite silly as applied to congressional Republicans ("A lot of Republicans in Congress want to cooperate, they know better, but they are in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged this party to the right").

Still, your characterizations don't seem entirely accurate:

- Axelrod described Republicans as the victims, rather than the perpetrators, of a "reign of terror". The perpetrators were characterized as the "far right" which presumably has some overlap with the GOP.

- You suggest that Obama hasn't done anything ("Obama said back in 09' that he wasn't going to address it til 2011" regarding immigration reform since 2009 and that congressional Republicans haven't stonewalled it. In fact, he has continued to push for passage of the DREAM Act, which was filibustered by Senate Republicans (DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). One could certainly argue either that Obama hasn't done enough or that Republicans were right to oppose his initiatives, but it is inaccurate to claim that Obama has done nothing or that Republicans have blocked nothing.

- On that note, McCain has voted against the DREAM Act, recanting his previous support and now saying that he wants more enforcement.

- I'm not sure what meeting Axelrod was referring to when he said he was "in the room", but I don't see how you can claim that his statement was false. Are you saying that congressional Republicans never told Obama to his face that they wouldn't support any of his immigration initiatives?

- I can't find any evidence that Crowley is an Obama supporter, strong or otherwise.

I've watched her enough to come to that conclusion.

She called Hillary and Obama "Two Titans" back in 08' when they were fighting it out for the nomination. Yes.....I would call her a strong supporter of Democrats in general.

And Axelrod meant to infer that the GOP was on a Reign of Terror on Meet The Press this morning. It doesn't matter if he's blaming the far-right or simply Republicans. They are all the same to the left, and he knows it.

Also, Boehner has tried to work with the President and has gotten nothing but lies and wild accusations from him in return. Obama decided that he needed to run on a "Do Nothing Congress" platform last Summer. He isn't about to cooperate with them. Instead he chose to go around them at every opportunity.

The Dream Act is not a solution to immigration. So McCain voted against it. It promises permanent residency if they serve in the military for 2 years or attend a university. One reason is it doesn't assure that immigrants would even be allowed into the military in the first place. Obama is cutting the military as we speak so it is not a solution. And this bill would cost millions because the only way it would work is if we paid for their education.
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ZThis will be the nastiest most partisan least truthful campaign in history.
Remember when Obama was promising to change the tone in Washington? Well, this is what he meant.
I've watched her enough to come to that conclusion.

She called Hillary and Obama "Two Titans" back in 08' when they were fighting it out for the nomination. Yes.....I would call her a strong supporter of Democrats in general.

And Axelrod meant to infer that the GOP was on a Reign of Terror on Meet The Press this morning. It doesn't matter if he's blaming the far-right or simply Republicans. They are all the same to the left, and he knows it.

Also, Boehner has tried to work with the President and has gotten nothing but lies and wild accusations from him in return. Obama decided that he needed to run on a "Do Nothing Congress" platform last Summer. He isn't about to cooperate with them. Instead he chose to go around them at every opportunity.

The Dream Act is not a solution to immigration. So McCain voted against it. It promises permanent residency if they serve in the military for 2 years or attend a university. One reason is it doesn't assure that immigrants would even be allowed into the military in the first place. Obama is cutting the military as we speak so it is not a solution. And this bill would cost millions because the only way it would work is if we paid for their education.

I'm not very familiar with Crowley, but I find that use of the word "titan" is quite typical of the cable news networks. They are after all trying to promote the newsworthiness of political processes (such as the Democratic presidential primaries of 2008) that they cover.

I agree that Axelrod's "reign of terror" comment was intended in part as an implicit (I assume you mean he was implying rather than inferring) criticism of Republicans. Still, he didn't say that Republicans were perpetuating a "reign of terror", though he wasn't at pains to avoid giving that impression.

We could discuss at length the degree to which Obama and Boehner are at fault in their negotiations (the NYT recently devoted an enormous story to analysis of this dynamic in the failed debt deal, but I don't think it should surprise anyone that Axelrod is taking Obama's side in this debate. My own comments did not address whether the DREAM Act is good policy-- only whether Axelrod's claims were factually inaccurate (which you do not now seem to be maintaining).
When you have the entire media on your side it's easy to make reckless foolish statements. Chances are the media won't make a big deal about it. The problem with the democrat party is that they still think they are living in the days of Cronkite when the only source of information was liberal. That's why democrats are always angry. They can't seem to control the flow of information and it frustrates them.
I've watched her enough to come to that conclusion.

She called Hillary and Obama "Two Titans" back in 08' when they were fighting it out for the nomination. Yes.....I would call her a strong supporter of Democrats in general.

And Axelrod meant to infer that the GOP was on a Reign of Terror on Meet The Press this morning. It doesn't matter if he's blaming the far-right or simply Republicans. They are all the same to the left, and he knows it.

Also, Boehner has tried to work with the President and has gotten nothing but lies and wild accusations from him in return. Obama decided that he needed to run on a "Do Nothing Congress" platform last Summer. He isn't about to cooperate with them. Instead he chose to go around them at every opportunity.

The Dream Act is not a solution to immigration. So McCain voted against it. It promises permanent residency if they serve in the military for 2 years or attend a university. One reason is it doesn't assure that immigrants would even be allowed into the military in the first place. Obama is cutting the military as we speak so it is not a solution. And this bill would cost millions because the only way it would work is if we paid for their education.

I'm not very familiar with Crowley, but I find that use of the word "titan" is quite typical of the cable news networks. They are after all trying to promote the newsworthiness of political processes (such as the Democratic presidential primaries of 2008) that they cover.

I agree that Axelrod's "reign of terror" comment was intended in part as an implicit (I assume you mean he was implying rather than inferring) criticism of Republicans. Still, he didn't say that Republicans were perpetuating a "reign of terror", though he wasn't at pains to avoid giving that impression.

We could discuss at length the degree to which Obama and Boehner are at fault in their negotiations (the NYT recently devoted an enormous story to analysis of this dynamic in the failed debt deal, but I don't think it should surprise anyone that Axelrod is taking Obama's side in this debate. My own comments did not address whether the DREAM Act is good policy-- only whether Axelrod's claims were factually inaccurate (which you do not now seem to be maintaining).

They were indeed inaccurate. Regardless of who he's accusing of reigning terror, it is pure hyperbole. In other words.....he's lying his ass off.

It's reckless statements like this that call into question everything else he says. The record states he is lying. Simply voting against a bad bill isn't stonewalling. It's an essential part of the process. He and Obama seem to want to criminalize normal activity, making the opposition appear evil when in fact they are simply being frugal with the taxpayers money.

Obama and his surogates have decided to call any effort at cutting spending an act of terroism. It's too ridiculous to even consider. Someone as seemingly intelligent as yourself can't seem to see this. Ether that or you're being willfully-ignorant.
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