Austria-Hungary thinking hardcore

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
So, Traitor Bitch Merkel and her criminal policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent....she is now succeeding in something good:

She is beginning to re-unite Österreich-Ungarn, amazing stuff....Merkel "legacy" could be what, the resurrection of Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Austria, Hungary warn over migrant influx


"Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, whose country has set a refugee cap of 37,500 for this year, said the European Union did not seem to fully realise "how serious the situation is."

"I say this very clear -- if we do not manage to control the situation... our only option will be to cooperate with Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia," Kurz said after an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Amsterdam."


"Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said separately that the EU was "defenceless from the south."

"If Greece is not ready or able to protect the Schengen zone ... then we need another defence line, which is obviously Macedonia and Bulgaria," Szijjarto said.

Here's full article, read between lines:

Austria, Hungary warn over migrant influx

So, Traitor Bitch Merkel and her criminal policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent
Sounds like you're the filth.

My goodness, are you TOP MENSA MEMBER, I mean, such "debating skills" :rolleyes-41:
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
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So, Traitor Bitch Merkel and her criminal policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent
Sounds like you're the filth.

My goodness, are you TOP MENSA MEMBER, I mean, such "debating skills" :rolleyes-41:
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.

Merkel is Traitor Bitch....WE are THE people! Wir sind das Volk und Frau Merkel = Volksverräter.

So are ALL of these:

When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

Not a random person, but someone who simply watches for the bullshit the Oligarchs spew in their corporate owned media.

Take the supposed million person march in PAris a while back after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Now the heads of state of a number of European nations were supposedly leading that march.



But the Truth is better shown here


A faked up march done for the corporate media. No march, no mass demonstrations with the leaders of the European Union leading it.

Just total 100% bullshit.
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

I am not random and not just on Internet.

You know nothing about me, you know not of my family, it's heritage, nor what we do. You know nothing about the combined organisation across now 15 nations of Europa, which for obvious reasons is operated on ground operation, with hundreds of thousands of booklets and DVDs which are handed out free to many members of public each WEEK - all printed and made by our various not-for profit printing houses and Independent film makers - our Seminars held each weekend across these 15 nations. Also our various free Apps to download for phones.

All this a small portion of plan and it's working already, the truth is getting out to the people, the people who cannot trust the MSM who has been caught deliberately covering-up and misleading the people and the people know they look for the truth and they meet our organisations on the streets, in theatre, in cinema, at football match, in coffeehouse, on train and ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.

It's because of dedication of our organisations and army of volunteers, that the people are now saying ENOUGH, we don't want these savages, these are OUR nations, OUR culture, OUR heritage and OUR FUTURE.

You don't like this, I don't care, our organisations are what your type fear most, WE are going to WIN and the Leftists know we are.
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

Not a random person, but someone who simply watches for the bullshit the Oligarchs spew in their corporate owned media.

Take the supposed million person march in PAris a while back after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Now the heads of state of a number of European nations were supposedly leading that march.



But the Truth is better shown here


A faked up march done for the corporate media. No march, no mass demonstrations with the leaders of the European Union leading it.

Just total 100% bullshit.

Yes pure propaganda, from front it looks big gathering, pull camera away and we notice NOBODY else is there.
So, Traitor Bitch Merkel and her criminal policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent....she is now succeeding in something good:

She is beginning to re-unite Österreich-Ungarn, amazing stuff....Merkel "legacy" could be what, the resurrection of Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Austria, Hungary warn over migrant influx


"Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, whose country has set a refugee cap of 37,500 for this year, said the European Union did not seem to fully realise "how serious the situation is."

"I say this very clear -- if we do not manage to control the situation... our only option will be to cooperate with Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia," Kurz said after an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Amsterdam."


"Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said separately that the EU was "defenceless from the south."

"If Greece is not ready or able to protect the Schengen zone ... then we need another defence line, which is obviously Macedonia and Bulgaria," Szijjarto said.

Here's full article, read between lines:

Austria, Hungary warn over migrant influx

I have seen more than a hundred reports, which produced Hungarian journalists and TV. Possible to continue the dialogue with refugees the in English language.

Austrian civilians taken the refugees - with cars and buses from Hungary..

"Risking arrest, Austrian convoy shuttles refugees to border"
(September 6, 2015)
"A convoy of 150-200 cars, most coming from Austria, began arriving at Budapestʼs Keleti station around noon today, bringing donations of food and clothes for refugees there – and promising to commit civil disobedience by giving 500-600 refugees rides to the Austrian border, according to Thus far, that border is remaining open to refugees.
Trains running today have also been carrying refugees from Keleti to the Hungarian-Austrian border, and refugees are able to cross the frontier on foot, according to reports.
While knowingly transporting refugees is a crime, it was not clear if the Hungarian police would seek to stop the convoy as it makes a trip back over the border into Austria. Hungarian police said they treat each case of suspected refugee transportation individually, according to
The convoy is large, and receiving wide press coverage, so police may choose to leave the drivers from Austria alone." Risking arrest, Austrian convoy shuttles refugees to border

The others went on foot. They already walk since several months.
So, Traitor Bitch Merkel and her criminal policy of allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent....she is now succeeding in something good:

She is beginning to re-unite Österreich-Ungarn, amazing stuff....Merkel "legacy" could be what, the resurrection of Austro-Hungarian Empire?

Austria, Hungary warn over migrant influx


"Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, whose country has set a refugee cap of 37,500 for this year, said the European Union did not seem to fully realise "how serious the situation is."

"I say this very clear -- if we do not manage to control the situation... our only option will be to cooperate with Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia," Kurz said after an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Amsterdam."


"Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said separately that the EU was "defenceless from the south."

"If Greece is not ready or able to protect the Schengen zone ... then we need another defence line, which is obviously Macedonia and Bulgaria," Szijjarto said....

I have seen more than a hundred reports, which produced Hungarian journalists and TV. Possible to continue the dialogue with refugees the in English language.....

Austrian civilians taken the refugees - with cars and buses from Hungary..

"Risking arrest, Austrian convoy shuttles refugees to border"
(September 6, 2015)
"A convoy of 150-200 cars, most coming from Austria, began arriving at Budapestʼs Keleti station around noon today, bringing donations of food and clothes for refugees there – and promising to commit civil disobedience by giving 500-600 refugees rides to the Austrian border, according to Thus far, that border is remaining open to refugees.
Trains running today have also been carrying refugees from Keleti to the Hungarian-Austrian border, and refugees are able to cross the frontier on foot, according to reports.
While knowingly transporting refugees is a crime, it was not clear if the Hungarian police would seek to stop the convoy as it makes a trip back over the border into Austria. Hungarian police said they treat each case of suspected refugee transportation individually, according to
The convoy is large, and receiving wide press coverage, so police may choose to leave the drivers from Austria alone." Risking arrest, Austrian convoy shuttles refugees to border

The others went on foot. They already walk since several months.

What happened to the 'Just Bomb the Bloody Bastards' Button. I would have sworn it was here just a minute ago.....
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

I am not random and not just on Internet.

You know nothing about me, you know not of my family, it's heritage, nor what we do. You know nothing about the combined organisation across now 15 nations of Europa, which for obvious reasons is operated on ground operation, with hundreds of thousands of booklets and DVDs which are handed out free to many members of public each WEEK - all printed and made by our various not-for profit printing houses and Independent film makers - our Seminars held each weekend across these 15 nations. Also our various free Apps to download for phones.

All this a small portion of plan and it's working already, the truth is getting out to the people, the people who cannot trust the MSM who has been caught deliberately covering-up and misleading the people and the people know they look for the truth and they meet our organisations on the streets, in theatre, in cinema, at football match, in coffeehouse, on train and ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.

It's because of dedication of our organisations and army of volunteers, that the people are now saying ENOUGH, we don't want these savages, these are OUR nations, OUR culture, OUR heritage and OUR FUTURE.

You don't like this, I don't care, our organisations are what your type fear most, WE are going to WIN and the Leftists know we are.

Which organisations are those?

When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

I am not random and not just on Internet.

You know nothing about me, you know not of my family, it's heritage, nor what we do. You know nothing about the combined organisation across now 15 nations of Europa, which for obvious reasons is operated on ground operation, with hundreds of thousands of booklets and DVDs which are handed out free to many members of public each WEEK - all printed and made by our various not-for profit printing houses and Independent film makers - our Seminars held each weekend across these 15 nations. Also our various free Apps to download for phones.

All this a small portion of plan and it's working already, the truth is getting out to the people, the people who cannot trust the MSM who has been caught deliberately covering-up and misleading the people and the people know they look for the truth and they meet our organisations on the streets, in theatre, in cinema, at football match, in coffeehouse, on train and ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.

It's because of dedication of our organisations and army of volunteers, that the people are now saying ENOUGH, we don't want these savages, these are OUR nations, OUR culture, OUR heritage and OUR FUTURE.

You don't like this, I don't care, our organisations are what your type fear most, WE are going to WIN and the Leftists know we are.

Which organisations are those?


Darling, publically if I named them....I'd have to be taken out and shot :eek-52: :tongue:

However, the organisations cleverly are behind scenes and now very obviously to all are advising all Governments of Mitteleuropa - with exception of Traitor German Government.

If you read news, my Government now has formed block with all countries from ours to Bulgaria....this to isolate Commie Greece and with intention to FLOOD Germany with one hopes another 2 million Muslim savages....Merkel asked for them so she is going to GET them ALL of them.

Now German people certainly not going to tolerate this, which is the plan, another 2 million flooding in, this guaranteed to create the revolt and uprising that we all so wish.

Austria to Bulgaria now told Traitor Bitch Merkel FUCK YOU, she's asked for it, she's going to get it.

Then the inevitable also, the FORCED collapse of Schengen....a joyous moment for ALL of Europa.
"allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent....she is now succeeding in something good:"

I wouldn't put it that way.
When you start a thread referring to Merkel as a "traitor bitch" you show yourself for what you are.
Well, yes, she is an attentive and intelligent person who is not brain washed by the corporate media.
Yeah, because the "media" is brainwashing us. And a random person on a forum knows the truth..

I am not random and not just on Internet.

You know nothing about me, you know not of my family, it's heritage, nor what we do. You know nothing about the combined organisation across now 15 nations of Europa, which for obvious reasons is operated on ground operation, with hundreds of thousands of booklets and DVDs which are handed out free to many members of public each WEEK - all printed and made by our various not-for profit printing houses and Independent film makers - our Seminars held each weekend across these 15 nations. Also our various free Apps to download for phones.

All this a small portion of plan and it's working already, the truth is getting out to the people, the people who cannot trust the MSM who has been caught deliberately covering-up and misleading the people and the people know they look for the truth and they meet our organisations on the streets, in theatre, in cinema, at football match, in coffeehouse, on train and ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE.

It's because of dedication of our organisations and army of volunteers, that the people are now saying ENOUGH, we don't want these savages, these are OUR nations, OUR culture, OUR heritage and OUR FUTURE.

You don't like this, I don't care, our organisations are what your type fear most, WE are going to WIN and the Leftists know we are.

Which organisations are those?


Darling, publically if I named them....I'd have to be taken out and shot :eek-52: :tongue:

However, the organisations cleverly are behind scenes and now very obviously to all are advising all Governments of Mitteleuropa - with exception of Traitor German Government.

If you read news, my Government now has formed block with all countries from ours to Bulgaria....this to isolate Commie Greece and with intention to FLOOD Germany with one hopes another 2 million Muslim savages....Merkel asked for them so she is going to GET them ALL of them.

Now German people certainly not going to tolerate this, which is the plan, another 2 million flooding in, this guaranteed to create the revolt and uprising that we all so wish.

Austria to Bulgaria now told Merkel FUCK YOU, she's asked for it, she's going to get it.

Then the inevitable also, the FORCED collapse of Schengen....a joyous moment for ALL of Europa.

Doesn't sound just a tad nutty to you?? There IS a problem and I am all for fixing it; sending the refugees home is a start as soon as home is safe enough. This is starting to sound a bit too "out there" though. PM me with any info you can on the matter.

"allowing hundreds of thousands of savages to come and attempt to filth up our beautiful Continent....she is now succeeding in something good:"

I wouldn't put it that way.

Traitor Bitch Merkel by accident is causing the resurrection of a very old Empire, Österreich-Ungarn....Austro-Hungarian Empire, if you look at map, with my nation ALL nations in our block now are ALL nations that were in this Empire.

So, this IS good....Österreich-Ungarn original fully resurrect 100 years after FORCED break-up, so 2016 into 2017 stronger, getting more hardcore and then 100 years after in 2018 the complete resurrection of our beloved Empire.

This is ONLY thing we have Traitor Bitch Merkel to thank for.

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