Atheists view Christians with contempt and derision

Observation of seventy-one years: Every "good" person I know is religious. These are people who are kind, considerate, generous (of time, money, and stuff) to relatives, neighbors, and strangers.

It doesn't really matter what religion they practice, but good people are generally religious. Conversely, not all religious people are "good."

Irreligious people are, more often than not, selfish, self-interested, and narcissistic, not to mention creative in coming up with reasons why they abhor religion. Which doesn't make them "smart" just slightly clever. Irreligious people of the Left treasure the delusion that when they vote for politicians who shower the "needy" with money and stuff, THEY are manifesting their own generosity. This delusion is despicable, in my opinion.
Many atheists are offended by the highly conditional and hypocritical nature of Christian morality. The good book says to be virtuous but there are escape clauses galore that allow horrible people to feel like they are good. As to the relative goodness of Christians and Atheists there is probably little difference. People are people.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Only the zealots, and those who make millions preaching the word, like Evangelicals.

No, I'm not even a practicing Christian and I have had plenty of liberals attack me for being "Christian".

Your side is rife with bigotry.
You can send them to me, Correll, because I am a practicing Christian and I have no fear of the misunderstandings that exist between my fellow Christians and those who cannot or will not put their souls in Christ's hands. I believe that God loves every living human being who do not understand that he puts us all in Dominion in the earth that he created and blessed us with endless love and beauty. Some of us do well with the Almighty's gift as we are lucky we picked the path least followed as we deal with our own errors in the humility he encourages us to practice. No person on earth is without flaw except Christ himself who lived so long ago and constantly spoke to people to be reconciled with God and reconciled with others including sworn enemies who enjoy persecuting us and whom we are required to live in peace with even until death. We have abundant joy in following that narrow road though heaven is far removed prayer for friend and foe comes from God to his faithful to his name. He will deal with our enemies and I can only hope he deals with them with loving correction according to his promises. :huddle:
Observation of seventy-one years: Every "good" person I know is religious. These are people who are kind, considerate, generous (of time, money, and stuff) to relatives, neighbors, and strangers.

It doesn't really matter what religion they practice, but good people are generally religious. Conversely, not all religious people are "good."

Irreligious people are, more often than not, selfish, self-interested, and narcissistic, not to mention creative in coming up with reasons why they abhor religion. Which doesn't make them "smart" just slightly clever. Irreligious people of the Left treasure the delusion that when they vote for politicians who shower the "needy" with money and stuff, THEY are manifesting their own generosity. This delusion is despicable, in my opinion.

I suspect that many of the good people you know have never expressed their religious or spiritual views to you. I am an atheist. And I am a good man. I know plenty who are.

There are many atheists that meet the criteria of being a Christian. I’d say over 90% of Christians are atheist if you really dug deep and questioned them. Very few people believe in the fairy tales but are smart enough to see the social repercussions of failing to pretend to believe in the fairy tales. Yes. Hundreds of millions of Christians are fakers but for very good reason.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Only the zealots, and those who make millions preaching the word, like Evangelicals.

No, I'm not even a practicing Christian and I have had plenty of liberals attack me for being "Christian".

Your side is rife with bigotry.
You can send them to me, Correll, because I am a practicing Christian and I have no fear of the misunderstandings that exist between my fellow Christians and those who cannot or will not put their souls in Christ's hands. I believe that God loves every living human being who do not understand that he puts us all in Dominion in the earth that he created and blessed us with endless love and beauty. Some of us do well with the Almighty's gift as we are lucky we picked the path least followed as we deal with our own errors in the humility he encourages us to practice. No person on earth is without flaw except Christ himself who lived so long ago and constantly spoke to people to be reconciled with God and reconciled with others including sworn enemies who enjoy persecuting us and whom we are required to live in peace with even until death. We have abundant joy in following that narrow road though heaven is far removed prayer for friend and foe comes from God to his faithful to his name. He will deal with our enemies and I can only hope he deals with them with loving correction according to his promises. :huddle:

Oh, I'm fine with pointing
Observation of seventy-one years: Every "good" person I know is religious. These are people who are kind, considerate, generous (of time, money, and stuff) to relatives, neighbors, and strangers.

It doesn't really matter what religion they practice, but good people are generally religious. Conversely, not all religious people are "good."

Irreligious people are, more often than not, selfish, self-interested, and narcissistic, not to mention creative in coming up with reasons why they abhor religion. Which doesn't make them "smart" just slightly clever. Irreligious people of the Left treasure the delusion that when they vote for politicians who shower the "needy" with money and stuff, THEY are manifesting their own generosity. This delusion is despicable, in my opinion.

I suspect that many of the good people you know have never expressed their religious or spiritual views to you. I am an atheist. And I am a good man. I know plenty who are.

There are many atheists that meet the criteria of being a Christian. I’d say over 90% of Christians are atheist if you really dug deep and questioned them. Very few people believe in the fairy tales but are smart enough to see the social repercussions of failing to pretend to believe in the fairy tales. Yes. Hundreds of millions of Christians are fakers but for very good reason.

Liberals. Willing to let this man "identify" as a woman, but not willing to respect a man that identifies as Christian.

And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
We only have a problem with false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God).

Job 34:30 That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
You know the age that Paul lived in and wrote about was the Temple Age, right? Satan was the god of the age, or the world, of the Israelites. The Israelites were a corrupt and idolatrous people who failed in their directive to impart the oracle of God to the unbelieving foreigners.

Of course, that's not to say that 2 Corinthians cannot apply to the Christian Age, or the eternal gospel age, and that's because Christians make a mockery of the faith. They spit in the face of the natural creation.
There are many atheists that meet the criteria of being a Christian. I’d say over 90% of Christians are atheist if you really dug deep and questioned them. Very few people believe in the fairy tales but are smart enough to see the social repercussions of failing to pretend to believe in the fairy tales. Yes. Hundreds of millions of Christians are fakers but for very good reason.
Ninety percent of Christians see the reality and truth in the midst of what you label "fairy tales". I don't know where you live, but where I live there are no social repercussions for being atheist. Quite the opposite.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

This is a common misconception, but it's not generally true. It's just not a practical way to live in a world where most people are theists. Most atheists are, at worst, passively neutral with regard to the faith of others. Often, we have genuine respect for Christian beliefs and practices.

I could make a similar claim. If I based my perception of Christians on the posts in this forum, I might conclude that they're all hateful bigots casting slurs at anyone who disagrees with them. But I know better because I look beyond this narrow window and see that most Christians are decent, loving people.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
You do understand that if one god created everything then that god also created demons don't you?

So it seems to me that if demons are controlling people ( and they're not) that it's god's will for it to be so.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
Goes both ways, I've been mocked and insulted by plenty of Christians.
The term "atheist" is confusing since it is so often used not just to refer to people who do not believe in a supreme being, but also to people of another sect of Christianity and people of non-Christian faiths who also believe in a supreme being or beings.

The US has been experiencing animosity between Christian groups since colonial days, and such animosity existed in Europe for centuries before that.. It's no secret that there are contending factions in the Jewish and Muslim faiths as well.

The real atheists seem to keep to themselves unless the religious folk attempt to drag them into something, and if there is anything to be said about religious folks is that they can be very aggressive.

This "contempt and derision" might amount only to a demand to be left the hell alone and stop the pestering.
Many atheists are offended by the highly conditional and hypocritical nature of Christian morality. The good book says to be virtuous but there are escape clauses galore that allow horrible people to feel like they are good. As to the relative goodness of Christians and Atheists there is probably little difference. People are people.
Atheists don't have a problem with immoral behavior; atheists have a problem with a Christian's immoral behavior.

The atheist claim that Christians proclaim themselves to be "better" than everyone else is an often parroted LIE.

The vast majority of Christians know that they are flawed sinners just like everyone else. Christians simply believe that, due to their faith in Jesus, they can and will be forgiven for their sins and that they will go to live with Jesus in paradise.
The real atheists seem to keep to themselves unless the religious folk attempt to drag them into something,
I disagree. Go to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. and look for topics about Jesus, and the atheists are out in droves. The atheists can't help themselves; their demonic masters send them.
And that's because the demons that have blinded the atheists also influence them to mock Christians. Atheists can't help themselves from taking shots at Christians.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
You do understand that if one god created everything then that god also created demons don't you?

So it seems to me that if demons are controlling people ( and they're not) that it's god's will for it to be so.
You serve Satan well!

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