Atheists don't believe in God or gods but they have no alternative theories that make sense... to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
We have many hypothetical theories on how this all might have happened. The fact is though we don’t know. Do you agree? No you don’t. You believe a god created the world in 7 days. And you give details like you know for a fact.

God is not a theory. Not a scientific one. But you said we don’t have an alternate theory. Did you mean alternative hypothesis? Then if that is all you are saying is god is a possible answer, sure fine. But you’re not saying that. You say he visited then sent his son. Later he visited Mohammad and Joseph Smith.

Those stories don’t suggest a hypothesis. They suggest you’re claiming to know god is a fact because you or your ancestors saw him. It’s hard not to mock when your arguments are so weak and ridiculous
The PROVEN First Law of Thermodynamics says energy can neither be created nor destroyed, therefore you can't create energy in any parts!
Not accurate. When energy and negative energy are created in equal parts, the net energy is still zero. No conservation principle has been violated.
Because living without real love, real faith and a nihilistic existence is a hateful one. I
No, that's idiotic, and I reject it. You have no right to say that I don't experience real love. And my experience is much better because I have no faith. So you go ahead and reserve your opinions for yourself. If you need faith to keep you from deadly despair, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
Nope, no medications or magical sky fairies needed, thank you very much. You are free to delude yourself chemically or religiously.
Because living without real love, real faith and a nihilistic existence is a hateful one. I
No, that's idiotic, and I reject it. You have no right to say that I don't experience real love. And my experience is much better because I have no faith. So you go ahead and reserve your opinions for yourself. If you need faith to keep you from deadly despair, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
Because living without real love, real faith and a nihilistic existence is a hateful one. I
No, that's idiotic, and I reject it. You have no right to say that I don't experience real love. And my experience is much better because I have no faith. So you go ahead and reserve your opinions for yourself. If you need faith to keep you from deadly despair, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?
The PROVEN First Law of Thermodynamics says energy can neither be created nor destroyed, therefore you can't create energy in any parts!
Not accurate. When energy and negative energy are created in equal parts, the net energy is still zero. No conservation principle has been violated.
Energy cannot be created, that is a PROVEN LAW of science, you are violating the FLoT, AKA The Law of Conservation of Energy.
Energy cannot be created, that is a PROVEN LAW of science, you are violating the FLoT, AKA The Law of Conservation of Energy.

See for example the explanation here: Fermilab Today

"Even though in classical physics we are taught that energy is conserved, which means it cannot change, one of the tenets of quantum mechanics says that energy doesn't have to be conserved if the change happens for a short enough time. So even if space had zero energy, it would be perfectly OK for a little energy to pop into existence for a tiny split second and then disappear—and that's what happens in empty space. And since energy and matter are the same (thank Einstein for teaching us that E=mc2 thing), matter can also appear and disappear....

The idea that space is a bubbling brew of ephemeral particles sounds like complete nonsense, but the idea has been confirmed. In 1948, a physicist named Hendrik Casimir realized that if you placed two metal plates near each other, separated by a very small distance, the quantum foam would cause them to move. To visualize this, remember that quantum particles are also waves. Between the plates, only waves (particles) with wavelengths smaller than the separation between the plates can exist. Outside the gap, waves (particles) of all wavelengths can exist. Thus there are more particles outside the gap than inside, and the imbalance pushes the two plates together. This effect has been observed." to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.

Billions of years ago, before the universe existed, 2 gods were mucking about in the void.

As nothing existed yet the void tended to be a little boring.

So to break the monotony they had lots of sex. Now one must remember that SEX for gods takes a LONG LONG time....EONS! AGES!

So there they were
mucking about
for ages
until one of them popped his load!

and white cum came shooting out into the void and spreading in every direction......

That is how the universe was created.

What we call the Big Bang theory.

After a while (short for a god but long for the universe) one of the gods said "I guess I should clean that up!"

and now we all await the end times; the coming of the great white towel!
Because living without real love, real faith and a nihilistic existence is a hateful one. I
No, that's idiotic, and I reject it. You have no right to say that I don't experience real love. And my experience is much better because I have no faith. So you go ahead and reserve your opinions for yourself. If you need faith to keep you from deadly despair, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
No, that's idiotic, and I reject it. You have no right to say that I don't experience real love. And my experience is much better because I have no faith. So you go ahead and reserve your opinions for yourself. If you need faith to keep you from deadly despair, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?
Energy cannot be created, that is a PROVEN LAW of science, you are violating the FLoT, AKA The Law of Conservation of Energy.

See for example the explanation here: Fermilab Today

"Even though in classical physics we are taught that energy is conserved, which means it cannot change, one of the tenets of quantum mechanics says that energy doesn't have to be conserved if the change happens for a short enough time. So even if space had zero energy, it would be perfectly OK for a little energy to pop into existence for a tiny split second and then disappear—and that's what happens in empty space. And since energy and matter are the same (thank Einstein for teaching us that E=mc2 thing), matter can also appear and disappear....

The idea that space is a bubbling brew of ephemeral particles sounds like complete nonsense, but the idea has been confirmed. In 1948, a physicist named Hendrik Casimir realized that if you placed two metal plates near each other, separated by a very small distance, the quantum foam would cause them to move. To visualize this, remember that quantum particles are also waves. Between the plates, only waves (particles) with wavelengths smaller than the separation between the plates can exist. Outside the gap, waves (particles) of all wavelengths can exist. Thus there are more particles outside the gap than inside, and the imbalance pushes the two plates together. This effect has been observed."

It is not real usable energy that can do work.
I'd just prefer not to have to pop a pill every day to make it through living.

I'm pretty sure you have to take soma to make it through your day.

So, what is your prescription? Is it worth it?


One in 6 Americans take antidepressants, other psychiatric drugs
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?

I would think that is pretty clear. Unless. . . are you a bot? :20:

The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?

I would think that is pretty clear. Unless. . . are you a bot? :20:

The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
If it is so "clear", then why not give us a short explanation in your own words?
So you're saying that religion is your drug. Frankly, I'd rather smoke weed.

That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?

I would think that is pretty clear. Unless. . . are you a bot? :20:

The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
“May be”. Is that the same thing as “maybe”? :biggrin:
That is SO not what I am saying.

If you are disconnected from the Universe you will be in pain.

It is very possible that you can find something other than drugs to fill that hole though.

A lot of folks use the pursuit of their career, or shopping.

None of them that are posting on message boards do though, I assure you that. So yeah, the ones that here are either on scripts, dope, or booze.

Or they use a combination of philosophy and religion.

So why do you think weed is better then philosophy?

I have a friend that has an emotional dependency to dope. He always calls me up, whining about how awful the world is, how terrible his life is, and then thinks I should take more dope. Philosophy works fine for me. I'm like, wtf!?! Sure, weed or booze might be nice on the very rare occasion, but shit, who wants to create that kind of mess and dependency in their head?

You just end up waking up more hopeless the next morning, depending on another hit to get you by and living your life in a fog.
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?

I would think that is pretty clear. Unless. . . are you a bot? :20:

The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
If it is so "clear", then why not give us a short explanation in your own words?
You live on faith, in other words, in a fantasy world. How is that better than smoking a little weed?

You would know nothing about it.

I don't live on faith, I live in a living, conscious universe.

You believe in statistical improbability, I don't.
What does that mean a living, conscious universe?

I would think that is pretty clear. Unless. . . are you a bot? :20:

The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists

The Singularity, Virtual Immortality and the Trouble with Consciousness (Op-Ed)
If it is so "clear", then why not give us a short explanation in your own words?
I figured .
It is not real usable energy that can do work.

Sure, I don't think it was claimed otherwise really. There is however a hypothesis that the big bang originated in such a quantum fluctuation, although it is certainly speculative. Basically, if you assert that such an origination is forbidden by the laws of physics then you'll find that modern physicists mostly disagree with you.
Except energy is not "created." One particle can become a pair of heavier particles, the so-called virtual particles, which quickly rejoin into the original particle as if they had never been there. Nothing was created, just already existing particles shifting around in a split second.

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