At what point the USA will launch nukes?

I know this is just some hypothetical fantasy, but where it falls down is the idea that Central and South America would declare war to "evict the colonists" from North America.
First, they'd have to evict themselves first. Mexico (i.e., Central America), as well the rest of Central America and all of South America is comprised of people of European descent. With all the nations in that area other than Brazil, they are of Spanish and indigenous descent, whereas Brazil is Portuguese with some indigenous mixture.
Any war that would have the CCP as a partner would mean that China would assert dominance over the US west and oppose any removal of people of Asian descent and turn on the Central and South Americans and probably enlist the aid of Russia as they are already allies. In the end, Central and South America would not only not have gained any territory, but be fighting for their own lives.
On to the hypothesis of the US using nukes at any time. Simple, only if an actual war broke out and we are attacked. So, the military would send up nukes only if they saw nukes coming in. Mutual destruction.
There is an exception. If a nuke was smuggled into the US and detonated AND the US could in some way determine the Uranium radiation signature's origin to say, Iran, China, North Korea, Pakistan, or Russia, then I could see the government giving the green light to sending nukes to whoever they determined was the culprit.
Locating the origin of a nuke is a simple matter. Every one has a unique radiological signature and can be tracked back to the plant that refined the uranium. The USA would massively retaliate against whatever country manufactured the nuke and spend whatever time necessary tracking down and killing every person involved in the transportation and detonation of the nuke.
Any war that would have the CCP as a partner would mean that China would assert dominance over the US west and oppose any removal of people of Asian descent

Actually, I do have to question that. Although it might apply to those of Chinese descent.

But I bet a lot are not aware that one of the larger ethnic groups in Central and South America is actually Japanese.

For example, a President of Peru for 10 years was Alberto Kenya Fujimori Inomoto. But pretty much every country in Central and South America have a rather significant and influential Japanese community.
Actually, I do have to question that. Although it might apply to those of Chinese descent.

But I bet a lot are not aware that one of the larger ethnic groups in Central and South America is actually Japanese.

For example, a President of Peru for 10 years was Alberto Kenya Fujimori Inomoto. But pretty much every country in Central and South America have a rather significant and influential Japanese community.
Bottom line is that all humans that migrated out of Africa many thousands of years ago, are colonists. The first humans to arrive in Europe, colonized it and so on and so on.
I know this is just some hypothetical fantasy, but where it falls down is the idea that Central and South America would declare war to "evict the colonists" from North America.
First, they'd have to evict themselves first.
Yep. The ideologies are not always sci-based or even logical. Quite opposite - the are mostly based on some freak and pseudo-scientific BS on purpose. "Only I decide who is a Jew in my department". Of course, their corrupted regime will sell some "Native-American Heritage Sertificates" to most useful and loyal members of White, Yellow and Black communities.

Mexico (i.e., Central America), as well the rest of Central America and all of South America is comprised of people of European descent. With all the nations in that area other than Brazil, they are of Spanish and indigenous descent, whereas Brazil is Portuguese with some indigenous mixture.
Any war that would have the CCP as a partner would mean that China would assert dominance over the US west and oppose any removal of people of Asian descent and turn on the Central and South Americans and probably enlist the aid of Russia as they are already allies.
You see, in our "true" reality the EU and America (and some Asian countries , like South Korea) are supported Ukrainian Nazies (all three types of them), most of whom, ideologically are strictly agaisnt them.
In the hypothetical reality, Russia and China don't have any illusions about possibility of the victory of the mostly non-nuclear Latino-American Alliance over nuclear USA. They believe that the [white, yellow and black] Americans will use nukes long before total elimination of them or even before Mexico came to 1820 borders. They just use "Indians" the same way as Americans use Ukrainians - just expendable tool to kill some Americans.

In the end, Central and South America would not only not have gained any territory, but be fighting for their own lives.
Yep. That's the point. Russia and China don't care if Latinoamericans win or defeat, die or live. All what they care is creating a threat to the USA and their distraction from other theatres.
On to the hypothesis of the US using nukes at any time. Simple, only if an actual war broke out and we are attacked. So, the military would send up nukes only if they saw nukes coming in. Mutual destruction.
So, are you for "no first use" policy? If they don't use nukes, you'll not use them either, whoever many "conventional losses" do you suffer in Texas and California, or however sensitive terracts do they commit in New York and Washington?

There is an exception. If a nuke was smuggled into the US and detonated AND the US could in some way determine the Uranium radiation signature's origin to say, Iran, China, North Korea, Pakistan, or Russia, then I could see the government giving the green light to sending nukes to whoever they determined was the culprit.
And if they can't determine whi exactly produced it (may be Russia, may be China, may be France), but can determine who exactly bursted it (hint: it was Mexico)? Will you nuke Mexico?
Locating the origin of a nuke is a simple matter. Every one has a unique radiological signature and can be tracked back to the plant that refined the uranium. The USA would massively retaliate against whatever country manufactured the nuke and spend whatever time necessary tracking down and killing every person involved in the transportation and detonation of the nuke.
Yes. And any country with really developed radiochemistry can make a fraud signature.
So, what if you have radiological signature of one of your own reactors? Will you nuke yourself?
Bottom line is that all humans that migrated out of Africa many thousands of years ago, are colonists. The first humans to arrive in Europe, colonized it and so on and so on.
Yes. But tell it to our "pure-blood believers", like Litwin or other Ukronazies.
Yes. But tell it to our "pure-blood believers",...

I dont care about blood purity, still, your are not an ethnic Muscovite, you are a dirty sovok, product of Moscow imperial genocides and russification .

The Kazakh famine of 1930–1933, also known as the Asharshylyk,[a] was a famine during which approximately 1.5 million people died in the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic, then part of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic in the Soviet Union, of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs.[4] An estimated 38 to 42 percent of all Kazakhs died, the highest percentage of any ethnic group killed by the Soviet famine of 1930–1933. Other research estimates that as many as 2.3 million died.[5] A committee created by the Kazakhstan parliament[11] chaired by Historian Manash Kozybayev concluded that the famine was "a manifestation of the politics of genocide", with 1.75 million victims


I dont care about blood purity, still, your are not an ethnic Muscovite, you are a dirty sovok, product of Moscow imperial genocides and russification .

The Kazakh famine of 1930–1933, also known as the Asharshylyk,[a] was a famine during which approximately 1.5 million people died in the Kazakh Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic, then part of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic in the Soviet Union, of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs.[4] An estimated 38 to 42 percent of all Kazakhs died, the highest percentage of any ethnic group killed by the Soviet famine of 1930–1933. Other research estimates that as many as 2.3 million died.[5] A committee created by the Kazakhstan parliament[11] chaired by Historian Manash Kozybayev concluded that the famine was "a manifestation of the politics of genocide", with 1.75 million victims



First of all, no one is "ethnic Moscovit" as no one is "ethnic New-Yorker".
Second - back in 1930 Kazakhs weren't ethnic group either. There were no ethnic "Kazakhs"/"Cossacks" as there are no "ethnic Cowboys". Word Kazakh/Cossack in Turkish means "Freeman", and, in XV century it was term to describe "independent part" of the Uzbeck Horde". There were 24 tribes, united in 3 "tribal unions", all three of different genetical origins and as a group they were called Kaisak-Kyrgises. Right now Kazakhs are still more political unity, rather than really ethnic group.
Third, your estimations of the famine are totally incorrect, as usual, and are a simple stupid propaganda.
First of all, no one is "ethnic Moscovit" as no one is "ethnic New-Yorker".
"Muscovy - the country of thieves."

ps still, you are a Jew - Ukrainian from Kazakhstan , and even your friends call you in the face Zhidok or just dirty Zhid , and you know why ? cos your fav. Mongol - Moscow ulus is the worst antisemitic crap hole out there . By the way, are you a "NKVD- orthodox" ?

The Protocols (MOSCOW
ANTI- SEMITIC FAKE) also became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of the Jews. In The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933–1945, Nora Levin states that "Hitler used the Protocols as a manual in his war to exterminate the Jews":

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in Moscow empire) antisemitic (fabricated) book (Hitler´s N1 book ) in the world.


There are many theories on the origin of the word Kazakh or Qazaq. Some speculate that it comes from the Turkic verb qaz ("wanderer, brigand, vagabond, warrior, free, independent") or that it derives from the Proto-Turkic word *khasaq (a wheeled cart used by the Kazakhs to transport their yurts and belongings)...
"Muscovy - the country of thieves."

ps still, you are a Jew - Ukrainian from Kazakhstan , and even your friends call you in the face Zhidok or just dirty Zhid , and you know why ? cos your fav. Mongol - Moscow ulus is the worst antisemitic crap hole out there . By the way, are you a "NKVD- orthodox" ?

The Protocols (MOSCOW
ANTI- SEMITIC FAKE) also became a part of the Nazi propaganda effort to justify persecution of the Jews. In The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933–1945, Nora Levin states that "Hitler used the Protocols as a manual in his war to exterminate the Jews":

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion the most famous (made in Moscow empire) antisemitic (fabricated) book (Hitler´s N1 book ) in the world.



Bla-bla-bla.... As usually - just plain lie. I'm neither Jew (they count heritage by mother), nor Ukrainian (because "Borderlander" is not "ethnicity" at all).
And no, Russia has the lowest rates of anti-Semitism in Europe (and one of the lowest in the world).
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There are many theories on the origin of the word Kazakh or Qazaq. Some speculate that it comes from the Turkic verb qaz ("wanderer, brigand, vagabond, warrior, free, independent") or that it derives from the Proto-Turkic word *khasaq (a wheeled cart used by the Kazakhs to transport their yurts and belongings)...
View attachment 1065619
First one seems more realistic. All nomads used wheeled carts, not only independent part of Uzbek horde.
And before 1734 "Khazakh Khanate" was officially named as "Cossack Horde" in Russia.

At what point the USA will launch nukes?​


At what point will the USA launch nukes?​


Hopefully, never.

As to the OP premise, I decline to play. It’s a silly hypothetical.
Bla-bla-bla.... As usually - just plain lie. I'm neither Jew (they count heritage by mother), nor Ukrainian (because "Borderlander" is not "ethnicity" at all).
And no, Russia has the lowest rates of anti-Semitism in Europe (and one of the lowest in the world).
how often ethnic Muscovites do call you Zhidok/Zhid ? can you be honest for 5 min?

your empire accepts only "Jews" like Zhirinonski or Shapiro - Solovyov , "Georgians" like Koba, Belarusians/Pols like Felix Dzerzhinsky, etc.


Zavulon from Borat (turkic ) country , he is not a Cossak(Ukrainians)​

Both terms - Kazakh and Cossack came from the same Turkish word - "free, independent", and in Russian language are almost the same - Казах and Казак. In one case it was a more or less independent part of Uzbek horde, in another - more or less independent population of Russian/Polish borderland.

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