At this rate, I can't support Trump if we even have an election in '24

Yeah, they decided to have their anti-Trump votes dumped into the machines at 3:15AM.

Prove it.
Show or go.
Don't be a reckless corrosive American partisan who cannot comprehend the complexities of administering a vote of 150,000,000 million citizens across 231,000 voting locations in a very short window of time spread across 4 time zones.

I understand it is complicated and the details are many.....still, after nearly 17-months of caterwauling and hissyfitting....not to mention 60+ court cases with near 100 judges........your beliefs about the election, good poster 'Indeependent'....have come to nothing. It is just your sore tooth that you can't keep your tongue off of.

Get over it. Or prove it.
Or maybe find something else to unproductivelly whine over.

Just sayin'.;)
Trump is still the best candidate by far. He's exactly right on the Ukraine, and standing up to Putin and his thugs is what we should be doing instead of wimpering and hiding under the bed. The Ukraine is a significant world food exporter, exports as much as the U.S., and with a looming global food shortage it's exactly the kind of country we dont want falling into the hands of a gangster thug regime like Putin's and giving him more leverage; the economies of the regions he invaded so far have dropped to less than 30% of their pre-2024 producing levels. Electing the extortionist flake Biden brought the world much closer to war, re-electing Trump will move it away from war. Don't be influenced by the deviants and faggots who would never fight for anything anyway.
Prove it.
Show or go.
Don't be a reckless corrosive American partisan who cannot comprehend the complexities of administering a vote of 150,000,000 million citizens across 231,000 voting locations in a very short window of time spread across 4 time zones.

I understand it is complicated and the details are many.....still, after nearly 17-months of caterwauling and hissyfitting....not to mention 60+ court cases with near 100 judges........your beliefs about the election, good poster 'Indeependent'....have come to nothing. It is just your sore tooth that you can't keep your tongue off of.

Get over it. Or prove it.
Or maybe find something else to unproductivelly whine over.

Just sayin'.;)
I hate both parties and it’s obvious you weren’t refreshing your MSNBC election map all night.
Prove it.
Show or go.
Don't be a reckless corrosive American partisan who cannot comprehend the complexities of administering a vote of 150,000,000 million citizens across 231,000 voting locations in a very short window of time spread across 4 time zones.

I understand it is complicated and the details are many.....still, after nearly 17-months of caterwauling and hissyfitting....not to mention 60+ court cases with near 100 judges........your beliefs about the election, good poster 'Indeependent'....have come to nothing. It is just your sore tooth that you can't keep your tongue off of.

Get over it. Or prove it.
Or maybe find something else to unproductivelly whine over.

Just sayin'.;)
No judge wants to be George Floyded.
If any judge looked at the machines you would have cheered their houses being burnt to the ground.
No need to vote then huh?
Our Republic has been stolen from us by Libtard scumbags whose agenda is to make this country a Socialist Shithole.

It is bad enough that the Democrats stole the Presidential election and the Georgia Senatorial election but the RINOs essentially let them get away with it.

This country has been transformed into a Leftest Banana Republic.

You can vote all you want to but it don't mean jackshit. The outcome has already been determined.
Vet that for us, please.....good poster Oddball.
Lest it exist as just an unsubstantiated and reckless assertion by an irresponsible partisan avataree.
You don't want to be perceived that way, I would suspect.

Couldn't care less how I'm "perceived" by an overly verbose crackpot like you.

Have a nice day, moonbat.
No judge wants to be George Floyded.
The exchange wasn't centered on judges, good poster Indeependent.
It was centered on your assertion and implication that only Biden votes were counted into the night.
You were asked to vet that assertion.
You can't.
Or won't.
But, in any case, didn't.
You hand is stilled called.
Show or go.

You can vote all you want to but it don't mean jackshit.
Hint to the clue-full: Don't vote, Flash. Don't vote.
Couldn't care less how I'm "perceived"....
I don't meant to be disrespectful to the good poster Oddball, but.......but if one makes an assertion one is expected to back it up; to show that one's word as a man (or as a woman) is good. That one can be trusted. That one has a sense of responsibility towards others and towards the truth.
If one can't, won't, or doesn't do that......then the conclusion is obvious: Some folks' are not trustworthy. They are unserious people that serious people dismiss. They are dilettantes or silly fools or mendacious liars.

Not my rules.
It is the way it works in the world of responsible adults.
I am mildly sure you know that, poster Oddball.
Meanwhile naive idiots like you will vote thinking that your vote actually counts.
Do this.....rather than naively and futilely whine about it on a web-chatroom.......march down to your monthly MAGA luncheon, take the microphone and declare exactly that: "Don't vote......Don't be a naive idiot who votes".

So do something about it flash.
Be pro-active.
Those that
Don't be one of those who can't.
Who don't do........ anything.
The exchange wasn't centered on judges, good poster Indeependent.
It was centered on your assertion and implication that only Biden votes were counted into the night.
You were asked to vet that assertion.
You can't.
Or won't.
But, in any case, didn't.
You hand is stilled called.
Show or go.


Hint to the clue-full: Don't vote, Flash. Don't vote.

I don't meant to be disrespectful to the good poster Oddball, but.......but if one makes an assertion one is expected to back it up; to show that one's word as a man (or as a woman) is good. That one can be trusted. That one has a sense of responsibility towards others and towards the truth.
If one can't, won't, or doesn't do that......then the conclusion is obvious: Some folks' are not trustworthy. They are unserious people that serious people dismiss. They are dilettantes or silly fools or mendacious liars.

Not my rules.
It is the way it works in the world of responsible adults.
I am mildly sure you know that, poster Oddball.
Sorry, pal, it’s obvious you weren’t watching the maps all night.
In fact, a few others in the last few weeks posted those maps and you LibTards didn’t respond.
Not that so give a damn about your opinion in the first place.
You see, it’s not your opinions, it’s your ignorance and lies.
So…can you confirm that you won’t be voting in the next election?
What I can confirm, based upon what we saw in 2020, is that the filthy Democrats will use the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts to control the mid term districts that are important for them.

In 2024 they will steal the Presidential election again.

Naive stupid people think we live in a Republic, but we don't. The only Republic we have is a Banana Republic.

The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department controls the elections in this country.

We are idiots for letting them get away with it wouldn't you agree?

I don't meant to be disrespectful to the good poster Oddball, but.......but if one makes an assertion one is expected to back it up; to show that one's word as a man (or as a woman) is good. That one can be trusted. That one has a sense of responsibility towards others and towards the truth.
If one can't, won't, or doesn't do that......then the conclusion is obvious: Some folks' are not trustworthy. They are unserious people that serious people dismiss. They are dilettantes or silly fools or mendacious liars.

Not my rules.
It is the way it works in the world of responsible adults.
I am mildly sure you know that, poster Oddball.
Not that you'll accept the clear and extensively end noted evidence when it's placed right under your nose....I predict the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias will be too much to bear.

P.S....Take your condescending and imperious tone and stuff it up your ass.
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Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.

Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem. Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.

Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election

Trump needs to stop talking. Agreed, but he can't do that, it's not who he is.

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were I'm not too sure about that, is it wise politically to keep your mouth shut and virtually disappear if you intend to run for president in 2024?

he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. It looks that way, doesn't it? He ain't making any positive points talking about how smart Putin is at a time like this. Would Russia invade Ukraine if Trump was still in office? Don't know, he did sanction the Putin-Merkel Nord Stream 2 pipeline project. In 2018, the Trump Administration killed attacking Russian mercenaries in Syria and got out of an unfavorable missile deal with Russia in 2019. He also sold offensive weapons to Ukraine and maintained sanctions on Russian oligarchs.

Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them. LOL, I don't know what the WEF is.

I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election. Not sure what "normal" is anymore. But I'm pretty sure we will have a presidential election in 2024. Will voter still exist? Yeah, I think so, probably always has to some extent. But will it make a difference in who gets elected? I'm fairly sure that the winners will say NO and the losers will say YES. Maybe that is what the new "normal" is.

Back to Trump. When you look at Trump, Biden, Hillary, and others, it becomes obvious that we are dealing with people who have character and personality flaws aside from their different policies. IMHO, none of them are personally acceptable and so for me it comes down to policies. I sincerely hope that Trump does not win the GOP nomination, but I fear that he will and we'll be forced to make a decision between him and whoever the democrat turns out to be. Yes, Trump is a loud-mouthed, deplorable SOB and if we were having a popularity contest he would lose by a mile. But that ain't what the presidential election should be; it should be about which candidate will do a better job as president than the other person. These days, maybe it's more like who's going to fuck it up the most.
Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.

Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem. Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.

Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election
He's going to run....Already has more cash on hand than the RNC and DNC combined I hear.
Ah, good poster Broke, you have seemngly failed to read or comprehend the many many posts on this venue that articulated that all 81 million of those votes were not for Joe Biden......rather......they were against DTrump.

In fact, we know that.
We know that because DTrump's own long-time hired pollster, uncovered and revealed that in his contracted work for DTrump. And he told DTrump that very thing. That he lost because more Americans voted against him because he was perceived as untrustworthy and incompetent........than voted for him for any reason.

Go head, good poster Broke, google up 'Politico Fabrizio'. You can read all of Fabrizio's 27-page report.

DTrump knew that he had lost. And why.
Yet he persisted in his $100+ million grift of his duped & snookered loyalist.
I personally think that is immoral and reprehensible. Real leaders don't do that.
Not that I care all that much about the duped & snookered's hard earned savings.
It's their money they can do with it as they wish. After all, old wives in their tales will tell you fools and their money are soon...................

Trump need to stop talking. It's enough already. We're already at Defcon 2, first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The former President - who does not control anything - just needs to be quiet

He's not the President, it's not helpful or necessary to remind everyone how much better off we were before the Greatest Theft in American History in Nov 2020.

Further, he's on the wrong side of Ukraine Russia. Added with Barr, Wray and all the Deep State critters Trump had beside him, it's clear he does not see the problem and therefore will not correct the problem. Maybe he's working with the WEF, just as bad as not going after them.

Realistically, I doubt we'll have a "normal" election in the midterm and I think it's less than likely we will ever have another Presidential election
how's he on the wrong side. Zelensky should never had requested to be added to NATO. Stupid as shit. Putin told him to shut the fk up about it. Candace Owen spoke on Tucker yesterday how fking corrupt the NYT's pointed out Zelensky was.

I'm not sure what the issue is, Zelensky has the ability to stop the onslaught and yet does nothing. The US is too involved in Ukraine corruption to tell him to shut the fk up. Interesting until you see it all in front of you. Putin's a fkwad, doesn't excuse Zelensky's behavior though.

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