As the U.S. becomes ‘browner’ and ‘gayer’ are we becoming better? Dems, what do you have in mind for America’s future?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Are we trying to become better or worse?
As Democrats continue to encourage, manifest and foster a browner gayer nation are they sure they are pushing our nation on the right trajectory given the data?

One thing Democrats want is for Republicans to quit making out like we are the party of deplorables. The Republicans seem to have a high standard and only whites and successful minorities are allowed to camp with them. Their party's efforts are directed to the people of the camp and they are hoping the white working class will have economic anxiety and cast vote for them. You have to stop and ask yourself, in the words of Prez Reagan are you better off today than you were four years ago?
One thing Democrats want is for Republicans to quit making out like we are the party of deplorables. The Republicans seem to have a high standard and only whites and successful minorities are allowed to camp with them. Their party's efforts are directed to the people of the camp and they are hoping the white working class will have economic anxiety and cast vote for them. You have to stop and ask yourself, in the words of Prez Reagan are you better off today than you were four years ago?

That's not the real Republicans. That's the JBSers and Rumpers that claim they are Republicans. This changes very quickly as we rebuild the GOP back to the days when America was Proud of us.
The Republicans seem to have a high standard and only whites and successful minorities are allowed to camp with them.

I hate political parties. They are the root of all our problems right now.. But if you HAVE a political party -- don't you WANT HIGH STANDARDS??? At least in your leadership? Standards have nothing to do with sex, race, or religion..

Just like this OP has nothing to do with just Repubs... We have MANY immigration issues and open borders MIXED with "free stuff" is just moronically insane..

Relatively open borders AND NO free stuff for hoofing it thru immigration is a better approach...
That's not the real Republicans. That's the JBSers and Rumpers that claim they are Republicans. This changes very quickly as we rebuild the GOP back to the days when America was Proud of us.

The so-called "real" republics are the party of trump.

The stupid can't be showered off.
I hate political parties. They are the root of all our problems right now.. But if you HAVE a political party -- don't you WANT HIGH STANDARDS??? At least in your leadership? Standards have nothing to do with sex, race, or religion..

Just like this OP has nothing to do with just Repubs... We have MANY immigration issues and open borders MIXED with "free stuff" is just moronically insane..

Relatively open borders AND NO free stuff for hoofing it thru immigration is a better approach...

You are a Rumpster. You leave out the failures and then go off on "Free Stuff". Where are my free things? The biggest problem we have is people like you that spread hate. When Rump had a change on July 4th to help heal the nation, he did exactly what you do. You can't let the hate go. Well, Nov 3rd a clear and concise message is being sent. And it's time to heal America. And we will do it without you.
I dont think immigrants should be handed food stamps and basically a welfare package before a citizen. As far as standards go, stop putting them in the working classes face and saying I have standards me and mine are better than you and yours. In other words stop telling us we suck because we have a lesser income.
I dont think immigrants should be handed food stamps and basically a welfare package before a citizen. As far as standards go, stop putting them in the working classes face and saying I have standards me and mine are better than you and yours. In other words stop telling us we suck because we have a lesser income.

They aren't getting government sponsored food stamps or SNAP. That's a lie that the party of the rump says. If they are receiving help it's from private people.
You are a Rumpster. You leave out the failures and then go off on "Free Stuff". Where are my free things? The biggest problem we have is people like you that spread hate. When Rump had a change on July 4th to help heal the nation, he did exactly what you do. You can't let the hate go. Well, Nov 3rd a clear and concise message is being sent. And it's time to heal America. And we will do it without you.
Communist demonrats never wanted Trump to heal the nation. They wanted him to try. They wanted to be able to spit at him and joke that he couldn't heal the nation. This has gone too far. The hard core marxists have gotten strong enough to laugh at the way demonrats were used.
The so-called "real" republics are the party of trump.

The stupid can't be showered off.

Sure that's why there;s a Lincoln Project and Trump gets skewered all the time by the never-Trumpers like Romney and a bunch of middle of roadkill congress critters that could not get re-elected. THEY are what's left of the Repub party.. Much like Pelosi/Schumer is what's LEFT of the Dem party...

Both those inept, arrogant parties are DYING.. ONE by very public and slow suicide shooting themselves in the feet so often...
Right now the main thrust is to dismantle the police state/prison industry republicans have been building for the last 40 years. We have more people rotting in jail than anyone, the most violent cops in the western world and still we have widespread criminal activity. Things have to change.
Right now the main thrust is to dismantle the police state/prison industry republicans have been building for the last 40 years. We have more people rotting in jail than anyone, the most violent cops in the western world and still we have widespread criminal activity. Things have to change.
Right now the main thrust is to dismantle the police state/prison industry republicans have been building for the last 40 years. We have more people rotting in jail than anyone, the most violent cops in the western world and still we have widespread criminal activity. Things have to change.

We have the most violent population in the world.

Blacks, at less than 13% of the population, account for 1/3 of violent crimes and ~50% of murders.
We have the most violent population in the world.

Blacks, at less than 13% of the population, account for 1/3 of violent crimes and ~50% of murders.
Why do you not see our methods of law enforcement as a failure then? All that brutality and militarization has bought you is a population that loathes the police because they know they are the enemy in a war to make old farts feel safe.

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