as liberal vultures cry, we lionhearted conservatives are gonna rebuild the land of the free!

if you think you're a future president or standing next to one...SMILE!

We have a 700 million dollar shortfall. Wisconsin is going backwards. I liuve here...I know. And my taxes have increased every year...thanks snotty.
"Conservative" economics have never failed, they have always performed as designed, society is just not included in the success.

In general, conservatives believe that conservative policies can not fail, they can only be failed. By definition. That is, the policy is the goal itself, as opposed to a good outcome from the policy being the goal, as it is with liberals. If a conservative policy leads to a bad result, as they usually do, it simply means the policy wasn't implemented with enough fervor, and the bad people didn't have enough faith in it.

Thus, when trickle down fails ... it means we need more trickle down!
How much more bitter can you be?
join me in this effort, join Donald Trump in this effort, join Mike Pence in this effort, join Mad Dog in this effort, join Governor Scott Walker in this effort...AND LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Given that Walker's policies have cratered the economy in Wisconsin, you'd have to really hate America to want to see them nationwide. Nothing fails as reliably as conservative economics.

We liberals prefer the stunning success of liberal economic policies, such as you see in neighboring Minnesota, or in California, to give two obvious examples.
You liberals are so over.
You had 8 years to implement your policies. And all you did was create division and despair.
join me in this effort, join Donald Trump in this effort, join Mike Pence in this effort, join Mad Dog in this effort, join Governor Scott Walker in this effort...AND LET'S MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Given that Walker's policies have cratered the economy in Wisconsin, you'd have to really hate America to want to see them nationwide. Nothing fails as reliably as conservative economics.

We liberals prefer the stunning success of liberal economic policies, such as you see in neighboring Minnesota, or in California, to give two obvious examples.
Minnesota and California?


Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago
Nothing wrong with division. This nation is divided by religions, race, and economic class. Always has been. The "division" mantra is a lie.
If you liked past 8 years, you might be a liberal elite living off of the federal government

Nationally, the past 8 years gave us failed Obamacare & a labor force participation rate that was lowest since 1977.


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