As Biden threatens to increase inflation, what changes have you made?

So we're supposed to be miserable because you are?

Fuck that!
I’m no more miserable than the majority of Americans being impacted by Biden’s inflation, thanks to people like you. People are much worse off now due to liberal policies. That is why you are going to get a shellacking at the midterms.
Then you are among the lucky few. Most middle class Americans are hurt badly by gas prices that have doubled, but hey…..that’s their problem, right? And you can continue to vote for the party that wants to destroy the economy and cause hardships to most Americans because you are protected from the consequences of their destructive policies.

(And the irony is that liberals are the ones who say they care about others. Ha.)
I have voted in 1 election in the past 20 years. 2020. The one thing trump got me to do. Trump is the king of the colonizers. If he runs in 2024 I will vote against him again. If not I won’t vote.
As for me not caring about the plight of middle class white Republicans, you are right. I really don’t give it much thought. Why should I? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
It never does. They seem to live in some magical world where the president actually has some effect on their lives.
It is a fools errand to rely upon a politician to make your life livable. Never once did a politician come and labor for me to profit off their toil.
I have voted in 1 election in the past 20 years. 2020. The one thing trump got me to do. Trump is the king of the colonizers. If he runs in 2024 I will vote against him again. If not I won’t vote.
As for me not caring about the plight of middle class white Republicans, you are right. I really don’t give it much thought. Why should I? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!
People who actually use the word "colonizers"..................... :auiqs.jpg:
Biden is fighting the Fed. As they raise rates to reduce the money supply and control inflation, Biden is talking about another spending plan to pump more money into the economy. The question is: what changes have you been forced to make, as a middle class person, to cope with Bidinflation?


1) I have canceled a September trip to Texas to visit a long-time friend.

2) I have reduced my meat purchases to ground beef, and even then, much more infrequently.

3) I now prepare breakfast with one egg, rather than two, to stretch out the carton.

4) I have cut back on eating out, and have eliminated dinners out entirely.

5) Pleasure drives to the West Virginia countryside, which I had previously enjoyed, are out of the question.

6) I have not had a “staycation” in six months, where I drive about an hour away to an interesting locale and stay overnight, down from about once a month previously.

The point is that the above are examples of what a middle-class person could previously enjoy, and now Biden is threatening to make it even worse. As he said a few months ago, “Americans will have learn to lower their expectations” as he destroys the economy and moves us closer to a third world country.

Oh you poor thing. How have managed with such deprivation and hardship?????

One of my friends had to postpone finishing construction on her vacation home in Costa Rico. It' her winter vacation home. She has a summer vacation home at a lakeside resort near here, and her regular house. She was complaining the her government benefits didn't even cover her housing costs for ONE of her homes, much less all three of them. And she had to quarantine in a hotel for two weeks when she went to Costa Rico. Damn Nazi's in government.
What's so amazing is how they try to manipulate public perception to make themselves look like saints, with the social justice bullshit.
People aren’t falling for it anymore, as will be obvious with the midterm results. They know it, which is why they are doubling down on the social justice BS.

In the meantime, regular middle class people are having trouble fillimg the tank, when under Trump it was $2 a gallon. They can’t deny it, so their next step is to say “no big deal.” Nobody is fooled, though.

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