Articles of impeachment to be filed on Biden 1/21

There are literally two realities going on right now.

Excellent point. But the thing is more specifically, there is one reality (Trump supporters) and one fake delusion (Biden supporters).

I don't even think these people support Biden that much, they just hate Trump so bad because of the four years of the MSM and Hollywood trying to kill Trump's character. Amazing how they didn't mind him and actually liked him until he ran for Pres. That is how you can tell it was all a Psyops with such a fast turn around from adoring to hate.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

She is a quack, a Qanon.

For further reference, usually doctors are called quacks.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

She is a quack, a Qanon.

For further reference, usually doctors are called quacks.

She is a quack and she isn't a doctor.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

She is a quack, a Qanon.

For further reference, usually doctors are called quacks.

She is a quack and she isn't a doctor.

She is just like Nancy Pelosi wanting to Impeach right away. I bet you don't call Pelosi a quack. That is kind of one sided isn't it?
I think this is great news. At last we can get to the bottom of tha pizza restaurant business and also I hope that all those Hollywood paedos get outed.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

Apparently she flunked civics in school. You can't impeach a president before they take office. Are you that stupid as well?

That's true. Sleepy Joe can not be impeached before he seizes power. That's why the charges aren't going to be filed until next Thursday, after he is in power. There is nothing "stupid" about preparing for an event in advance. People don't wait for Xmas to actually occur before they send their invitations to Xmas dinner.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

Apparently she flunked civics in school. You can't impeach a president before they take office. Are you that stupid as well?
Being able to read is a key skill that gets you far in life.

Read the headline and let's see if you can spot your mistake.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

I don't agree with this approach, impeachment should be reserved for serious concerns. I remember when Clinton had it occur, it was shocking to everyone as it was so rare (at least in my limited information at the time).

Unless she has some real evidence of High Crimes and Misdemeanours, this is an odd decision.

One issue in all of this, is that she will explain what the allegations are. That, in itself, will do damage right out of the gates to Biden, just as the Russian investigation and calls for impeachment of Trump started even before he took office.
Progs destroyed the system years ago. Either do what they do or the game is over now. Treat it like a joke. Because that is what it is. A joke that is turning dangerous as the tyranny expands.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Wait, she's gonna try to impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might riot?

Does anyone else see the problem here?
When you abuse impeachment as a purely political tool it degrades the process. This and many more impeachments are in our future.
Ok, so not only are they gonna impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might attack it's also the Democrat's fault that they are?

Do you realize how that sounds?

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

How is 1/21/21 before the inauguration? Don't you have a calendar?

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Wait, she's gonna try to impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might riot?

Does anyone else see the problem here?
When you abuse impeachment as a purely political tool it degrades the process. This and many more impeachments are in our future.
Ok, so not only are they gonna impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might attack it's also the Democrat's fault that they are?

Do you realize how that sounds?
Yup. Sounds like they're going to go after Biden like they feel Pelosi went after TRUMP!. This cycle will not stop, and makes clear that democrats do not believe their actions will ever come back to bite them. It won't be long before no one will want to be president with a hostile congress because they'll just get kicked out of office and destroyed. The president will have to have dictatorial powers to make it through a term.
Sounds like they're going to go after Biden like they feel Pelosi went after TRUMP
Republicans need to get over their "feelz" and face reality. tRump was impeached for actual crimes.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

Yeahbut, the scary thing is that the Democrats might LIKE that! Get Joe out of the way ASAP so then can get Kammy Twaddle in there! That is what they want!
Sounds like they're going to go after Biden like they feel Pelosi went after TRUMP
Republicans need to get over their "feelz" and face reality. tRump was impeached for actual crimes.
Not found guilty. Certainly the House haters FELT he was guilty of some crime or other, but couldn't prove it. So, not so much. You wouldn't insist someone was guilty of a crime if he was charged with a crime (What the House did) but found not guilty (What the Senate did), would you? The official record shows the TRUMP! was tried but not found guilty. So, to wrap up, he was exonerated. It simply doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. And now the House is going after him again on some very shaky ground, basing it yet again on FEELZ, which just means the door is now open to attack Quid Pro on the same level. You know, like his dealings with China or Ukraine, or even his racist past. They're now going to become much more fair game than before. Who needs a high level of proof or evidence any more when you have a few people who will swear they heard somebody say something about someone else?
Sounds like they're going to go after Biden like they feel Pelosi went after TRUMP
Republicans need to get over their "feelz" and face reality. tRump was impeached for actual crimes.
Not found guilty. Certainly the House haters FELT he was guilty of some crime or other, but couldn't prove it. So, not so much. You wouldn't insist someone was guilty of a crime if he was charged with a crime (What the House did) but found not guilty (What the Senate did), would you? The official record shows the TRUMP! was tried but not found guilty. So, to wrap up, he was exonerated. It simply doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. And now the House is going after him again on some very shaky ground, basing it yet again on FEELZ, which just means the door is now open to attack Quid Pro on the same level. You know, like his dealings with China or Ukraine, or even his racist past. They're now going to become much more fair game than before. Who needs a high level of proof or evidence any more when you have a few people who will swear they heard somebody say something about someone else?
He hasn't been to trial. He hasn't been found not guilty of anything yet.
Sounds like they're going to go after Biden like they feel Pelosi went after TRUMP
Republicans need to get over their "feelz" and face reality. tRump was impeached for actual crimes.
Not found guilty. Certainly the House haters FELT he was guilty of some crime or other, but couldn't prove it. So, not so much. You wouldn't insist someone was guilty of a crime if he was charged with a crime (What the House did) but found not guilty (What the Senate did), would you? The official record shows the TRUMP! was tried but not found guilty. So, to wrap up, he was exonerated. It simply doesn't matter if you agree with it or not. And now the House is going after him again on some very shaky ground, basing it yet again on FEELZ, which just means the door is now open to attack Quid Pro on the same level. You know, like his dealings with China or Ukraine, or even his racist past. They're now going to become much more fair game than before. Who needs a high level of proof or evidence any more when you have a few people who will swear they heard somebody say something about someone else?
He hasn't been to trial. He hasn't been found not guilty of anything yet.
You said, about the first impeachment, that TRUMP! was not exonerated. He was, and the fact that they rushed this out before the dust settled and any evidence could possibly be thoughtfully examined is proof positive they're not serious about any of it and just want to get something, anything, they can pin on him. It's all based on FEELZ and opens the door for like attacks on Quid Pro.

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