Articles of impeachment to be filed on Biden 1/21


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Over Nancy Pelosi's dead body

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

I don't agree with this approach, impeachment should be reserved for serious concerns. I remember when Clinton had it occur, it was shocking to everyone as it was so rare (at least in my limited information at the time).

Unless she has some real evidence of High Crimes and Misdemeanours, this is an odd decision.

One issue in all of this, is that she will explain what the allegations are. That, in itself, will do damage right out of the gates to Biden, just as the Russian investigation and calls for impeachment of Trump started even before he took office.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Wait, she's gonna try to impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might riot?

Does anyone else see the problem here?

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

Apparently she flunked civics in school. You can't impeach a president before they take office. Are you that stupid as well?

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Having the motion introduced doesn't mean one is impeached.
How would you like to be on this twit's staff and type up these motions. It must be a hoot to sit around and wait to see what this dingbat will come up with next.

"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."

MTG ladies and gentlemen.
The democrats have attacked our democracy for a long time and during the past 4 years have attempted stealth insurrections via the Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Kung Flu Hoax, and the Civil Rights Hoax, and other smaller even stupider fake news type bullshit. As Mark Steyn indicated on the Rush broadcast, the Capital Building in this age of democrat/anarcho-marxist/totalitarian/Europhobicism is no more important than the Wendy's the domestic terrorists burned down after a negro criminal was neutralized or whatever the reason for the terroristic BLM rioting.

The few republicans who support the Constitution should file for impeachment repeatedly against Sleepy China Joe, and then Camela Harris, or whatever monster is next. The democrats and RINOs are the enemy of American citizens.
How would you like to be on this twit's staff and type up these motions. It must be a hoot to sit around and wait to see what this dingbat will come up with next.

"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."

MTG ladies and gentlemen.
The RWNJs don't have a clue what is involved in the impeachment process. Not even the RWNJs in Congress.

How would you like to be on this twit's staff and type up these motions. It must be a hoot to sit around and wait to see what this dingbat will come up with next.

"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."

MTG ladies and gentlemen.
The RWNJs don't have a clue what is involved in the impeachment process. Not even the RWNJs in Congress.

They do.
They just have no problem lying or (ath the very least) mis-stating.
How would you like to be on this twit's staff and type up these motions. It must be a hoot to sit around and wait to see what this dingbat will come up with next.

"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."

MTG ladies and gentlemen.
The RWNJs don't have a clue what is involved in the impeachment process. Not even the RWNJs in Congress.

They do.
They just have no problem lying or (ath the very least) mis-stating.
Most of the congressional Republicans, yes. An overwhelming majority of the RWNJs, no, not really.

How would you like to be on this twit's staff and type up these motions. It must be a hoot to sit around and wait to see what this dingbat will come up with next.

"There's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it."

MTG ladies and gentlemen.
The RWNJs don't have a clue what is involved in the impeachment process. Not even the RWNJs in Congress.

They do.
They just have no problem lying or (ath the very least) mis-stating.
Most of the congressional Republicans, yes. An overwhelming majority of the RWNJs, no, not really.

Nah, I just meant the guys on this thread.

You're right about the rank and file of both major ideologies though.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.
Wait, she's gonna try to impeach President Biden because tRumps radicalized terrorists might riot?

Does anyone else see the problem here?
When you abuse impeachment as a purely political tool it degrades the process. This and many more impeachments are in our future.

Rep. Marjorie Greene, Congressbroad from liberal Georgia, is already filing charges of impeachment against Sleepy Joe.

What a disgrace, getting impeached even before inauguration.

Take notice how much military is in DC and all around right now. I don't know for sure but from what I have gathered Biden along with the other traitors to this country may be arrested by the military and held under military tribunals. I don't know for sure but just some things I have heard.
Does anyone know WTF candycorn and Bertram are talking about? :dunno: :cuckoo:

Thoth001, the thing is Sleepy China Joe and hundreds of other democrat traitors should be arrested and face the noose as traitors should.
Does anyone know WTF candycorn and Bertram are talking about? :dunno: :cuckoo:

Thoth001, the thing is Sleepy China Joe and hundreds of other democrat traitors should be arrested and face the noose as traitors should.

I don't think they even know what they are talking about. They seem to be the type to believe everything they see on the MSM. When we know the MSM just pushes propaganda and total lies. They believe the reality that the Cabal is wanting them to believe. There are literally two realities going on right now.

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