CDZ Article about the Alex Jones censorship from Britain truth


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
I can agree with this mostly. Seems to me that the liberals are terrified of what Jones has said and may say, and will do anything to silence conservatives voices. This being said, I do not watch Mr. Jones because I don't like the way he presets himself overall. In conclusion this is a sad attempt by the fascist left.

I said in another thread, unintended consequences have a way of rearing their ugly heads and biting you when you least expect it, and it is this that liberals are heading for. Chaos, failure, violence and destruction. I pray for the country.


The banning of Infowars is an alarming act of capitalist intolerance.

So we’re now trusting the capitalist class, massive, unaccountable corporations, to decide on our behalf what we may listen to and talk about? This is the take-home message, the terrible take-home message, of the expulsion of Alex Jones’ Infowars network from Apple, Facebook and Spotify and of the wild whoops of delight that this summary banning generated among so-called liberals: that people are now okay with allowing global capitalism to govern the public sphere and to decree what is sayable and what is unsayable. Corporate censorship, liberals’ new favourite thing – how bizarre...

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Alex Jones and the rise of corporate censorship
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So, are we seeing the beginnings of a flood of corporate censorship?
So, are we seeing the beginnings of a flood of corporate censorship?

Been going on a long time, actually; the NYT, other media, and universities have led the way on this beginning in the 1960's. Big biz is fine with it; they're backing Red China and other corporate paradises nowadays, and both of our 'Parties' are on their payrolls.. that's what happens when you let these sweatshop operators take over your political campaign finances and dominate your financial institutions and economies.
So, are we seeing the beginnings of a flood of corporate censorship?

Been going on a long time, actually; the NYT, other media, and universities have led the way on this beginning in the 1960's.
Seems to me it's more in your face today, IMO.

Far less subtle, for sure; don't need to hide it any more.

Who is going to do anything about it that has any power to reverse it?

Nobody is going to. The big corps don't need to worry any more about 'left wing take overs', they own the left, too, so no fear of raised taxes, that's for the Little people to suffer. Big biz channels tax bucks into their own pockets these days; the more taxes the more than can funnel, and the less competition to boot.
So, are we seeing the beginnings of a flood of corporate censorship?

Been going on a long time, actually; the NYT, other media, and universities have led the way on this beginning in the 1960's.
Seems to me it's more in your face today, IMO.
Its more in your face because in the 50's it took something to get non mainstream ideas out there. Now, well heck, your fault if you don't have a website its soo easy.

I'm not sure where I stand.

On one hand, we if some publisher doesn't wanna publish a book on the good points of Stalin and Hitler that's their right. Same for Facebook I think.

In the other, our internet is trending towards fewer larger websites somehow and Facebook is almost a town square type place. Oops, let everyone have the right to speak!

I can remember when it was (and is) the right wing suppressing bad news about radiation, the CIA and hippie causes so I doubt party politics and cheerleading applies here.
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I saw somewhere today that a dim politicians is calling for more silencing of conservatives.
So, are we seeing the beginnings of a flood of corporate censorship?

Been going on a long time, actually; the NYT, other media, and universities have led the way on this beginning in the 1960's.
Seems to me it's more in your face today, IMO.
Its more in your face because in the 50's it took something to get non mainstream ideas out there. Now, well heck, your fault if you don't have a website its soo easy.

I'm not sure where I stand.

On one hand, we if some publisher doesn't wanna publish a book on the good points of Stalin and Hitler that's their right. Same for Facebook I think.

In the other, our internet is trending towards fewer larger websites somehow and Facebook is almost a town square type place. Oops, let everyone have the right to speak!

I can remember when it was (and is) the right wing suppressing bad news about radiation, the CIA and hippie causes so I doubt party politics and cheerleading applies here.

Well, I see the overall problem is the decline in education, decline in attention spans, a decline in public spirit, and yes, a decline in patriotism. Much of this is a result of the 'culture wars', deliberately destroying a stable society, not teaching the kind of skills necessary to resist propaganda, which is not surprisingly as much a product of the advertising and media industry's efforts as it is anything else, , and other stuff, it's a long list, and there are already lots of books out there covering all of them, some better than others, but as noted by Patrick Moynihan in the late 1960's, the American Middle class has completely lost the ability to govern itself, so we're dealing with the after-effects of that. We're not evolving any more, our institutions are corrupted, and no one is interested in saving them, so we shouldn't be surprised when the top 1% end up being just self-absorbed people looking out for themselves only and indulging their own neurotic 'visions' and whims, and as we've seen most of them are not that bright outside of their 'specialties'.

We need a massive anti-corruption drive, and we need a return to a common set of cultural values, and not the fake 'values' of stupid neurotic tards stuck in the 1960's 'counter culture' or the neo-fascist Planet Snowflake idiocy, either. Singapore managed a high degree of success in their campaign, begun in the 1960's; took them a while, but they accomplished quit a bit and it made them a wealthy, well educated society and clean place to live.

Best place to start is imposing civics tests as a requirement for voting; if you don't know what the hell the office does that you're voting for then it's obvious right off you shouldn't be allowed to vote, since it's clear you don't give enough of a crap to even bother with educating yourself on your government, you're just being led around by some cult. It's one step closer to voters getting back to learning how to govern themselves, one tiny step. Deporting vermin is another necessity

It's a dead certainty that the mob rule we have now, under the silly lie that we're a 'democracy', isn't going anywhere fast except down the toilet to Third World and probably Fourth World status in about 5 decades.
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No one has been silenced

You people can't seem to understand that a private entity cannot violate your first amendment rights and that the First only protects you from government overreach

No Private or corporate owned internet forum has to let you be a member

Anyone and I do mean anyone can go to GO Daddy get a domain and publish whatever they want on the web
No one has been silenced

You people can't seem to understand that a private entity cannot violate your first amendment rights and that the First only protects you from government overreach

No Private or corporate owned internet forum has to let you be a member

Anyone and I do mean anyone can go to GO Daddy get a domain and publish whatever they want on the web
I've repeatedly stated this is not a first amendment issue. It is giant corporations colluding to shut down conservative voices. That is exactly what it is! Dem scum are calling for more if it too.
Do corporations have the right to ban right wing media on the basis that they spew "hate speech" and "lies".


Should they? That is the question each of us must answer.

Do we mind seeing Madonna on YouTube get up there and say she wants to blow up the White House? Should that be banned? Isn't that hate speech?

Do we mind seeing CNN on YouTube getting up there and telling lies such as the Travel ban implemented by Trump was a ban on Muslims instead of correctly saying it was a ban that did not effect well over 90% of Muslims in the world?

Do we mind seeing Maxine Waters getting up there on YouTube and inciting her followers to "resist" in any way possible? Before you answer, keep in mind a Bernie Sanders follower tried to assassinate the entire GOP Congress.

What we now have are openly Leftist corporations, at war with conservatives, every bit as much as the IRS who targeted them under Obama.

Is this a good thing?

What say you?

When it comes to Alex Jones, I know precious little about him, but all I see are stories that attack his character, anything from him believing crazy conspiracy theories to his wife who is divorcing him saying he is a terrible person.

Yet we allow people like Madonna up there who is the queen of failed relationships speak her mind, and we let people like Nancy Pelosi get up there and say that "W" lied about WMD's as they used politicized intelligence from the experts that soon afterwards were after Trump to be shown on places like YouTube.

Is this a good development or a bad one?
I say it's a concerted effort to stop conservative voices and it will have consequences. It's not surprising America hating libs are scared of MAGA.
No one has been silenced

You people can't seem to understand that a private entity cannot violate your first amendment rights and that the First only protects you from government overreach

No Private or corporate owned internet forum has to let you be a member

Anyone and I do mean anyone can go to GO Daddy get a domain and publish whatever they want on the web
I've repeatedly stated this is not a first amendment issue. It is giant corporations colluding to shut down conservative voices. That is exactly what it is! Dem scum are calling for more if it too.
So what they can call for it all they want
The fact is they can't do it
I don't even think Jones is a 'right winger' or even a conservative, anyway; he goes after all of them, Bushes, everybody.
I say it's a concerted effort to stop conservative voices and it will have consequences. It's not surprising America hating libs are scared of MAGA.

They're scum, and don't want to have to crawl back under their rocks where they belong.

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