Arthur Jensen

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Arthur R. Jensen

Jensen received enormous Main Stream Media coverage. It irritated him that the MSM would typically portray the “IQ controversy”, as Newsweek put it in March 1969 as a “debate”—“Is intelligence inherited or determined by the environment?” [Born Dumb?” Newsweek, March 31, 1969] It was as if the question was never settled and a consensus never reached. In fact both nature and nurture, in varying degrees, are accepted in the field as influential factors.

The MSM also obsessed on the racial aspects of the “controversy,” even though only eight pages of Jensen’s 123-page paper cover race differences. (Exactly the same happened with The Bell Curve 25 years later—two chapters sparked most of the book’s controversy).

One Newsweek article reported that Jensen favored integration, noting, “I think it can have social benefits. But I also believe in looking at all the relevant variables in conducting a study.” It also noted that Jensen voted for LBJ in 1964, for Eugene McCarthy in the 1968 primary, then for Richard Nixon in the general election; and quoted him as saying that he refused to think in “liberal or conservative terms”. [The New Rage at Berkeley, June 2, 1969]

However, this proof of moderation did Jensen no good: for his conclusion that genetics accounts for 50 percent of racial differences in intelligence, he was treated as a pariah.
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Dr. Jensen was an extraordinarily intelligent individual as can be discerned by reading any of his works and as his peers in the field of psychology readily acknowledge. The scientific career path he settled on was the study of human intelligence, resulting in a tremendous body of work that culminated in The g Factor, perhaps the greatest work of scholarship on the topic of human intelligence to date. It’s disconcerting to consider that his efforts never received the full recognition they deserved primarily because of his conclusions about racial IQ. He devoted himself to the study of human intelligence in all its aspects, including inquiry into intelligence differences between the races. He pursued this topic with no axe to grind, and with a willingness to come to whatever conclusions the scientific data demanded.

The courage of this man is inspiring. He persevered through death threats, sacrificed reputation and damage to his career, and knowingly risked vilification in the media in order to pursue the truth and publish his findings to the world. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Jensen for helping to enlighten us about the real cause of low black achievement in education. The reason we can rebut liberal accusations of white repression has a lot to do with Dr. Jensen’s willingness to push the research envelope and pave the way for other scholars to conduct research into racial differences in IQ. We can only hope that someday the furor over race will abate, and people will be able to discuss racial differences calmly, rationally, and based upon science, with a mind to making our society better for all. If that day ever comes then Dr. Jensen will have to be acknowledged as one of the giants in making it happen.

More information about Dr. Jensen’s contribution to science can be found on Amazon: The Scientific Study of General Intelligence: Tribute to Arthur Jensen
I came across the whole 'HBD' thing by accident by spending time in my local library to get my kids armloads of picture books. just after 'The Bell Curve' was published a few books criticizing it were also released. these criticisms were so obviously bogus and filled with ad homs that I ended up reading TBC as well. Murray and Herrnstein's book was interesting but the supporting evidence was less than definitive so I then read Jensen's 'Bias in Mental Testing'. BiMT was not just definitive but answered every question about human intelligence that I had ever seen raised, and many others that only Jensen had the skill and creativity to dream up. Jensen's later book, 'The g Factor' was even more impressive, with extra research done using modern technology. when you add in the social trait studies by others like Gottfredson there is little doubt about the importance of intelligence in real life, and how average racial differences in intelligence cannot help but make a huge influence.

Jensen had no axe to grind, he was just one of the best scientists of the last 100 years and his work was a testament to his dedication.
Dr. Jensen was an extraordinarily intelligent individual as can be discerned by reading any of his works and as his peers in the field of psychology readily acknowledge. The scientific career path he settled on was the study of human intelligence, resulting in a tremendous body of work that culminated in The g Factor, perhaps the greatest work of scholarship on the topic of human intelligence to date. It’s disconcerting to consider that his efforts never received the full recognition they deserved primarily because of his conclusions about racial IQ. He devoted himself to the study of human intelligence in all its aspects, including inquiry into intelligence differences between the races. He pursued this topic with no axe to grind, and with a willingness to come to whatever conclusions the scientific data demanded.

The courage of this man is inspiring. He persevered through death threats, sacrificed reputation and damage to his career, and knowingly risked vilification in the media in order to pursue the truth and publish his findings to the world. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Jensen for helping to enlighten us about the real cause of low black achievement in education. The reason we can rebut liberal accusations of white repression has a lot to do with Dr. Jensen’s willingness to push the research envelope and pave the way for other scholars to conduct research into racial differences in IQ. We can only hope that someday the furor over race will abate, and people will be able to discuss racial differences calmly, rationally, and based upon science, with a mind to making our society better for all. If that day ever comes then Dr. Jensen will have to be acknowledged as one of the giants in making it happen.

More information about Dr. Jensen’s contribution to science can be found on Amazon: The Scientific Study of General Intelligence: Tribute to Arthur Jensen
[ame=]Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science - YouTube[/ame]
Efforts to refute men like Arthur Jensen should be used in a college course on how to detect logical fallacies.

Here is a list of logical fallacies, and an explanation of deductive and inductive reasoning.


Professor J. Philippe Rushton is another great man who died recently. Here is a link to his essay, "RACE, EVOLUTION, AND BEHAVIOR."

What he has to say in this essay, and indeed what he said in his career is that racial differences in intelligence, crime, and sexual responsibility are genetic.

In The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution professors Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending explain the evolution of racial differences documented by Professor Rushton, Arthur Jensen, Charles Murray, and others.

The 10,000 Year Explosion - Home

Essentially, the reason blacks tend to be dangerous and inferior is because fewer generations separate them from stone age savagery. That is also why they tend to be good athletes.
I presume William, that you're way smarter than most people you know.

Most of those people you are way smarter than are White, too.

Should we fire up the chambers and get rid of anybody who is less intelligent than you?

That would make you the dumbest person in America, though, ya know?

And then along comes some other stupidity-hating William Joyce and guess what?

He'd want to get rid of YOU, lad.
I presume William, that you're way smarter than most people you know.

Most of those people you are way smarter than are White, too.

Should we fire up the chambers and get rid of anybody who is less intelligent than you?

That would make you the dumbest person in America, though, ya know?

And then along comes some other stupidity-hating William Joyce and guess what?

He'd want to get rid of YOU, lad.

why is the fact that intelligence is significantly based on genetics so scary to many people? no one is calling for the dull witted to be exterminated.

basically white people want the relative failures of black people to be chaulked up to black lower intelligence rather than the bogeyman of racism, which while real in some cases certainly doesnt make blacks less intelligent. white trailer trash dont get a free pass for any of their failings due to stupidity, why should blacks?
I presume William, that you're way smarter than most people you know.

Most of those people you are way smarter than are White, too.

Should we fire up the chambers and get rid of anybody who is less intelligent than you?

That would make you the dumbest person in America, though, ya know?

And then along comes some other stupidity-hating William Joyce and guess what?

He'd want to get rid of YOU, lad.

why is the fact that intelligence is significantly based on genetics so scary to many people? no one is calling for the dull witted to be exterminated.

basically white people want the relative failures of black people to be chaulked up to black lower intelligence rather than the bogeyman of racism, which while real in some cases certainly doesnt make blacks less intelligent. white trailer trash dont get a free pass for any of their failings due to stupidity, why should blacks?

yep, recently I was called a racist for linking to studies that determined that a significant portion of a person's intelligence was inherited.

That is for everyone, no race specified.
I presume William, that you're way smarter than most people you know.

Most of those people you are way smarter than are White, too.

Should we fire up the chambers and get rid of anybody who is less intelligent than you?

That would make you the dumbest person in America, though, ya know?

And then along comes some other stupidity-hating William Joyce and guess what?

He'd want to get rid of YOU, lad.

why is the fact that intelligence is significantly based on genetics so scary to many people? no one is calling for the dull witted to be exterminated.

basically white people want the relative failures of black people to be chaulked up to black lower intelligence rather than the bogeyman of racism, which while real in some cases certainly doesnt make blacks less intelligent. white trailer trash dont get a free pass for any of their failings due to stupidity, why should blacks?

yep, recently I was called a racist for linking to studies that determined that a significant portion of a person's intelligence was inherited.

That is for everyone, no race specified.

you're a racist if you believe in data and science and explanations with testable conclusions. you're not a racist if you believe in fairytales with explanations that have been shown to be wrong or at least insufficient to explain any meaningful mechanism of what reality shows us.
why is the fact that intelligence is significantly based on genetics so scary to many people? no one is calling for the dull witted to be exterminated.

basically white people want the relative failures of black people to be chaulked up to black lower intelligence rather than the bogeyman of racism, which while real in some cases certainly doesnt make blacks less intelligent. white trailer trash dont get a free pass for any of their failings due to stupidity, why should blacks?

Antisemitism improved the intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews. From the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the eighteenth century Enlightenment Jews in Europe were not allowed to own land. They were excluded from many trades. They were allowed to become merchants and money lenders. These professions required superior intelligence. Jews who could not learn the necessary skills did not have children or they left the faith.

Unfortunately, as money lenders the Jews made enemies. People do not like to have to borrow money. They do not like to have to pay it back.

The idea that most blacks are stupid because their ancestors were discriminated against fifty years ago is a stupid idea. Most blacks are stupid because they have too many genes for stupidity. They also have genes for crime.
yep, recently I was called a racist for linking to studies that determined that a significant portion of a person's intelligence was inherited.

That is for everyone, no race specified.



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Whenever the topic of the relationship between genes and intelligence comes up, those who argue against the writings of men like Arthur Jensen become so hysterical that I often wonder what they even pretend to believe.

Do they argue that the correct environment can turn anyone into a William Shakespeare or an Albert Einstein?
I presume William, that you're way smarter than most people you know.

Most of those people you are way smarter than are White, too.

Should we fire up the chambers and get rid of anybody who is less intelligent than you?

That would make you the dumbest person in America, though, ya know?

And then along comes some other stupidity-hating William Joyce and guess what?

He'd want to get rid of YOU, lad.

Come on, editec. I know from your posts YOU are smarter than this.

I abhor the notion of rounding up anyone who doesn't meet a model of human perfection and killing them.

What I support is recognizing these differences and accounting for them when formulating public policy.

I know, I know... with Hitler, that distinction gets lost. And how.

But the Nazis were hardly the only ones to ever practice eugenics... the Jewish people have done this through arranged marriages (marry smart to smart), Americans... really, NATURE HERSELF practices eugenics: the less-strong caveman dies, the more-strong caveman thrives. As I like to say, eugenics happens anytime a hot girl in a bar spurns the advances of an ugly dude.

What we do with our policies is to JAM UP THE NATURAL PROCESS by, with welfare and other programs, enable the fluorishing of the less-bright, the more criminal, etc. BUT FOR human liberal intervention, these people wouldn't be around.

And really, I do not support letting "nature take its course" on everything: support old grandma, even if she can't herself. Feed the babies -- so long as they live in your "little village". Help people out on a small, local scale when it's obvious they need it. Just keep it judicious. Our Leviathan messes all that up...

If there are "light encouragements" against dysgenics, by all means, let's have them. Encouraging whites not to procreate with blacks is certainly a fair one, to my mind.

Bottom line, a society in which a white couple is reduced to having two children because they have to pay so many taxes so that a Hispanic welfare mama can have six is, in fact, its own form of genocide. Only in reverse.
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So what exactly do these studies hope to prove? That blacks, by nature, are intellectually inferior to all other human races? For this to be undisputed truth, the IQ would have to be accepted as the undisputed, irrefutable as well as universal means of measuring intelligence. It is not currently.

Furthermore, what does this make blacks who are intelligent? An anomaly? An asterisk?

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