Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Rittenhouse


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

Dang, this must be one of those "truth over facts" situations. Although coming from the likes of ASU Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and Multicultural Solidarity Coalition I wouldn't expect anything less.

Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Kyle Rittenhouse: 'killer off our campus'
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

Dang, this must be one of those "truth over facts" situations. Although coming from the likes of ASU Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and Multicultural Solidarity Coalition I wouldn't expect anything less.

Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Kyle Rittenhouse: 'killer off our campus'
“Left leaning”? Those are pure communist and anti-American groups.
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

Dang, this must be one of those "truth over facts" situations. Although coming from the likes of ASU Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and Multicultural Solidarity Coalition I wouldn't expect anything less.

Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Kyle Rittenhouse: 'killer off our campus'
The last I recall, the ignorant students didn't determine who could or couldn't attend a college. The complainers should be given an option of:
1. Shutting up and get back to their studies.
2. Quit the university and go huddle in their safe spaces (i.e., their bedrooms at their mom and dad's house).

“Rittenhouse Should Pay for his Crimes”: ASU Students Demand the Expulsion of Kyle Rittenhouse
28 Nov 2021 ~~ By Jonathan Turley
President Joe Biden and media figures are not the only persons who are “angry” after a jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse on all charges. Despite a jury with the same racial makeup convicting the defendants in Georgia in the Arbery case, many have denounced the entire legal system as racist. It does that matter that there was evidence supporting Rittenhouse’s claim of self-defense that was largely missing from prior coverage of the case. Now students and groups at Arizona State University are planning a rally and demanding that Rittenhouse be expelled. With leaders like President Biden calling Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” before any investigation was completed and legal analysts calling the entire trial “white supremacy on steroids,” there is a sense of legitimacy in demanding such extrajudicial punishments.
Students groups like MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are organizing a rally this week to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.” He is not on campus since he is enrolled as an online student. However, Rittenhouse has expressed interest in in-person attendance at ASU. Students and faculty are being called to the rally to “protect students from a violent, blood-thirsty murderer.”
It will be interesting to see how many faculty step forward to defend his right to attend the college despite any misgivings over his case. Conversely, we have seen faculty members join such mob efforts, even attacking others on campus, blocking speakers, destroying political signs, or encouraging attacks on student journalists. University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said that he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence.
Rittenhouse has every right to attend ASU in person and has every right to expect that he can do so safely. If ASU cannot muster the integrity and courage to reaffirm those rights publicly, it has abandoned a core defining element for higher education. Colleges often sit in cringing silence as individual students are targeted and harassed. Students have every right to protest, but ASU must be clear and public in supporting Rittenhouse’s right to access to an education on its campuses.

I agree with Jonathan Turley. Kyle Rittenhouse has every right as an American to attend the College of his choice.
The is a racist CRT policy being touted by sniveling ignorant #Me Too students taking up space in colleges and Universities. In this particular case ASU..
No matter the color they are practicing Racist Mob Rule...
Sueing each of those groups and the individuals that signed the petitions would be a pleasure for the attorneys gearing up, including Arizona State University.
You'd expect that these punks in school would want a law system that is based on hundreds of years of jurisprudence and refined to where you are innocent until proven guilty by a jury of your peers.
Governors and Mayors have to stop mob rule in the cities and begin prosecuting those participants arrested for looting and arson.
In the 19th early 20th centuries all it took was to shoot a couple in the mob to disburse and stop the lynching.
Koreans in Los Angeles armed themselves and saved their businesses in 1992 from the mobs.
Most of these individuals are punks when alone.
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

Hey, if they don't like him going to school there, they have TWO options:
  1. Move to another school. Their problem is their problem.
  2. Attack Kyle with a skateboard and a gun threatening to beat him up bad to within an inch of his life or worse.
Good luck with that second one.
All Kyle needs to do is cash-in on his defamation lawsuits against the MSM and Slow-Joe, and he doesn't need to go to college. He'll have more than enough to live on, just ask Sandman.
All Kyle needs to do is cash-in on his defamation lawsuits against the MSM and Slow-Joe, and he doesn't need to go to college. He'll have more than enough to live on, just ask Sandman.
This would be but one more institute that would be sued if they drop him. I can't wait.
Several left-leaning student organizations at Arizona State University are demanding that their administration "withdraw" Kyle Rittenhouse from the university.

Dang, this must be one of those "truth over facts" situations. Although coming from the likes of ASU Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine and Multicultural Solidarity Coalition I wouldn't expect anything less.

Arizona university students demand administration to 'withdraw' Kyle Rittenhouse: 'killer off our campus'

Fuck 'em.

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